[Adopted ATM 5-4-2013 by Art. 40]
The purpose of this article is to establish a policy by which the Town can provide assistance to abutters of private ways who wish to maintain and make improvements in order to provide continued safe access for public safety services and to extend the useful lives of their private ways. Such maintenance and improvements, including engineering and permitting costs, if any, would be at the expense of the abutters or beneficiaries of said private ways.
Pursuant to the provisions of MGL c. 40, § 6N, the Westminster Department of Public Works is authorized hereunder to make necessary temporary repairs to private ways in accordance with the procedures set forth in this article. This article shall not be deemed to mandate the Town to make repairs to any private way.
For the purpose of this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The document to be submitted to the Westminster Department of Public Works, signed by at least 51% of property owners abutting a private way, requesting temporary repairs to the private way specified. The petition includes language indemnifying the Town of Westminster from any and all liability related to temporary repairs to private ways.
Any way existing in the Town for at least five years which has not been legally laid out by the Public Works Commission as a public way, or has not been accepted as a public way by Town Meeting, and has been open to public use and for access by public safety services.
May include, but are not limited to, maintenance or repairs to drainage systems, road base improvements, grading, filling with like material of potholes, depressions or ruts, and application of calcium chloride for dust control.
Upon petition of at least 51% of the abutters and/or beneficiaries of a private way, the Public Works Commission, by a majority vote, may declare that the temporary repairs to said private way are necessary or advisable for public safety or convenience. Such petitions may request continuing annual temporary repairs, such as grading of gravel roads, for a period up to five years without the need for submission of annual petitions.
The Public Works Commission shall estimate the cost of individual requests for temporary repairs to private roads, and the Town shall be paid in advance of the work by the residents of the private way seeking assistance.
An annually updated list of all private ways to which this section applies shall be maintained by the Department of Public Works.
The Town of Westminster shall not be liable on account of any damages caused by temporary repairs made pursuant to this article in accordance with the terms of the petition.