[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 5-8-1988 ATM, Art. 98, as Sec. 300.0 of the General Bylaws; amended in its entirety 5-8-2023 ATM by Art. 10]
The Personnel Advisory Board, hereinafter called the Board, shall consist of seven members, two appointed by the Board of Selectmen, two appointed by the Finance Committee, and two appointed by the Town Moderator, each will serve a three-year term. The terms will run consistent with the Town's fiscal year, beginning July 1. The Town Administrator (or his/her representative) shall be the seventh member of the Board. The Board shall be set up per Section 7-9g of the Town Charter.
The Personnel Advisory Board shall provide advice to the Town Administrator and Board of Selectmen pertaining to the Town's human resources program. The Board may conduct studies, surveys, and analysis upon the request of the Town Administrator or Board of Selectmen. The Board shall perform all other duties designated in the Board of Selectmen approved policies or specifically requested by the Town Administrator or Board of Selectmen. Action or vote by the Personnel Advisory Board shall not bind the Town Administrator or Board of Selectmen to action relative to its determination.
No Town employee shall be eligible to serve on said Personnel Advisory Board.
[Adopted 5-8-1988 ATM, Art. 98, as Sec. 320.0 of the General Bylaws]
The Board of Selectmen shall have the sole authority to establish and maintain a written personnel policy, rules, regulations, employment terms and conditions and other items that they deem necessary to manage the personnel affairs of the Town of Webster (excluding schools).
The Town Administrator shall have the authority to manage and execute the aforementioned policies and procedures, and other regulatory measures established for the management or supervision of all personnel and personnel matters.