It shall be the duty of the Zoning Officer or duly authorized assistant(s) to review proposed or existing development and uses to determine compliance with this chapter. In the fulfillment of this duty, the Zoning Officer or authorized assistant(s) may enter any premises or building during reasonable hours in the course of his or her duties in accordance with state law after due written notice has been given.
It shall be the duty of the Zoning Officer to issue permits and certificates to applicants who fully comply with the provisions of this chapter.
Whenever the Zoning Officer denies a permit or certificate he or she shall, in writing, inform the applicant of the specific reasons for denial and instruct the applicant on the proper methods to apply for relief.
Verification of compliance for new uses and development.
Before initial establishment or change of a use, notification shall be made to the Zoning Officer to allow for verification of compliance with this chapter.
Upon the completion of construction related to a newly established or expanded principal structure, the Zoning Officer may require the applicant to provide a survey showing all completed improvements sufficient to assess compliance with this chapter and/or conditions of any applicable ZBA and Planning Board approvals.
When such survey is required, the CEO shall withhold the certificate of occupancy for the newly established or expanded principal structure until such time as a verification of compliance with the requirements of this chapter has been received from the Zoning Officer.
Minimum submission requirements.
All applications made to the Town for new uses or development to be reviewed for compliance with this chapter shall contain at a minimum:
Completed application form(s) signed by the applicant.
A sketch plan in compliance with requirements in section Town Code § 220-66.
Plans for development in excess of 1,000 square feet shall be prepared by a New York State licensed professional engineer and/or surveyor.
Additional information as may be required by the Zoning Officer or Code Enforcement Officer.
For administrative reviews to be completed by staff only, these minimum submission requirements may be waived or modified by the Zoning Officer or CEO as appropriate.
If the Zoning Officer shall find that any of the provisions of this chapter are being violated, he or she shall notify, in writing, the person responsible for such violations, indicating the nature of the violation and ordering the action to correct it. To attain compliance, the Zoning Officer shall have the authority to order discontinuance of illegal uses of land, buildings or structures, removal of illegal buildings or structures, or of illegal additions, alterations or structural changes, stop work, or discontinuance of any illegal work being done.
Complaints from the public regarding noncompliance with this chapter shall be submitted on forms as required and provided by the Town.
The Zoning Officer shall be authorized and empowered to issue appearance tickets pursuant to § 150.20 of the New York State Criminal Procedure Law.