[Res. 1993-4, 6/7/1993]
The Board of Supervisors of Londonderry Township hereby recognizes the Londonderry Township Volunteer Fire Company #1, which has been organized by residents of Londonderry Township. No other organization(s) dedicated to the fighting of fires is authorized to operate within Londonderry Township except for those acting under a mutual aid or other agreement.
The Londonderry Township Volunteer Fire Company #1 is hereby given all power, so far as the Board of Supervisors of Londonderry Township has power to grant the same, to enact such rules and regulations for the management and government of individual members thereof as shall be necessary for the proper maintenance and control of said volunteer fire company. Neither the grant of the aforesaid power nor the recognition set forth shall be construed as constituting the Londonderry Township Volunteer Fire Company #1 as an agent, department or employee of Londonderry Township except insofar as such effect is provided under the provisions of Act of June 2, 1915, P.L. 736, No. 338, known as the "Pennsylvania Workmen's Compensation Act," or the Act of November 26, 1978, P.L. 1399, No. 330, known as the "Political Subdivision Tort Claims Act."