[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee (now Mayor and Council) of the Township of North Brunswick as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Littering — See Ch. 216.
Loitering — See Ch. 219.
Peace and good order — See Ch. 238.
[Adopted 7-3-1961]
The following rules and regulations are hereby made and adopted as the rules and regulations governing and applicable to all public parks and playgrounds situated and located in the Township of North Brunswick, New Jersey.
[Amended 11-6-1978; 5-5-1986]
The parks and playgrounds are formally open to the public daily from sunrise to one hour after sunset, except that use of illuminated tennis courts, illuminated ice skating facilities and illuminated ballfields may extend beyond sunset to an hour to which illumination is determined, provided and authorized by the Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Services.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Department of Human Services became the Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Services 2-2-2004 by Ord. No. 04-1.
No person shall use threatening, abusive or insulting language; do any obscene or indecent act; throw stones or other missiles; annoy persons; interfere with, encumber, obstruct or render dangerous any drive, path, walk or public place; do any act tending or amounting to a breach of the peace; climb or stand upon any wall, fence, shelter, seat, statue or other erection; enter or leave except at established entranceways or exits; introduce, carry or fire any firecrackers, torpedoes or fireworks; engage in, instigate, aid or encourage a contention or fight, whether or not a ring or prize fight; assault any person, play games of chance, participate in the conduct of a lottery or use or operate any slot machine, gaming table or instrument; sell fortunes; drink, take use of or have in his possession, or be under the influence of, any intoxicating liquors, opiates or other habit-forming drugs; spit upon any sidewalk, crossing, safety zone or the floors of any structure, bridge, platform or stairway; cast, throw or deposit on any walk, crossing, path, safety zone, floor or parkway surface any portion of any fruit, vegetable, foodstuff, paper, pasteboard, litter or other substances; cast, throw or deposit on the grass, road or in the pools any sticks, stones or other matter that would tend to pollute the pools; or interfere with or fail to obey any officer in the proper performance of his duties.
No parent, guardian or custodian of any minor shall permit or allow him to do any act prohibited by law in any park or playground in the Township of North Brunswick.
Editor's Note: Former § 234-5, Solicitation of alms and contributions, was repealed 11-28-2022 by Ord. No. 22-27.
No person shall post, paint, affix, distribute, hand out, deliver, place, cast or leave about any bill, billboard, placard, ticket, handbill, circular or advertisement, nor display any flag, banner, transparency, target, sign, placard or any other matter for advertising purpose or attracting attention to any exhibition, show, performance or other display.
No person shall cause or permit any animal owned by him, in his custody or under his control, except a dog when restrained by a leash not exceeding six feet in length, to go or be at large, and each such animal so found at large may be seized and disposed of as provided by the law or ordinance covering disposal of stray animals on highways or public property then in effect,[1] at the place where such stray animal may be seen.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 154, Dogs, § 154-5.
No person shall bring into or have in said parks any explosive, including any substance, compound, mixture or article having properties of such a character that, alone or in combination or contiguity with other substances or compounds, may decompose suddenly and generate sufficient heat, gas or pressure, or any or all of them, to produce rapid-flaming combustion or administer a destructive blow to surrounding objects.
No person shall have or carry, whether or not concealed upon his person, any pistol, revolver or other deadly weapon or any instrument or weapon commonly known as a "toy pistol" or in which or upon which loaded or blank cartridges may be used, or any loaded or blank cartridges or ammunition thereof, or any tools or instruments, skeleton keys, picklocks, jimmies or other things known or used as burglar tools, except when authorized by law. No person shall bring into the parks or have in his possession therein any rifle, shotgun or fowling piece or any air gun, spring gun, slingshot or other similar instrument or weapon.
No person shall kindle, build, maintain or use a fire except in places provided for such purposes. Any fire for which a permit shall have been issued or in such places as have been designated shall be continuously under the care and direction of a competent person from the time it is kindled until it is extinguished, and no fire shall be built within 10 feet of any tree or building or beneath the branches of any tree or in any underbrush. No person shall throw away or discard any lighted match, cigar or cigarette within or against any building, structure, car, vehicle or enclosure or under any tree or in underbrush, unless it be to deposit the same in a suitable container provided for the reception thereof.
No person shall bathe, wade or swim in any park pools except at such times and in such places as the Director of Recreation may designate and unless so covered with a bathing suit as to prevent any indecent exposure of the person.
No person shall throw, cast, catch, kick or strike any baseball, golf ball, football, basketball, beanbag or any other object except in places designated therefor.
No person, without permission of the Director of Recreation, shall erect any structure, stand or platform; hold any meeting; perform any ceremony; make a speech; address or harangue; exhibit to the public any dramatic performance or the performance in whole or in part of any interlude, tragedy, comedy, opera, ballet, play, farce, minstrel, dancing entertainment, motion pictures, circus, juggling, ropewalking or any other acrobatics; engage in any parade, drill maneuvers or civic or other procession; or, being in a vehicle, race with another vehicle, whether such race be founded on any stakes, dare, bet or otherwise.
No person shall coast with hand sleds, wagons or other vehicles on wheels or runners except at such places as may be designated therefor.
No person shall ride, drive or bring any horse within the limits of any park in the Township of North Brunswick.
No person shall use roller skates except at such times and upon such places as may be designated therefor, or skate, sled, walk or go upon any ice except at such times and upon such places as may be designated therefor and until such ice is declared by or under the authority of said Director of Recreation to be in a safe condition therefor.
No person shall use the park drives or parkways for the purpose of demonstrating any vehicle nor for the purpose of instructing another to drive or operate any vehicle nor for learning to drive or operate any vehicle.
No person shall cause or permit a vehicle in tow of another vehicle to enter the parks or proceed therein, except that in case of a breakdown a disabled vehicle may be towed to the nearest exit; and no person shall operate or drive a vehicle containing any article or object projecting or hanging outside of or beyond the side or the rear thereof.
All the provisions of the New Jersey state motor vehicle laws with regard to equipment, lights, licenses, brakes, etc., will apply in the parks and will be strictly enforced.
Editor's Note: As to vehicles and traffic generally, see Ch. 334.
No person shall drive or operate within the parks any omnibus or vehicle adapted for more than 12 passengers, any hearse or any vehicle constructed or adapted for or engaged in the carrying of any merchandise, or consisting wholly or in part of machinery adapted for or put to any use other than that of propulsion thereof or uses incidental thereto, or upon which is displayed for advertising purposes any writing, symbol, flag, banner, target, sign, placard, transparency or other matter.
Whenever any police officer, park patrolman or other authorized park personnel shall indicate or direct, by gesture or otherwise, that the speed of a vehicle shall be checked or stopped or its course altered, the driver thereof shall immediately obey such directions.
All provisions of the New Jersey state motor vehicle and traffic laws will apply in the parks and playgrounds and will be strictly enforced, along with such restrictions as may be hereinafter stated.
No person shall drive a motor vehicle within or upon a safety zone, walk or any part of the parkway not designated or customarily used for such purpose. No person shall ride a motorcycle upon any walk or footpath.
No owner or driver shall cause or permit his vehicle to stand anywhere outside of designated parking spaces, except for a reasonable time during a drive to take up or discharge passengers. Motor vehicles, wherever parked at night, shall have lights as prescribed by the New Jersey motor vehicle laws. No motor vehicle shall be parked in said park from one hour after sunset until sunrise.
No person shall operate, drive or propel, and no owner thereof, thereon or therein shall cause or permit to be operated, driven or propelled, any vehicle recklessly or negligently or at a speed or in such a manner as to endanger or injure or be likely to endanger or injure other persons or property.
No person shall drive a vehicle in any part of the parks or playgrounds proper at a rate of speed exceeding that indicated by signs which may be placed from time to time in the park or playground system, and where such signs are not placed, no person shall drive a vehicle at a rate of speed exceeding 20 miles per hour.
Nothing contained in this article shall apply to the wagons, trucks and apparatus of a fire department, police department or ambulance, nor to emergency repair vehicles of the Township when responding for emergency work in case of fire, accident, public disaster, impending danger or emergency.
No person shall injure, deface, displace, remove, fill in, raise, destroy or tamper with any drive, path, walk, bridge or approach thereto; take up or remove or carry away any asphalt, concrete, flagstone, rock, stone, gravel, sand, clay or earth; or make any excavation of any kind or nature; or harvest, injure or remove any ice; or injure, deface, displace, remove or destroy any structure, building, post, railing, bench, seat, platform, stand, tree guard, telephone, telegraph pipe or main for conducting of water or wires, or any hydrant, sewer drain, pipe, main, receiving basin, covering, manhole or vent forming a part thereof or any appurtenance or appendage connected therewith, or any other property or equipment under the jurisdiction or control of said Director of Recreation or appertaining to the creation, government, use or maintenance of said park or playground; or injure or in any way interfere with the operation of any machine, instrument or contrivance used in said park or playground; or injure, deface, displace, remove or destroy any sign, inscription, post or monument erected or marked for any purpose, or any mileboard, milestone, danger sign or signal, guide, sign or post or any signaling device sanctioned, installed or placed at the direction of said Director of Recreation.
No person shall destroy, cut, break, deface, mutilate, injure, disturb, sever from the ground or remove any plant, flower, flower bed, shrub, tree, growing things, plant growth or any branch, stem or leaf thereof; or pile or maintain any material or debris of any kind against or upon same; or attach any rope, cable or other contrivance thereto; or set fire or assist another to set fire to any timber, trees, shrubs, plants, flowers, grass or plant growth; or hitch any animal thereto or leave same standing near enough to injure any lawn or grass plot or go upon the same.
No person shall molest, kill, trap, hunt, take, chase, shoot or throw missiles at, remove or have in his possession any animal, reptile, bird, bird's nest or squirrel's nest, or remove the young of any such animal or the eggs or young of any such reptile or bird; or knowingly buy, receive or have in his possession, sell or give away any such animal, reptile, birds or eggs so taken, except at such times when permission to do or give away any such animal reptile, birds or egg, has been given by the said Director of Recreation.
No person shall, within or without said parks or playgrounds, throw, cast, lay, drop or discharge into or leave in the waters of the parks or playgrounds, or any tributary, brook, stream, storm sewer, pool or drain, any substance, matter or thing, liquid or solid, which may or shall result in the pollution of said waters.
No person shall take into, carry through, leave in or throw, cast, lay, drop or discharge into or on, or suffer or permit any servant, agent, employee or person in his or her charge to take into, carry through, leave in or throw, cast, lay, drop or discharge into or on, said parks or playgrounds, any ashes, dross, cinder, shale, paper, dirt, sand, oil, grease, clay, loam, stone or building rubbish, brush, stumps, hay, straw, sawdust, shavings, manufacturing or trade or household waste, old iron or other metal or objects made therefrom, or rubbish of any sort, or sick, diseased or dead animals, organic refuse or other offensive matter, including swill, brine, urine, offal, fecal matter, garbage or rubbish.
The aforementioned rules and regulations shall be conspicuously posted in all such public parks and playgrounds where the same are effective.
[Amended 9-6-1977; 4-17-2006 by Ord. No. 06-06]
Any person violating or failing to comply with any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by a fine of not more than $2,000 or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the Judge. The continuation on each successive day shall constitute a separate offense, and the person or persons allowing or permitting the continuation of the violation may be punished as provided above for each separate offense.
[Article III, Parks and Recreation Areas, of Chapter 285, Smoking, which article was adopted 3-16-2015 by Ord. No. 15-04, is hereby incorporated by reference.]