[Ord. 91-2, 11/4/1991; as amended by Ord. 1993-8, 12/6/1993, § 701; and by Ord. No. 2022-01, 8/1/2022]
The Township of Londonderry hereby adopts, for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the safeguarding of persons and property from hazards arising from the use of electricity, including administration, permits and penalties, the Electrical Code known as the National Electrical Code — 2017," as amended and supplemented by any accumulative supplements, any additional amendments or supplements, and any new editions which may from time to time be published by the National Fire Protection Association, save and except such portion as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended, of which three copies have been, will be and are now filed in the office of the Township Secretary, and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as if fully set out at length herein. From the date on which this Part shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling for the safeguarding of persons and property from hazards arising from the use of electricity, including administration, permits and penalties and in all other subjects therein contained, within the corporate limits of the Township of Londonderry.
[Ord. 91-2, 11/4/1991]
In all matters that are regulated by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or by regulations of departments or agencies of the Commonwealth promulgated by authority of law, such laws or regulations, as the case may be, shall control where the requirements thereof are the same as or in excess of the provisions of this Part. The code shall control in all cases where the State requirements are not as strict as those contained in this Part.
[Ord. 91-2, 11/4/1991]
The provisions of this Part so far as they are the same as those of ordinances and/or codes in force immediately prior to the enactment of this Part, are intended as a continuation of such ordinances and codes and not as new enactments. The provisions of this Part shall not affect any act done or liability incurred, nor shall they affect any suit or prosecution pending or to be instituted to enforce any right or penalty or to punish any offense under the authority of any of the repealed ordinances.