[Amended 5-7-2018 ATM by Art. 33; 9-26-2020 ATM by Art. 23]
The Town of Harwich, Massachusetts, is hereby divided into zoning districts, designated as follows:
Residential - Rural Estate
Residential - Low Density
Residential - Medium Density
Residential - High Density 1
Residential - High Density 2
Residential - High Density 3
Commercial - Highway 1
Commercial - Highway 2
Commercial - Village
Industrial - Limited
Multifamily Residential - Low Density
Multifamily Residential - Low Density 1
Elderly Affordable Housing
Drinking Water Resource Protection District
Six Ponds Special District
Personal Wireless Service Overlay District
Village Commercial Overlay District
Harwich Center Overlay District
Solar Farm Overlay District
West Harwich Special District
The location and boundaries of the zoning districts are hereby established as shown on a map titled "Zoning Map of the Town of Harwich, Massachusetts," dated August 1972, which accompanies and is hereby declared to be a part of this bylaw. The authenticity of the Zoning Map shall be certified by the signature of the Town Clerk and imprinted Town Seal, together with the words: "This is to certify that this is the Zoning Map referred to in Article III of the Zoning Bylaw of the Town of Harwich, Massachusetts," together with the effective date of this bylaw.
The Drinking Water Resource Protection Districts established hereunder are shown on a map labeled "DEP Zone II, Apr 2009," prepared by Cape Cod Commission GIS Services, or its successor showing the most recent Zone II boundaries as approved by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, which map(s) are on file in the Office of the Town Clerk, the authenticity of said map to be established in the same manner as provided above for establishing the authenticity of the Zoning Map.
[Amended 5-4-2010 STM by Art. 9]
The Personal Wireless Service Overlay Districts established hereunder are shown on a map titled "Town of Harwich Personal Wireless Service Facilities Overlay District Map," dated January 13, 1998, scale: 1:12,000, which map is on file in the office of the Town Clerk, the authenticity of said map to be established in the same manner as provided above for establishing the authenticity of the Zoning Map.
The Zoning Map of the Town of Harwich is hereby amended to include the EAH District as shown on a sketch plan, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated February 25, 1999.
The Solar Farm Overlay District established hereunder is shown on a map labeled "Town of Harwich, Solar Farm Overlay District" dated February 8, 2018, a copy of which can be found as an attachment to this chapter in the town's online Code.
[Added 5-7-2018 ATM by Art. 33]
The West Harwich Special District established hereunder as shown on a map titled, “West Harwich Special District” dated July 27, 2020, prepared by the Cape Cod Commission, a copy of which can be found as an attachment to this chapter in the Town’s online Code and a copy of which is on file in the office of the Town Clerk.
[Added 9-26-2020 ATM by Art. 23]
Where any uncertainty exists with respect to the boundary of any district as shown on the Zoning Map, the following rules apply:
Where a boundary is indicated as a road, street, alley, railroad, watercourse or other body of water, it shall be construed to be the side line thereof, or where such boundary approximates a Town boundary, then to the limits of the Town boundary.
Where a boundary is indicated as following approximately or parallel to a street, alley, railroad, watercourse, or other body of water, it shall be construed to be parallel thereto and at such distance from the side line, or mean high-water line, thereof as shown on the Zoning Map.
Where any uncertainty exists concerning the location of the boundary of the Drinking Water Resource Protection District, the precise location of the boundary line on the ground shall be determined by on-site inspection and testing by the Town or, at the option of the Town, by a professional geologist or hydrologist approved by the Town. The purpose of this testing will be to determine location and extent of an aquifer or recharge area and to establish the boundary line of the district accordingly. Any costs of inspecting, testing and surveying to determine the boundary location shall be borne by the property owner, who shall have the burden of establishing to the satisfaction of the Town the precise district boundary location.