All appointments of Township officers and employees shall be made solely on the basis of merit and fitness as demonstrated by examination or other evidence of competence.
The Board shall provide for the adopting of a set of rules and regulations governing Township employees which provides for:
Classification of all Township positions based on duty, authority and responsibility, of each position with adequate and proper reclassification when required.
A pay plan for all Township employees.
Methods for evaluating employee performance for promotion or merit and fitness of candidates for appointment.
Policy and procedures regulating reduction in force or removal.
Working hours, attendance regulations, sick and vacation leave.
Policies and procedures governing persons holding provisional appointments.
Policies and procedures governing relationship with employee organizations.
Policies regarding in-service training programs.
Grievance procedures.
Other practices and procedures necessary for efficient and effective administration of the Township personnel system.
The Township shall not deny to any person the employment of any civil right nor discriminate nor allow discrimination against any person in the exercise of any civil right because of race, color, religious belief, ancestry, sex, age, or national origin.
The Manager shall give bond to the Township, subject cost to be paid by the Township, as approved by the Board in such sum as to faithfully perform the Manager's duties. This requisite, if required by the Board, shall be done by ordinance. If the Manager is appointed as the Secretary-Treasurer or Treasurer alone, such bond shall be necessary as to meet the requirements of surety for the faithful performances as Secretary/Treasurer or Treasurer.
(As added by Ord. 367, 7/26/1988, § 1K; and as amended by Res. 2004-25, 7/6/2004)