The following shall constitute the organization of City government:
There shall be a Mayor and six Councilmen who shall be nominated and elected by the electors of the City at large. The Council shall be composed of seven members consisting of a Mayor and six Councilmen.
The Mayor shall be the executive head of the City.
The Council shall constitute the legislative body of the City and shall have power and authority, except as in this Charter or by statute otherwise provided, to exercise all powers conferred upon or possessed by the City, and shall have the power and authority to adopt such laws, ordinances and resolutions as it shall deem proper in the exercise thereof. In all cases where the word "Council" is used in this Charter, the name shall be synonymous with the word commission or any other term used in any state or federal law in referring to municipal legislative bodies.
Members of the Council shall meet the eligibility requirements contained in § C-5.1 of this Charter. The Council shall be the sole judge of the qualifications of its own members, subject only to review by the Court.
There shall be a Clerk and a Treasurer, both of whom shall be nominated and elected by the electors of the City at large. There shall be an Assessor who shall be appointed by the Mayor as provided in § C-3.7 of this Charter.
The Clerk, Treasurer and Assessor shall meet the eligibility requirements contained in § C-5.1 of this Charter.
The elective officers of the City shall be entitled to receive as full compensation for their services an annual salary to be paid quarterly as established by the Local Officers Compensation Commission. The salaries of the elected officials, except as otherwise provided in this Charter, shall constitute the only compensation which may be paid to the elected officials for the discharge of any official duty for and on behalf of the City during their tenure of office. However, elected officials may, upon order of the Council, be paid such bona fide expenses incurred in service on behalf of the City as are authorized, itemized and approved by the Council.
The Councilman who receives the highest number of votes cast at the first election after this Charter is voted upon, and thereafter the Councilman who shall have served a tenure of two years and has received the highest number of votes cast at the time of his election to office, shall be the Mayor Pro Tem unless such Councilman shall, in writing, notify the Clerk of his or her declination to so serve before such appointment becomes effective, in which event the Council shall designate another of its members to serve as Mayor Pro Tem. The Mayor Pro Tem shall serve until the first Council meeting following the biennial election. In case of absence or disability of the Mayor, the Mayor Pro Tem shall perform the duties of the Mayor during the period of such absence or disability, and in the event of the absence or disability of both the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem, the Council shall designate another of its members to serve as acting Mayor during such absences or disabilities.
No additional compensation shall attach to the office of Mayor Pro Tem.
The elective administrative officers of the City shall be the Mayor, City Clerk and City Treasurer. The appointive administrative officers of the City shall be the Administrative Coordinator, City Assessor, City Attorney, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, City Engineer, Director of Public Works and such additional administrative officers or departments as may be created by ordinance.
The Council may, by ordinance, create additional administrative offices and departments and may, by ordinance, combine any administrative offices and departments in any manner it deems necessary or advisable for the proper and efficient operation of the City and shall prescribe the functions of each office and department and the duties, authorities and responsibilities of the offices of each department, except as otherwise provided in this Charter.
The Mayor shall, within 30 days after his taking of office following his election for the office of Mayor, appoint, subject to the approval and confirmation by majority vote of the Council, those administrative officers and department heads of the City government whose office is subject to appointment, whether the office be established by this Charter or as may be created by ordinance. In case the Mayor fails to make any such appointments within the herein provided 30 days, then the Council may make such appointments as the case may be. These administrative appointments shall be made on the basis of executive ability and of the training and experience of such appointees in the work which they are to perform.
The appointive administrative officers and department heads shall be responsible to the Council, except as otherwise provided by this Charter, and shall serve for a specified term, by ordinance, and shall have their compensation fixed by the Council.
The Council, however, shall have the power, by majority vote of its members, to remove from office any appointive administrative officer or department head. Removal of administrative officer(s) or department head(s) appointed by the Council, or of members of boards or commissions, shall be made for either of the following reasons: for any reason specified by statute for removal of City officers by the Governor or for any act declared by this Charter to constitute misconduct in office. Such removals by the Council shall be made only after a hearing of which such officer or department head has been given notice by the Clerk at least 10 days in advance, either personally or by delivering the same at his last known place of residence. Such notice shall include a copy of the charges against such officer. The hearing shall afford an opportunity to the person to be heard in his defense, in person or by attorney, to cross-examine witnesses and to present testimony. If such person shall neglect to appear at, or respond to, such hearing and answer such charges, his failure to do so may be deemed cause for his removal. A majority vote of the members of the Council in office at the time, exclusive of any member whose removal is being considered, shall be required for such removal.
Such removed officer or officers shall not be reappointed to the same office during the same term of the office of said Mayor. However, such removed officer may be appointed by the Mayor to another office, but such appointment shall not be effective until it is confirmed by majority vote of the Council. In case the Council shall so remove any appointee of the Mayor, the term of office of such appointee shall terminate, and the Mayor shall proceed to fill the vacancy in the manner so set forth for the appointment of administrative officers and department heads. In case the Mayor fails to make any such reappointments within 30 days after the termination, the Council shall make such reappointment, as the case may be.
Under the provisions of this Charter, the Mayor shall, in addition to any powers and duties otherwise provided by law, have powers and duties as follows:
Shall be the executive head of the City;
Shall have a voice and vote in all proceedings of the Council equal with that of the other members of the Council, but shall have no veto power;
Shall be the presiding officer of the Council;
Shall be the conservator of the peace and, in emergencies, may exercise within the City the powers conferred upon sheriffs to suppress riot and disorder, and shall have the authority to command the assistance of all able-bodied citizens to aid in the enforcement of the ordinances and regulations of the Council and the authority of the City government;
Shall execute or authenticate by his signature such instruments as this Charter or any statutes of the State of Michigan or the laws of the United States shall require;
Shall see that all the laws and ordinances are enforced;
Shall see that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the City or its inhabitants, in any public utility franchise or any contract, are faithfully kept and performed;
Shall be responsible for the preparation, submission and administration of the annual budget;
Shall recommend to the Council for adoption such measures as he may deem necessary or expedient;
Shall be responsible for the effective management of all departments of the City government;
Shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law or this Charter or as may be required of him by ordinance or direction of the Council;
Shall approve the rules and regulations of the several departments of the City government;
Shall be recognized as the official head of the City for all ceremonial purposes;
Shall be responsible for the submission of an annual report of the affairs of the City. Copies of such annual report shall be made available for public inspection at the office of the Clerk within 30 days after receipt of the audit.
The Clerk shall:
Be the Clerk of the Council and shall attend all meetings of the Council and shall keep a permanent journal of its proceedings and sessions in the English language and shall authenticate the same by affixing his signature;
Certify by his signature all ordinances and resolutions enacted or adopted by the Council;
Keep a public record of all proceedings of the Council and shall authenticate the same by his signature;
Be custodian of all papers, documents, bonds and records pertaining to the City, unless custody thereof is otherwise provided by law or this Charter;
Be custodian of the City seal and shall affix it to documents and attest the same;
Give notice to City officers, personally, of the expiration of the terms of their respective offices and of any official bonds required of them;
Under authority of the Council, sign or countersign all contracts, deeds, licenses or other public documents, communications and correspondence on behalf of the City and shall keep a record thereof;
Publish and post all notices, proceedings and other matters required to be published or posted by law, this Charter or ordinance;
Be the Chief Elections Officer of the City;
Perform such other duties as may be required of him by law, this Charter, the Mayor and/or the ordinances and resolutions of the Council;
Have the power to administer oaths of office.
The Treasurer shall be the Chief Accounting Officer of the City and shall:
Have custody of all monies, funds and securities of the City, keep accounts thereof, deposit same in the manner and in the places designated by the Council and report the same forthwith in detail to the Council;
Except as otherwise provided by this Charter or by ordinance, collect all monies of the City, including charges for water and sewer services. He shall receive from other officers and employees all monies belonging to and receivable by the City that may be collected by them and shall give receipts therefor.
For the collection of taxes, have and exercise all of the powers and immunities which are granted and reserved to him by this Charter and by law;
Disburse all City funds in accordance with the provisions of law and this Charter and shall sign or countersign all checks or warrants accordingly;
Establish and maintain a general accounting plan for the City government, which shall conform to any uniform system of accounting prescribed for cities by law;
Act as advisor and assist the Mayor in the formulation of each annual budget proposal;
Keep a separate account of each item of budget appropriation made by the Council to a City administrative unit, and to other governmental units and agencies, to the extent and in the manner required by law;
Keep a daily account of all monies received and disbursed on behalf of the City and shall keep a separate account with every department and for each improvement for which funds are appropriated or raised by tax or assessment;
Draw no check or draft for the payment of any claim against, or obligation of, the City unless it states particularly against which fund it is drawn. No fund shall be overdrawn nor shall any check or draft be drawn against one fund to pay a claim chargeable to another.
Render quarterly and at such other times as the Mayor or the Council may direct a detailed report to the Mayor and Council of the funds and financial condition of the City;
Perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by law or by ordinance of the Council, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter or the laws of the State.
The Administrative Coordinator shall be responsible for the supervision of all administrative services of the City, except as otherwise provided by the Charter. He shall be chosen on the basis of his executive and administrative ability and shall be a full-time administrative officer. He shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval and confirmation by majority vote of the Council. He shall serve for a specified term and shall have his compensation fixed by the Council by resolution. The Administrative Coordinator shall assist the Mayor by:
Coordinating the work of all administrative offices, including City Clerk and Treasurer and such additional administrative offices as the Council may from time to time establish, providing for efficient administration of all departments of the City government;
Assisting in the preparation and administration of the annual budget;
Keeping informed with respect to the operation of the several administrative departments, and, to that end, the heads of all administrative departments shall furnish him with such information and periodic or special reports as the Mayor and Council may deem necessary;
Performing such additional duties as may be directed by the Mayor and Council;
Attending all Council meetings, but shall have no vote in Council proceedings;
Preparation of Council agendas and information packets for meetings and workshops;
Serving as general office manager of City Hall;
Acting as liaison between Council and City boards and commissions;
Completion of various reports, questionnaires, surveys and other requests for information about the City;
Coordination of City purchasing, within budget;
Preparation and implementing of grant applications;
Handling complaints about City services and providing answers to citizen inquiries;
Serving as Community Development Director and Personnel Coordinator;
Representing the City to external boards as directed by Council;
Implementing appropriate and adequate surety bonds for all personnel as required by this Charter or ordinance (refer to § C-5.14, Surety Bonds);
Receiving reports of the activities of each department at the end of each month and preparing a summary of all such reports for submission to the Council;
Updating and maintaining the Administrative Manual;
Notifying proper officials of the expiration or termination of each franchise and contract to which the City is a party.
The Assessor shall possess all the powers vested in and shall be charged with the duties imposed upon assessing officers by statute. He shall prepare all regular and special assessment rolls in the manner prescribed by § C-9.6 of this Charter or by ordinance or statute. He shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed for him in this Charter or by the Council.
The Attorney shall:
Be attorney and counsel for the City and be responsible to the Council;
Act as legal advisor to the Mayor and attorney and counsel for the Council and all of its members relating to their official duties;
Give written opinions to any officer, department head or commission of the City when requested in writing by the Mayor, the Council or the commission to do so and file with the Clerk a copy of the same;
Prosecute ordinance violations when so directed by the Council and represent the City in cases before courts and other tribunals and shall file with the Clerk copies of such records and files relating thereto as the Council may direct;
Prepare or review all ordinances, regulations, contracts, bonds and such other instruments as may be required by this Charter or by the Council and shall promptly give his opinion as to the legality thereof;
Attend all regular meetings of the Council, and other meetings as requested by the Council.
Upon recommendation of the Attorney, or upon its own initiative, the Council may retain special legal counsel to handle any matter in which the City has an interest or assist in counsel with the City Attorney therein.
The Chief of Police shall be the administrative head of the Police Department and shall be accountable and responsible to the Mayor for the performance of his duties. He shall perform all duties prescribed for him by law, this Charter, the Mayor and/or ordinances or resolutions of the Council.
The Fire Chief shall be the administrative head of the Fire Department and shall be accountable and responsible to the Mayor for the performance of his duties. He shall be responsible for the function and duties of a Fire Marshal. He shall perform all duties prescribed for him by law, this Charter, the Mayor and/or ordinances or resolutions of the Council.
The Mayor and Council shall, from time to time as the need arises, secure the services of a City Engineer. He shall be a registered engineer and qualified to act within the State of Michigan and shall be accountable and responsible to the Mayor for the performance of his duties.
He shall be responsible for all engineering work required in the administration of the functions of the City government.
He shall be responsible for the preparation of all necessary plats, maps, surveys, diagrams and estimates of cost required by the Council or the administrative services of the City relating to the buildings, grounds, streets, parks and public improvements of the City.
He shall have and exercise within the City the rights, powers and duties as are conferred by law upon county surveyors.
He shall perform such other duties as are prescribed by law, this Charter, the Mayor and/or ordinances or resolutions of the Council.
The Director of Public Works shall be the administrative head of the Department of Public Works and shall be accountable and responsible to the Mayor for the performance of his duties.
He shall be responsible for the maintenance, alteration, improvement and repair of streets, sidewalks, sewers, sewage disposal facilities, water mains and water facilities and all other public grounds, buildings, facilities and equipment which are not placed under the charge of some other department by this Charter, the Mayor and/or the Council in accordance with the authority granted by this Charter.
He shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law or this Charter or as may be required of him by the Mayor or Council.
The full-time personnel other than elected and appointive officers shall be deemed City employees.
The Council may, with respect to City employees, establish a system for their selection, tenure, promotion, demotion, discharge and fixing of terms and conditions of employment of City employees. The City shall not discriminate on the grounds of sex, race, color, religion or national origin.
The head of each department shall have the power to hire, suspend, discharge or otherwise take other appropriate disciplinary action against the employees of his department, with confirmation by the Council. An employee who has been discharged may, within 10 days thereafter, petition the Council to hear the facts regarding such discharge, and in such case, the Council may, in its sole discretion, order a hearing and inquire into such facts and may make such decision in the matter as it considers proper.
The administrative officers may recommend to the Council the appointment and/or termination of their respective deputies and may also recommend a person or persons to such office. Such deputies as may be appointed by the Council shall, in any case, possess all of the powers and authorities of their superior officers except as the same may be from time to time limited by their superior officers.
A Local Officers Compensation Commission is created which shall determine the salaries of each elected official.
The Commission shall consist of five members. The members shall be registered electors of the City, appointed by the Mayor, subject to approval of the Council. The terms of office shall be five years, except that the members first appointed shall be appointed for terms of one, two, three, four and five years, on a staggered basis, so that the term of one member expires each year. Members other than the first members shall be appointed before October 1 of the year of the appointment for a term of five years. Vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term. A member or employee of the legislative, judicial or executive branch of government shall not be a member of the Commission.
The Commission shall determine the salary of each local elected official. The determination shall be the salary unless the Council, by resolution adopted by two-thirds of the Council, rejects it. The determination of the Commission shall be effective 30 days following its filing with the City Clerk, unless rejected by the legislative body. If the determination is rejected, the existing salary shall prevail.
The Commission shall meet for not more than 15 session days in each odd-numbered year and shall make its determination within 45 calendar days after its first meeting. A majority of the members constitute a quorum for conducting business of the Commission. The Commission shall not take action or make a determination without a concurrence of a majority of the members appointed and serving on the Commission.
The Commission shall comply with Acts No. 267 and No. 442 of Public Acts of 1976, MCLA 15.261 et seq. and 15.231 et seq.
The Council shall maintain a City Planning Commission in accordance with and having the powers and duties granted by the provisions of statute relating to such commissions.
The Council shall maintain a Zoning Ordinance in accordance with the provisions of statute relating to such ordinances. Insofar as may be, such ordinance shall provide that zoning be coordinated with the work of the City Planning Commission and a Zoning Board of Appeals consisting of six members who shall be electors of the City, and of whom not less than one nor more than two shall be administrative officers. Insofar as may be, said Zoning Board of Appeals shall coordinate its work with the Building and Safety Appeal Board as hereinafter provided.
The Council shall maintain a building and safety ordinance in accordance with the provisions of statute relating to such ordinances and a Building and Safety Appeal Board consisting of five members of whom not less than one nor more than two shall be administrative officers. Insofar as may be, said Board shall coordinate with the Zoning Board of Appeals as heretofore provided.
The Council may not create any board or commission, other than those provided in this Charter, to administer any activity, department or agency of the City government, except:
A municipal hospital.
A municipal cemetery.
Any activity which by statute is required to be so administered.
The Council may, however, establish:
Quasi-judicial appeal boards.
Boards or commissions to serve solely in an advisory capacity.
All members of the City boards and commissions shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval and confirmation by a majority vote of the City Council.
The Council may maintain a Community Center Authority in accordance with and having the powers and duties granted by the provisions of statute relating to such authorities.
The Council may maintain an Economic Development Corporation in accordance with and having the powers and duties granted by the provisions of statute relating to such corporations.
The Council shall maintain a Housing Commission in accordance with and having the powers and duties granted by the provisions of statute relating to such commissions.