The Board of Supervisors shall have the authority, at its discretion, to establish and appoint committees, and to specify the purpose, functions and duration of existence of every committee in the charge to that Committee.
Boards and Commissions established before the effective date of this chapter, shall continue in existence subject to the right of the Board of Supervisors, by ordinance, to abolish any board or commission not required by law to be maintained or, where not in conflict with the law, to change the name, composition, tenure, functions, powers or duties of any existing board or commission. By ordinance, the Board of Supervisors shall have the authority to establish any new Board or Commission, and to specify its powers, duties and functions, and afterward, to modify the provisions of any ordinance governing any new Board or Commission. All members of boards and commissions shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
In addition to any specific qualifications or requirements contained in the law or any ordinance applicable to a particular committee, board or commission, the following provisions shall apply to all committees, boards and commissions:
No member of a committee, board or commission shall receive any salary or other compensation for his services, but he shall be reimbursed by the Township for authorized expenses in connection with those services.
Every committee, board or commission established by ordinance or required by law to be established shall continue to be maintained for as long as the applicable law or ordinance remains in effect and has not been repealed.
The failure of any member of a committee, board or commission to attend three consecutive regularly scheduled meetings may be cause for removal by the Board of Supervisors.
The Board of Supervisors shall have authority to assign any committee, board or commission to a specific department for administrative purposes, unless the assignment is contrary to law.
A quorum is a majority of the members of any board or commission shall be present at any meeting where official action is to be taken.
Each board and commission shall provide for rules and regulations governing its operation. Such rules and regulations shall provide for the keeping of records pertaining to its duties, the conduct of meetings and public hearings and a periodic reporting to the Board of Supervisors. All such rules and regulations shall be approved by the Board of Supervisors and not in contravention with any law or ordinance of the Township.