[Ord. 968, 6/26/2006]
This Part shall be known as the "Hatboro Ordinance Regulating Identification of the Truss Construction and Signage."
[Ord. 968, 6/26/2006]
For purposes of this Part, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein. Where not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future words, and the plural number includes the singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory.
Borough of Hatboro.
The sign shall be triangular shape, red or orange in color, and should be no smaller than 12 inches on the base of the triangle and eight inches on each side.
Structure shall include all industrial, professional, commercial, multi-family garages, warehouses, or their like which have either roof truss construction or floor truss construction.
A framework of wood, metal, or both for supporting a roof or another part of a building.
[Ord. 968, 6/26/2006]
Truss construction of roofs and flooring is one of the worst fears for any firefighter because if a truss fails, then the whole truss system fails which can cause harm to fire fighters. One of the best ways to inform the fire fighters that the building has either truss construction of roofs or flooring is to have a sign posted on the building or nearby, indicating that there is truss construction.
All industrial, professional commercial, multi-family structures, garages, warehouses, and other similar structures which have a roof truss construction or floor truss construction shall erect an approved truss sign to each building. The location of the sign shall be approved by the Fire Code Official.
All houses with any floor truss or roof truss construction shall have an approved sign at a location approved by the Fire Code Official. The owner of the property shall be responsible for maintenance of the sign so that it is legible and easily visible from the street.
[Ord. 968, 6/26/2006]
It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or deface the truss construction sign at any time.
[Ord. 968, 6/26/2006]
Any person who shall violate any provision of this Part or any rule or regulation promulgated hereunder shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days.