The approval provisions of this article shall be administered by the Borough in accordance with Chapter 291 of the Laws of New Jersey 1975, except where ancillary jurisdiction shall apply.
Approval of a site plan shall be granted in the event that the site plan complies with the following standards and regulations:
The applicant has submitted an application, checklist and a site plan containing all of the information and data as provided for in this chapter.
The details of the site plan in accordance with the standards of the zoning and subdivision sections of this chapter, and any amendments thereto and any and all other ordinances of the Borough and amendments thereto as may be in existence at the time of the application, and in harmony with the adopted comprehensive Master Plan of the Borough.
That all parking and traffic problems shall be resolved.
That adequate provisions are made for drainage and stormwater to prevent any off-site damage.
That reasonable screening, at all seasons of the year, of all playgrounds, parking and service areas, from the view of adjacent properties and streets be provided where necessary for the purpose of protecting the health, safety, general welfare, comfort and convenience of the public.
That the location, power, directions, and time of any outdoor lighting will not have any adverse effect upon any properties in adjoining residential districts by impairing the established character or the potential use of properties in such districts.
That the details of the site plan for the authorized use will be such that the operation will not offend the public interest.
The Board may require applicant to contribute his prorated share of the cost of the necessary off-site improvements as more specifically provided in § 163-31.
Evidence of approval of a soil erosion and sedimentation control plan as required by law.
Submission and review of Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to Article VIII hereof.
Proof of payment of taxes and all fees.
Documentation of applications for development submitted to the approving authority shall include either a Letter of Interpretation (LOI) or Presence or Absence Determination issued by the NJDEP concerning freshwater wetlands and/or freshwater wetland transition areas regarding the subject tract.
Minor site plan approval requirements. Approval of a minor site plan shall be granted in the event that the site plan complies with the standards and regulations set out in § 163-46A(1) through (7), inclusive. The remaining requirements of that subsection shall not apply to minor site plan applications.
Site plans. In approving a preliminary site plan, the Board shall condition such approval upon approval by the following agencies:
Approval of plans for water and sewer installation from the Borough Engineer.
County Planning Board.
Chapter 251 (Soil Conservation Service).
Fire Prevention Bureau.
Environmental Commission.
Shade Tree Commission.
Board of Health.
Architectural Review Board, if development is in the Office Transitional Zone.
Such other agencies as may have jurisdiction.
Minor site plans. In approving a minor site plan, the Board shall condition such approval upon approval by the following agencies:
Approval of plans for water and sewer installations from the Borough Engineer.
County Planning Board.
Shade Tree Commission.
Board of Health.
Architectural Review Board (if development is in the Office Transitional Zone).
Such other agencies as may have jurisdiction.
Details of site plans.
Title block to conform to N.J.S.A. 45:8-36, N.J.A.C. 13:40-1, N.J.A.C. 13:40-2.
Date of site plan, all revisions shall be noted and dated.
Graphic scale.
Layout of proposed building or structure, including preliminary architectural floor plans and elevation plan.
Key map showing the location of the tract with reference to surrounding areas and existing street intersections. Scale to be not less than one inch equals 500 feet.
Title of development.
North arrow.
Block and lot number.
Name and address of record owner and list of corporate owners of application or applicant.
License number and seal of person preparing the site development plan.
Signature blocks containing spaces for signatures of Chairman, secretary of the municipal agency and the Borough Engineer.
Location and plan for all outdoor signs.
Tracing shall by 24 inches by 36 inches or 30 inches by 42 inches.
Acceptable scales of one inch equals 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 feet. Unusual or architectural scales will not be accepted.
All distances shall be in feet and decimals of a foot, and all bearings shall be given to the nearest 30 seconds. The error of closure shall not exceed one to 10,000.
The names of all owners of record of all properties within 200 feet, and the block and lot numbers of the property as shown on latest Tax Map. In addition, all structures within 200 feet of property in question should be indicated on site plan. In addition, the zoning and setbacks of the property within 200 feet should also be indicated.
Existing school, zoning and special district boundaries. Such features shall be shown on a separate map or as a key map of a special detailed map itself.
Boundaries of the property, building or setback lines and lines of existing streets, lots, reservations, easements and areas dedicated to public use, including grants, restrictions and rights-of-way.
A copy of any covenants, deed restrictions or exceptions that are intended to cover all or any part of the tract.
All distances, as measured along the center lines of existing streets abutting the property to the nearest intersection with any other public street. (Survey location purposes.) Definite intersection as confluence of right-of-way lines.
Location of existing buildings which shall remain and all other structures such as wells, walls, fences, culverts, bridges, roadways, etc., with spot elevations of such structures. Structures to be removed shall be indicated by dashed lines.
Location, size and inverts of all storm drainage structures and utility lines whether publicly or privately owned with pipe sizes, grades and direction of flow; and if any existing utility lines are underground, the estimated location of the already underground utility lines shall be shown within 200 feet of the site.
Existing contours with intervals of two feet where slopes are less than 10% and five feet when 10% or more, referred to a USC & GS Datum, to be indicated by a dashed line. Where any changes in contours are proposed, finished grades should be shown as solid lines.
Location of existing high points, watercourses, depressions, ponds, marshes, wooded areas, single trees not in wooded areas with a diameter of six inches or more as measured three feet above the base of the trunk, and other significant existing features, including previous flood elevations of watercourses, ponds and marsh areas as determined by survey.
A survey prepared by a licensed surveyor of the State of New Jersey shall accompany the site plan and shall show the boundaries of the parcel and the limits of all proposed streets, recreation areas and other property to be dedicated to public use. The site plan may be accompanied by such other exhibits of an architectural or planning nature submitted by the applicant or as may be required by the approving authority.
All proposed easements, and public and community areas. All proposed streets and contiguous streets with profiles indicating grading, and cross-sections showing width of roadway, location and width of sidewalk, and location and size of utility lines, according to the standards and specifications of the Borough.
The proposed use of land and buildings and proposed location of buildings, including proposed grades. The features should be indicated on a separate drawing where deemed desirable by the Borough Engineer.
All means of vehicular and pedestrian access for ingress and egress to and from the site onto public streets showing the size and location of driveways and curb cuts, including the possible utilization of traffic channels, channelization, acceleration and deceleration lanes, additional width and any other device necessary to prevent a difficult traffic situation.
Traffic engineering report, if deemed necessary, for both pedestrian and vehicular movement.
The location and design of any off-street parking areas or loading areas, showing size and location of bays, aisles and barriers.
The location of all proposed water lines, valves and hydrants and all sewer lines or alternative means of water supply or sewage disposal and treatment in conformance with the applicable standards of the Borough and for the appropriate utility company. Location of all fire protection systems as follows:
Where an existing public or private central water supply is available and has been approved by the Chester Volunteer Fire Department for minimum fire fighting purposes, fire hydrants shall be installed at appropriate locations as recommended by the Fire Official and at distances between hydrants not exceeding 1,000 feet. The entire existing central water supply system and each new hydrant shall have a capacity to provide a minimum flow rate of 1,500 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure for a minimum duration of two hours. Hydrants shall be installed in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C 502, Dry Barrel Fire Hydrants, latest edition; painted as directed by the Fire Official; and tested in accordance with NFPA 291, Recommended Practice for Fire Flow Testing and Marking of Hydrants, latest edition, to ensure compliance with fire flow requirements. Acceptance test data shall be provided to the Fire Official for review and approval. In areas where public or private central water supply is available, but such water supply does not have the capacity to satisfy the foregoing minimum standards, such central water supply system shall be supplemented with additional measures to satisfy the minimum fire protection requirements of the Borough. Such additional measures may involve any one or a combination of the following: installation of booster pumps with appurtenances, installation of underground water storage tanks with appurtenances, creation of drafting points with appurtenances, or such other means of increasing fire fighting capability as may be recommended and approved by the Fire Official.
Where public or private central water supply is not available, underground water storage tanks shall be installed to provide a source of water for fire fighting. For subdivisions in the residential zone districts, underground water storage tanks shall be located and installed so that no dwelling is farther that 2,000 linear feet from any such tank as measured along the street, either public or private, and the access driveway to the dwelling. In no event shall the distance between tanks be greater that 2,000 linear feet. At least one tank shall be installed for each 2,000 linear feet of street length or fraction thereof. For site plans, underground water storage tanks shall be located and installed not farther than 500 feet from any principal structure. The minimum capacity of every underground water storage tank within residential zone districts shall be 30,000 usable gallons. Tank capacities for nonresidential developments shall be based on the degree of hazard of the proposed structures to be protected but shall in no event be less than 30,000 usable gallons. The locations of all fire protection systems and appurtenances shall be approved by the Fire Official. Unless an equivalent alternate fire protection system is authorized by the Planning Board and the Chester Fire Department, underground water storage tank systems shall be provided and shall be constructed and installed in accordance with the following and in accordance with the Borough of Chester Standard Construction Details for such systems:
All underground water storage tanks shall be constructed of precast steel reinforced concrete and shall be sized to provide the minimum capacity required pursuant to Subsection B above. All tanks shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's specifications for installation and shall be provided with all necessary appurtenances and equipment which shall be readily accessible to fire fighting equipment. Riser connections shall be capable of producing 1,000 gpm for a minimum of 75% of the tank capacity. All underground tanks shall have a system for maintaining a refill capability and shall be equipped with means for preventing accumulations of silt and debris. The design, location and installation of underground water storage tanks shall be approved by the Fire Official, shall be installed at every tank location to show the existence and capacity of such tank. In addition, "No Stopping or Standing" zones shall be delineated at each tank location for a distance of 75 feet in each direction from such tank on both sides of the street. Such delineation shall be appropriately identified by signs meeting New Jersey Department of Transportation design standards.
In all cases where a fire protection system is required, no construction permit shall be issued for a dwelling or principal structure upon any lot within the subdivision or site plan until, to the extent necessary to afford fire protection to such dwelling or principal structure, such system is installed and its operability tested and approved by the Fire Official.
The proposed location, direction of illumination, level of illumination on ground, power and time of proposed outdoor lighting in conformance with the applicable standards of the Borough.
A separate landscape plan prepared by an architect, planner, engineer, landscape architect or other person acceptable to the Land Use Board [N.J.A.C. 13:27-7.3(i)] drawn to scale of not more than 20 feet to the inch shall accompany the site plan. The landscape plan shall:
[Amended 8-1-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-08]
Delineate the following:
The items specified in § 163-47A(1) through (8), (10) through (13), (15), (17), (18), (21) through (24), (26) through (28), (30) and (32) through (34).
Existing vegetation by location, botanical name and size. Identify all material to be removed.
A maintenance schedule for all vegetation to remain after construction and an acknowledgment that, as a condition of approval, all landscaping shall be maintained as approved.
A planting schedule listing all proposed plantings by botanical name, common name, quantity, and planted size. Items listed shall be referenced to the plan.
Meet the following standards:
Landscaping, which shall include trees, shrubs, lawns, ground cover, perennials, annuals, sculpture, art and the use of building and paving materials in an imaginative manner, shall be provided as part of the overall site plan design and integrated in building arrangements, topography, parking and buffering requirements.
Parking areas shall be suitably landscaped to minimize noise, glare and other nuisance characteristics as well as to enhance the environment and ecology of the site and surrounding area and shall have suitable drainage facilities as required by the Borough Engineer and approving authority.
It shall provide buffer area meeting the requirements of § 163-49G.
Landscaping in parking area shall include, in addition to other landscape materials, at least one deciduous tree per five parking spaces in front yard parking areas and one deciduous tree per 10 parking spaces of other than front yard parking areas. Such trees shall be located within islands within the parking areas or within five feet of pavement. Planting islands within the parking areas shall be contained by the use of concrete, stone or railroad tie curbing. The landscaping of such islands should be located in protected areas, such as along walkways in center islands, at the end of bays, or in diamonds at least six feet wide between parking stalls. All landscaping shall be placed so that it will not obstruct sight distance. A mixture of hardy flowering and/or decorative evergreen and deciduous trees may be planted; the area between trees shall be planted with shrubs, ground cover and mulched.
Landscape material shall meet the following planting specifications:
Deciduous trees shall have at least a three-inch planted trunk caliper measured at six inches above ground level. Evergreen trees shall have at least a six-foot planted height. Shrubs shall have at least a two-foot planted height or diameter.
All trees and shrubs shall be balled and burlapped or container grown.
Soil shall not be left exposed within any planting beds. All such soil shall be covered with ground cover or a minimum two-inch layer of mulch, or a combination of mulch and ground cover.
All landscaping shall be designed, supplied and installed in accordance with good nursery practice.
Existing shade trees, excluding trees approved to be removed during construction, shall be protected during site preparation and construction:
Trees whose trunk has a diameter greater than four inches measured four feet above ground level shall not be cut, destroyed, or injured in preparation for building, construction, grading, or regrading of any parcel of land. Machinery, temporary soil deposits, or construction materials shall not be placed within six feet of any such tree trunk.
During construction, a physical barrier shall be installed around each existing plant or group of plants that are to remain on the site. This barrier shall be constructed of a durable material that will last until construction is completed. Barriers shall not be supported by the plants they are protecting but shall be self-supporting. The installation of these barriers shall be as specified for tree protection in the Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control.
Proposed stormwater drainage system for all residential, commercial, industrial or any other use shall conform to designs based on standards for stormwater management promulgated in the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards, N.J.A.C. 5:21-7. All site plans shall be accompanied by a plan showing all existing drainage within 500 feet of any boundary, and all areas such as paved areas, grassed areas, wooded areas and any other surface area contributing to the calculations should show methods used in the determination.
Such other information or data as may be required by the Board in order to determine that the details of the site plan are in accordance with the standards of this chapter and all other ordinances of the Borough, and further that the building or use will not offend the public interest.
Site plan shall be prepared by a licensed engineer or architect for general locations. For topographical and boundary survey information, the site plan shall be signed and sealed by a licensed land surveyor. For all elements of design which shall include drainage, pavements, curbing, walkways, embankments, horizontal and vertical geometrics, utilities and all pertinent structures, drawings shall be signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer.
It is required that prior to submission of the detailed site plan or in conjunction therewith, the applicant must submit approval by the Board of Health for septic disposal.
Off-tract improvements as may be required in accordance with § 163-30.
Delineation of floodplains, including both floodway and flood fringe areas; and delineation of all wetlands and wetlands transition areas.
If the site plan proposes the placement, construction, erection or modification of a wireless telecommunications facility, in addition to the applicable documentation and items of information required for site plan approval the following additional documentation and items of information are required to be submitted to the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment for review and approval as part of the site plan submission:
[Added 7-10-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-12]
Documentation by a qualified expert regarding the capacity of any proposed wireless telecommunications facility for the number and type of antennae;
Documentation by a qualified expert that any proposed wireless telecommunications facilities will have sufficient structural integrity to support the proposed antennae and the anticipated future collocated antennae and that the structural standards developed for antennae by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) and/or the Telecommunication Industry Association (TIA) have been met;
A letter of intent by the applicant, in a form which is reviewed and approved by the Borough Attorney, indicating that the applicant will share the use of any wireless telecommunications facilities with other approved providers of wireless communication services; and
A visual impact study, graphically simulated through models, computer enhanced graphics, or similar techniques, the appearance of any proposed tower and indicating its view from at least the five locations around and within one mile of the proposed wireless telecommunications facility where the wireless telecommunications facility will be most visible. Aerial photographs of the impact area shall also be submitted.
Comments and approvals from all Boards, commissions and agencies having jurisdiction shall be considered before final approval.
Site lighting shall be designed in accordance with the following standards:
[Added 4-15-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-8]
Light fixture. The fixture to be used on all site plans is the Sternberg 6590 Victorian Gaslight I, black finish. The fixture shall include roof optics (option ROH) and the frosted hurricane chimney (option FHC). The light source shall be a high-pressure sodium lamp. The pole is to be the Sternberg 3600 Williamsburg Series, black finish. The shaft is to be 4" - 3", tapered smooth, twelve-foot length.
Minimum horizontal illuminance: 0.2 footcandle..
Uniformity ratio: 20:1.
The luminaire shall emit 0% of the total initial lumens at an angle of 90° or higher from the nadir.
The maximum illuminance at any property line is 0.01 footcandle. Where the property abuts a right-of-way, this maximum light trespass may be measured at the curbline.
Lighting power density shall not exceed 0.11 watt per square foot. The power density shall be calculated by dividing the sum of the wattage of all parking lot/driveway lighting by the area of the parking lot/driveway (in square feet).
Detail of minor site plans required:
Plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn or reproduced at a decimal scale not smaller than one inch equals 100 feet.
Tracing shall be 24 inches by 36 inches or 30 inches by 42 inches. Acceptable scales of one inch equals 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 feet. Unusual or architectural scales will not be accepted.
A copy of a certified survey by a licensed New Jersey land surveyor shall be submitted with the site plan.
Plat shall be prepared to scale based on deed description, Tax Map, or similarly reasonable accurate data for the purpose of review and discussion by the municipal agency.
Name, address, and telephone numbers of record owners and list of corporate owners of application or applicant.
The name of the person preparing the site development plans.
Location and details of signs.
Location of existing and proposed property lines with their dimensions in feet to the nearest two decimal places.
Bearings of all property lines should be shown in degrees, minutes and seconds.
A key map showing the location of the tract in relation to the surrounding area.
A title block giving the name of the site plan, the name of the applicant and owner(s).
The current Tax Map sheet, block and lot numbers of the property.
Scale of the map and North arrow indicated.
Date of original plat and date of each revision.
Space for signatures of Chairman and secretary of the municipal agency and Borough Engineer.
Name of all adjoining property owners, block and lot numbers and zoning should be shown.
Zoning district in which tract is located. If within more than one district, the most accurate information available as to the measurements within each district.
Acreage of tract to the nearest hundredth of an acre.
Building setback lines (front, side and rear) as required by the zoning ordinance.
All natural and artificial watercourses, streams and shorelines and water boundaries and encroachment lines.
Wooded areas indicating predominant species and size. Landscaping plan, including the types, quantity, size and location of all proposed and existing vegetation. The scientific or common names of all vegetation shall be indicated.
All areas to be distributed by grading or construction.
Location of existing structures, their dimensions, and their setbacks from existing and proposed property lines.
Location and type of existing easements rights-of-way, including power lines.
Location of existing railroads, bridges, culverts, drainpipes, water and sewer mains and other man-made installations affecting the tract.
Location of existing wells or source of water supply and septic systems. Any proposed improvements should also be indicated.
Location and description of all monuments whether set or to be set, such monuments to be placed in accordance with the Map Filing Law.
Location and names of all existing streets bordering the property.
Required road dedication.
Sight easements where required.
Drainage easements where required.
Soil erosion and sediment control plan consistent with the requirements of the local soil conservation district.
All existing and proposed curbs and sidewalks.
A copy of any covenants, deed restrictions, or exceptions that are intended to cover all or any part of the tract.
The proposed use of land and buildings and proposed location of buildings, including proposed grades.
All means of vehicular and pedestrian access for ingress and egress to and from the site onto public streets.
The location and design of any off-street parking spaces or loading areas, showing size and location of parking spaces, aisles and barriers.
The proposed location, direction of illumination, level of illumination on ground, power and time of proposed outdoor lighting in conformance with the applicable standards of the Borough.
Such other information or data as may be required by the Board in order to determine that the details of the site plan are in accordance with the standards of this chapter and all other ordinances of the Borough, and further that the building or use will not offend the public interest.
It is required that prior to submission of the detailed site plan or in conjunction therewith, the applicant must submit approval by the Board of health for septic disposal.
Delineation of floodplains, including both floodway and flood fringe areas; and delineation of all wetlands and wetland transition areas.
All improvements (except electric, gas, water and sewer lines) shall be installed under the supervision and inspection of the Borough Engineer, the cost thereof to be borne by the developer in accordance with § 163-29.
No construction work shall commence without the Borough Engineer being properly notified. Such notice shall be given at least 48 hours before the commence of work.
Construction of all improvements shall be in conformance with the design standards and improvements section of the subdivision section, except where enumerated herein.
Parking lot minimum specifications - four-inch compacted thickness Bituminous Stabilized Base Course, two-inch FABC Mix No. 5.
All gravel areas to be permanently curbed.
No demolition, excavation, site clearing or grubbing or the removal or cutting of any vegetation, shrubs or trees or site grading shall be permitted for any project requiring site plan approval except pursuant to an application for development and only upon the adoption of a resolution granting site plan approval, the payment of all fees and escrows and notice as required by § 163-49 herein.
[Amended 9-4-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-17]
Applicant shall make provisions for maintaining landscaping and buffer zones in compliance with original site plan approval.
Buffer zone standards.
[Amended 4-1-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-7]
Where any nonresidential use abuts a residential zone or existing residential use, a landscaped buffer strip at least 40 feet in width shall be permanently maintained along the property line abutting the residential use or zone and in accordance with the landscape, berm and fence provisions of § 163-81C. At the sole discretion of the Planning Board, and where a reduced buffer width is found by the Board to adequately screen and buffer adjoining residential uses and/or zones, the width of the required landscaped buffer may be reduced to not less than 25 feet, when planted with landscaping, and may or may not include a berm and/or fence as may be determined necessary by the Planning Board. In no case, shall the Planning Board approve elimination of the required buffer.
In any residential zone all parking areas, exclusive of the ingress and egress drive, having a capacity of more than four vehicles shall be screened from adjacent properties by a buffer strip of at least five feet in width and shall be planted in accordance with § 163-49G(3) and (4) below.
Buffer areas shall consist of massed evergreens and deciduous trees and shrubs planted 10 feet apart in two or more staggered rows that will provide a continuous visual screen throughout the entire year within a period of two full growing seasons following the planting of the buffer. Evergreen trees shall be six feet to eight feet in height at time of planting and shall be of varieties which normally grow to a minimum height of 10 feet within two full growing seasons.
Evergreen and deciduous shrubs shall have a minimum height of four feet to five feet when planted and shall be of varieties which normally grow to a minimum height of six feet within two full growing seasons. Required buffers may be used for no other purpose than as a buffer. The only structures which may be erected within a buffer area are fences as elsewhere regulated in this chapter. The height of shrubs planted in buffer areas shall be measured from the ground level around the base of the shrub to the topmost part of the shrub, once the shrub has been properly planted in the ground.
Where an area required for a buffer is already wooded, it shall be left in its natural state, and the existing growth shall be supplemented with additional plant material where necessary to bring the buffer area up to the minimum requirements of this chapter.
Final approval of the site plan shall be granted if the detailed drawings, specifications and estimates of the application for final approval conform to the standards established by this chapter for approval and the conditions of preliminary approval, if any, provided that minimal deviations may be permitted from the conditions of preliminary approval necessitated by change of conditions beyond the control of the developer since the date of preliminary approval without the developer being required to submit another application for development for preliminary approval.
Final approval shall be granted or denied within 45 days after submission of a complete application to the administrative officer or within such further time as may be consented to by the applicant. Failure to act within the period prescribed shall constitute final approval.
An application for final site plan shall be substantially the same as the approved preliminary site plan or a stage or section thereof; however, it shall show final and detailed design and engineering which shall be designed in accordance with review and guidelines in the section.
Guaranties required; surety; release. Prior to plan approval, the developer shall comply with the requirements of § 163-29.
In addition, the developer shall submit the requisite number of copies of plans showing the following:
The name and address of the applicant and the owner and the name, address and title of the person preparing the plan or maps, including appropriate map and titles and accompanying data.
Affidavit of the owner and other parties in interest that the site plan is submitted with their knowledge and consent.
The Municipal Tax Map lot and block numbers of the lot and lots.
A key location map showing the site and its relationship to surrounding areas and zone boundaries within a minimum of 1/4 mile.
The names and all adjoining owners.
A date, graphic scale, North arrow and reference meridian on any map.
The zone district in which the lot or lots are located, together with a delineation of the yard setback lines required in the zone district.
An accurate boundary survey prepared and certified by a New Jersey licensed land surveyor. The survey shall be based on a field traverse with an error of closure of not less than one part in 10,000.
The as-built building, improvements, structures and all accessory buildings and structures, if any, and finished grade elevations of all first floors and roofs, including roof structures.
Architectural floor plans for each floor of the building or structure and elevations from all principal exposures of all buildings or structures on the sites, but not less than four, with the name, address and registration number of the licensed architect preparing the plans.
Final topography of the lot with a maximum to two-floor contour intervals.
All setback dimensions and minimum setback lines, fences and landscaped areas and trees as required by § 163-49G.
A final landscape and planting plan. As a minimum, such plan shall spot the location of all existing plantings and shall contain a schedule, keyed to the plantings shown, calling out the type (common name and botanical name), size (height, spread and trunk diameter) at time of planting and quantity of all planting shown on the plan.
All existing as-built signs and lighting standards, including design calculation and indications of size, type of construction and location.
Construction, type and size of all existing catch basins and storm drainage facilities with profiles thereof.
The location, type and size of all existing curbs, sidewalks, driveways, fences, retaining walls, parking space areas and the layouts thereof, and all off-street loading areas, together with the dimensions of all the foregoing on the site in question and within 100 feet of the site.
The location, size and nature of all existing rights-of-way, easements and other encumbrances which may affect the lot or lots in question and the location, size and description of any lands to be dedicated to the Borough or to the county or other agency.
The location and size of all sanitary sewer lines and profiles thereof.
Location, size and type of all utility lines and structures, including but not limited to telephone, electric, water, sanitary sewer, gas and CATV, and letters from each that the facilities are adequate to serve the site development.
The location, size and nature of remaining lands or contiguous lots in which the applicant has a direct interest.
All proposed easements and public and community access.
The location, size and type of all constructed off-site improvements.
All points of vehicular ingress and egress for the site, indication the size of driveways and sight triangles.
Provision for refuse and garbage disposal.
Location of all points in pedestrian access, including internal circulation patterns.
Location and design of all fire prevention measures, including emergency lanes, hydrants, sprinkler and siamese connections and fire zone as per § 163-47A(31).
The number of units and number of tenants, employees, customers or occupants of each unit and a summary of the total number of each expected to be on the site each day.
The location of any other feature directly on the property and beyond the property, if such feature has an effect on the use of said property.
As-built construction details of all site improvements.
Such information or data as may be required by the Board in order to determine that the details of the site plan are in accord with the standards of the ordinances of the Borough and preliminary approval.
A complete list of the site improvements, except principal and accessory buildings, by item and the quantities thereof, as built.
Copies of all applicable local, state and federal approvals that were required by law.
The plan shall be prepared and signed by a professional engineer licensed in New Jersey except for certification by other licensed professionals as required by this chapter or New Jersey law.
These rules, regulations and standards shall be considered the minimum requirements for the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the Borough. Any action taken by the Board under the terms of this chapter shall give primary consideration to the above mentioned matters and to the welfare of the entire community. However, if the applicant or his agent can clearly demonstrate that, because of peculiar conditions pertaining to his land, the literal enforcement of one or more of these regulations is impractical or will exact undue hardship, the Board may permit exceptions or waivers from the requirements for site plan approval as may be reasonable and within the general purpose and intent of the rules, regulations, and standards established by this chapter.