[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.12-A(a)]
The purpose of the MH-R Mobile Home — Residential District is to provide an area specifically for the location of mobile homes within the Township, to provide reasonable standards to protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents of mobile homes on single-family lots and in mobile home parks; to provide standards which will encourage the installation of public facilities and preservation of public open space; to provide for the public convenience; and to otherwise create conditions conducive to carrying out the purpose of this chapter.
[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.12-A(b); as amended by Ord. No. 2020-03, 7/21/2020; by Ord. No. 2024-02, 4/1/2024]
The following shall be permitted uses in the MH-R Mobile Home — Residential District:
Manufactured/mobile homes when located in a manufactured/mobile home park.
Manufactured/mobile homes on single-family lots.
All other uses permitted in the R-1 Residential District.
Accessory uses on the same lot with and customarily incidental to the use of the manufactured/mobile homes permitted above.
Public pumping stations.
[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.12-A(c); as amended by Ord. 1985-1, 6/3/1985; by Ord. 1989-3, 5/1/1989, § 1; by Ord. 1989-6, 10/2/1989, § 2; by Ord. 1992-3, 10/5/1992, § 10; by Ord. 2009-3, 9/15/2009; by Ord. No. 2020-03, 7/21/2020; by Ord. No. 2024-02, 4/1/2024]
Except as to public pumping stations, for which this subsection does not apply, the following standards and requirements shall apply to all other permitted uses within the district:
Height Regulations. The height of a building shall not be greater than 35 feet nor less than one story.
Area Regulations.
The lot area per dwelling unit or manufactured/mobile home that is not located within a manufactured/mobile home park shall be not less than 43,560 square feet (one acre).
The lot area per dwelling unit that is located within a manufactured/mobile home park shall be as follows:
When public water and sewer are provided, the area shall be a minimum of 43,560 square feet (one acre) for the first manufactured/mobile home stand with 10,890 square feet for each additional stand thereafter, inclusive of manufactured/mobile home park streets and recreation areas.
When public water and sewer are not provided, the mobile home park area shall be a minimum of 43,560 square feet (one acre) for the first manufactured/mobile home stand with 10,890 square feet for each additional stand thereafter, exclusive of manufactured/mobile home park streets and recreation areas.
The lot area for nonresidential uses shall be not less than 43,560 square feet (one acre).
Width Regulations.
For lots not located within a manufactured/mobile home park:
The lot width should be not less than 25 feet at the front street line measured at the street right-of-way line, nor less than 100 feet at the front building line.
The lot width at the building setback line on a cul-de-sac shall be no less than 100 feet.
No more than two flag lots in succession shall be allowed in MH-R Mobile Home - Residential Districts.
For lots located within a manufactured/mobile home park:
Each manufactured/mobile home lot shall have a minimum width of 50 feet and minimum depth of 100 feet.
Each manufactured/mobile home stand shall have a minimum of 750 square feet for single homes and 1,000 square feet for double-wide homes. A wider width and length may be necessary in new applications to accommodate modern units, while complying with setback and placement requirements.
Yard Regulations.
For manufactured/mobile homes not located within a manufactured/mobile home park:
Front yard depth: 35 feet.
Side yards: two required, 15 feet in an interior lot. On a corner lot, the side yard abutting the street shall be not less than 35 feet.
Rear yards: 25 feet.
For manufactured/mobile homes located within a manufactured/mobile home park:
The front yard building setback line shall be a minimum of 15 feet measured from the common walkway or the edge of street or common driveway, whichever is more restrictive. The front yard setback may be reduced provided that the conditions contained in Chapter 14, § 305, Subsection 1, is met.
Two side yards and one rear yard shall each be at least 10 feet measured from the rear lot line of each manufactured/mobile home lot, provided that on a corner lot, the side yard abutting the street shall have a width equal to the depth of the front yard.
Manufactured/mobile homes shall be separated from each other by a minimum of 20 feet on all sides. An unenclosed porch, steps, wheelchair ramp, deck, awning, or stoop for each dwelling may collectively intrude up to five feet into this separation distance.
Accessory buildings and structures may be within 10 feet of the rear lot lines.
Coverage Regulations. The coverage shall be no more than 30% of the lot area.
Off-Street Parking. The provisions in Part 19 of this chapter shall apply to off-street parking.
Sign Regulations. The provisions in Part 18, § 1806, of this chapter shall apply.
Manufactured/Mobile Homes Not Located In Manufactured/Mobile Home Parks. Manufactured/mobile homes located on single-family lots shall be located in the MH-R Mobile Home - Residential District only and shall not be permitted in any other district unless affixed to a permanent foundation such that they are no longer transportable.