[Ord. 9/2/1986, Art. V]
Signs in AR Zones.
All signs are prohibited in the above-mentioned zones except those signs enumerated in §§ 27-1117, 27-1132, 27-1133.
Illuminated signs are prohibited in the above-mentioned zones, except for street address signs, signs indicating churches or other places of worship, signs necessary for public safety and signs enumerated in § 27-1133.
Signs in Other Zones. Reserved for future consideration.
[Ord. 9/2/1986, § 7.01]
The intent of this Part is to allow certain provisions of this chapter to be modified where such modifications will encourage excellence in the planning and design of signs and to advance the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan of Richmond Township. Nothing in this Part, however, is intended to permit the erection or maintenance of signs which are prohibited in § 27-303.
[Ord. 9/2/1986, § 7.02; as amended by Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991]
In the event that any owner or lessor wishes to erect, alter or maintain a sign other than as permitted in this chapter, the following procedure shall be adhered to:
No request for a special exception shall be considered until the Zoning Officer has determined, in accordance with Part 6 hereof, that the sign is or will be, if erected as provided in the permit application, in violation of this chapter.
After such determination is made and the owner or lessor desires to appeal the Zoning Officer's finding, such owner or lessor may apply, in writing, for a special exception. Such application shall be directed to the Zoning Hearing Board of Richmond Township and mailed to the Zoning Officer.
Upon receiving the application for a special exception, the Zoning Officer shall forward such application, together with copies of all data, documents, and correspondence in the possession of the Zoning Officer relative to the matter, to the Zoning Hearing Board and notify the Planning Commission.
Upon receipt of the application as provided in § 27-503, Subsection 1C, the Zoning Hearing Board shall proceed as provided for applications for special exception in this chapter and in accordance with the provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
In arriving at a decision, the Zoning Hearing Board shall consider the statement of intent in § 27-103 and in § 27-502 of this chapter as its basic guide. Economic factors shall not be considered in granting special exceptions.
If the request for a special exception is approved, the Zoning Officer shall, after 30 days, issue the permit or license initially requested. However, if the request for a special exception is denied and the sign in question is an existing sign erected prior to the enactment of this chapter or a new sign erected in violation of this chapter, the owner or lessor shall have 90 days in which to remove the sign. If the owner or lessor fails to remove the sign within the time period provided, the Zoning Officer shall then cause the sign to be removed immediately. The cost of such removal shall be borne by the owner or lessor of such sign or shall be a lien on the property upon which the sign is located.