Construction regulations. Every privy hereafter constructed, reconstructed, maintained or used in the Township of Pemberton shall conform to the following requirements:
The privy building shall be substantially constructed and shall have a door equipped with a fastener or other device by which it may be securely closed, a roof and such openings as will provide proper ventilation without exposing the user to view, and shall be kept in good repair.
Every privy vault or other receptacle for human excrement shall be so constructed and maintained that flies cannot gain access to excrementitious matter contained therein.
The openings in the seats of every privy shall be fitted with substantial, tightly fitting covers hinged to some part of the seat framework or to the back wall of the privy building.
Control. No human excrement nor material containing human excrement, sewage or sink drainage shall be deposited on nor permitted to flow over the surface of the ground in the township, nor shall such material be so exposed that flies can gain access thereto. The owner, tenant or other person having control of any premises upon which there is a privy vault, cesspool or other receptacle for human excrement shall cause the contents of said privy, cesspool or other receptacle of human excrement to be removed as frequently as necessary to prevent such excremental matter from overflowing upon the surface of the ground, and no such person shall permit such excremental matter to overflow onto the surface of the ground or to gain access by any means whatsoever to any well, spring, stream, pond or other body of water.
Disinfectant. Every property owner shall, by the use of hydrated lime or other approved disinfectants, keep all vaults, privies or septic tanks on their respective properties in such condition that they shall not at any time constitute a nuisance or become obnoxious to the occupant of any adjoining or neighboring property.
Overflow regulations. For the purpose of this section, any privy vault in which the excrement shall extend above the level of the surface of the surrounding ground, or vaults or septic tanks which shall overflow onto the surface of the ground, shall be considered a nuisance and subject to abatement in the manner provided by law.
Drainage regulations. No privy vault, cesspool, septic tank nor other receptacle into which sewage or sink drainage is received, nor any pipe nor drain connected therewith, hereafter constructed or reconstructed in the township, shall be located nor maintained within 10 feet of the outer boundary line of the property on which such receptacle, pipe or drain is located, except that underground tile pipes receiving the overflow of a septic tank or cesspool may be laid within four feet of any such boundary line if written permission of the Board of Health or its duly authorized agent has been given and provided such location is not in violation of the provisions of Subsection G of this section.
Location. No privy vault, cesspool, septic tank nor other receptacle into which sewage or sink drainage is received, nor pipe nor drain connected therewith, hereafter constructed or reconstructed in the township on a lot less than 40 feet wide and 100 feet deep, shall be located nor maintained on that part of the lot lying between the line of the foundation wall of the dwelling and the street line; provided, however, that where unusual circumstances render it expedient in the opinion of the Board of Health to dispose of sewage in such a location on any premises, such portion of the lot may be used for this purpose, consistent with the provisions of Subsection E of this section, after written permission of the Board of Health or its duly authorized agent has been given.
Well regulations. Every privy vault, cesspool, septic tank or other receptacle into which sewage or sink drainage is received, and all pipes and drains connected therewith, hereafter constructed or reconstructed in the township, shall be located as far as practicable from any well, consistent with the provisions of Subsections E and F of this section and shall in no case be located nor maintained within 75 feet of any well on the same or adjacent properties unless such receptacle or portion of any such pipe or drain so located shall be watertight.
Streams regulated. No privy vault, cesspool, septic tank nor other receptacle into which sewage or sink drainage is received, and no pipe nor drain connected therewith, hereafter constructed or reconstructed in the township, shall be located nor maintained within 50 feet of any lake, stream or pond.
Permit required. No privy vault, cesspool, septic tank nor other receptacle into which sewage or sink drainage is to be received, nor pipes or drains connected therewith, shall hereafter be constructed or reconstructed in the township except in conformity with the provisions of this chapter and until a permit for such construction or reconstruction has been issued by the Board of Health or its duly authorized agent. Before such permit shall be issued, application therefor shall be filed with the Board of Health, together with:
Plans required. A sketch showing the location of the proposed privy vault, cesspool, septic tank or other receptacle and all pipes and drains to be connected therewith in relation to the outer boundary lines of the property, the line of the front foundation wall of the dwelling, any proposed or existing well on the property and any well existing on an adjacent property which will be within 75 feet of any part of the proposed receptacle, pipe or drain.
Statement required. A statement signed by the owner or contractor setting forth the type of sewage or waste collection and/or disposal system to be installed, of what materials it is to be constructed, what parts of the system, if any, are to be watertight and the exact location of the premises at which the construction or reconstruction is to take place. A fee of $5 shall be paid to the Board of Health with each application for a permit.
Fees. The fee for the permit herein mentioned, however, shall not be required if the reconstruction is to be done within a period of six months from the initial usage of the original sewage system or where digging is at any time necessary for the purpose of cleaning out the septic tank or cesspool specified in this chapter, anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding.
Special permit. Wherever unusual circumstances render it expedient in the opinion of the Board of Health to dispose of excrement, sink drainage or sewage in a manner other than as set forth in any of the sections of this chapter, the Board of Health may, consistent with the other sections of this chapter, grant a special permit to fit such condition.