[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.11(a)]
This district is designed to provide for the less intensive types of industrial uses. This district will be separated by buffer strips where adjacent to any residential or commercial districts. Regulations are designed for this district in order to minimize their incompatibility with other districts for the mutual protection of the surrounding area.
[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.11(b); as amended by Ord. 2009-3, 9/15/2009, § VIII; by Ord. No. 2020-03, 7/21/2020; by Ord. No. 2021-08, 11/16/2021; by Ord. No. 2024-02, 4/1/2024]
Basic timber processing and sale thereof (excluding creosoting).
Light manufacturing of furniture and wood products.
Warehousing and wholesale establishments, logistics facilities, storage yards, lumber yards, for retail and wholesale and similar establishments.
Trucking terminals, terminal facilities for passengers and/or freight for trucks, railroads, taxi and bus lines, including maintenance and service facilities.
Laundry and cleaning plants, carpet and rug cleaning.
Public utility and communications buildings and structures, transformer stations, pump stations, and electric service, service buildings and yards.
Construction contractor, including equipment storage, sales and service.
Bulk oil and gasoline storage and service yards, for local distribution only.
Light manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, newspapers, printing and publishing, confections, clothing, electrical goods, professional and scientific instruments, handicraft products, electronic and small parts assembly and/or manufacture and other uses which in the opinion of the Zoning Hearing Board are similar in use and subject to any conditions that the Board may specify.
Distribution plants, parcel delivery, and services industries.
Business parks, consisting of an area of land in which many office buildings are grouped together for commercial use.
Mini-warehouse/storage unit facilities containing individual units that are designed to be rented out for the purpose of storing personal belongings.
Customary accessory uses and buildings incidental to any of the above permitted uses, including signs as specified in Part 18, Signs.
Public pumping stations.
[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.11(c)]
No principal structure shall exceed four stories or 50 feet, and no accessory structure shall exceed 35 feet, unless granted a special exception.
[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.11(d); as amended by Ord. No. 2020-03, 7/21/2020]
The following yard regulations shall apply, except that the requirements of this section shall not apply to public pumping stations:
Front yard: 100 feet from the right-of-way line.
Side yards: two sides, 50 feet.
Rear yard depth: 50 feet.
Minimum lot width shall be 150 feet.
[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.11(e); as amended by Ord. No. 2020-03, 7/21/2020]
The following coverage regulations shall apply, except that the requirements of this section shall not apply to public pumping stations:
Coverage shall be no more than 60%.
Ten percent of the lot area shall be covered by plant material.
Parking areas shall be no more than 30% of the lot area.
[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.11(f); as amended by Ord. 2001-2, 4/17/2001, § 9]
Parking shall be in accordance with the provisions of Part 19.
Screening and landscaping shall be in accordance with Part 16, § 1609(5).
[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.11(g); as amended by Ord. 2001-2, 4/17/2001, § 9; and by Ord. No. 2020-03, 7/21/2020]
The following special regulations shall apply, except that the requirements of Subsection 1 shall not apply to public pumping stations:
When abutting a residential district or residential use there shall be a minimum side or rear yard of not less than 100 feet. Any yard abutting a public street or any residential district or residential use shall be landscaped in accordance with the prevailing ordinances and regulations and maintained for its entire length with appropriate vegetative planting materials. The property owner is responsible for maintenance of the landscaping.
Dust, smoke, fumes, gases, or noxious odor emissions shall adhere to applicable Federal and State emission standards.
[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.11(h); as amended by Ord. 2001-2, 4/17/2001, § 9]
On the same premises with every building or structure or part thereof involving the receipt or distribution of materials and products, there shall be provided adequate space for standing, loading and unloading.
Screening and landscaping of the loading and unloading facilities shall be in accordance with Part 16, § 1609(5).
[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983; as added by Ord. 1992-3, 10/5/1992, § 8; as amended by Ord. No. 2020-03, 7/21/2020]
Except that the requirements of this section shall not apply to public pumping stations, the lot width at the front street line, which shall be measured at the right-of-way line and at the building setback line, shall be not less than 100 feet.
[Ord. 2001-2, 4/17/2001, § 9; as amended by Ord. No. 2020-03, 7/21/2020]
All uses within this zone, with the exception of public pumping stations, shall also comply with the general regulations in Part 16 of this chapter if applicable.