The powers and duties, terms, election, eligibility, authority, prohibitions and other matters concerning the Mayor are set forth, generally, in Article VI of the Charter.
In accordance with Article II of this code, the Mayor shall be the presiding officer of Council until such time as the Council shall elect one of its members as President.
In accordance with § C-32 of the Charter, the Mayor shall attend all regular and special meetings of Council and shall be permitted to take part in the discussion and deliberations.
Except as provided in § C-33 of the Charter, the Mayor shall receive every ordinance and resolution adopted by Council and shall approve or veto said ordinance or resolution according to the procedure set forth in Article XVII of the Charter.
The Mayor shall present to Council the name and qualifications of a prospective appointee for the position of Chief Administrator. Council shall approve or reject the appointment in accordance with Article XI of the Charter.
The Mayor may dismiss the Chief Administrator at any time in accordance with Article XI of the Charter. Following the effective date of the dismissal of the Chief Administrator, the Mayor shall, within the ensuing thirty-day period, appoint a new Chief Administrator or one of the employees of the Municipality as Acting Chief Administrator, with the advice and consent of Council.
The appointment and dismissal of directors of departments by the Mayor shall be in accordance with § C-80 of the Charter. Following the effective date of the dismissal of a director, the Mayor shall, within the ensuing thirty-day period, appoint a new director or one of the employees of the Municipality as acting director, with the advice and consent of Council.
The Mayor shall direct the Chief Administrator to coordinate the development of monthly reports by all department directors. After review, the Mayor shall provide these reports to Council at a regular business meeting held the month following the activities covered in the reports. These reports will be for informational purposes and include appropriate items, such as statistics (miles traveled, man hours, materials, permits issued, etc.), comments on the status of major budgeted projects, comments on unexpected problems that may require amendment of the budget and other comments that would be relevant to Council.
In accordance with § C-103 of the Charter, on or before the 60th day prior to the end of the fiscal year, the Mayor shall submit to Council a proposed budget, along with a budget message explaining the salient features of the proposed budget.
In accordance with § C-114 of the Charter, at least three months prior to the final date for submission of the budget, the Mayor shall submit to Council a five-year capital program for the Municipality.
In accordance with § C-34 of the Charter, during the month of June each year, the Mayor shall present a written report to Council relating the state of the Municipality. The subjects covered by the report shall include but not be restricted to the following:
Municipal departmental affairs.
Capital planning.
Intergovernmental programs.
Land development, domestic and commercial.
State and federal programs affecting the Municipality.
In accordance with § C-6 of the Charter, the Mayor shall have the authority to meet with other governmental agencies and to negotiate, subject to the ratification of Council, such intergovernmental agreements as may be beneficial to the Municipality.