No lot or land shall be used, and no building or structure shall be erected or used except as set forth in the Use Regulations Schedule included as an attachment to this chapter.
Where an activity might be classified under more than one of the uses indicated in the Use Regulations Schedule, the more specific classification shall determine permissibility; if equally specific, the more restrictive shall govern. Any use not specifically listed as permitted herein (whether by right, site plan review, or special permit) or otherwise permitted in a district shall be deemed as prohibited. Recognizing that uses may be given different names, the Planning Board shall be the authority for determining whether a proposed use falls within the meaning of the term listed in the Use Regulations Schedule or other sections of this bylaw.
Site plan review by the Planning Board is required when changing the use of a property from one use classification to another on the Use Table, unless the new use requires a special permit, in which case a special permit shall be required. Where a change of use is proposed and site plan review is required, the Planning Board shall require the correction of any zoning violations and may require reasonable improvements in landscaping, access, drainage, lighting, and buffers that are proportionate in scope to the impact of the change in use. Improvements with a cumulative cost of no more than 10% of the pre-change assessed value shall be deemed to be proportionate in scope.
The Use Regulations Schedule is included as an attachment to this chapter.