[Added 4-16-2007 by Ord. No. 257; amended 11-4-2019 by Ord. No. 292[1]]
Editor's Note: Nothing in this article shall be interpreted as a discontinuation of the Village Planning (zoning) Commission. The Planning Commission shall be and remain constituted in accordance with and shall have all of the powers and duties set forth in the Michigan Planning Enabling Act (Act 33 of 2008), as amended from time to time, those powers and duties previously set forth in the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act (Act 110 of 2006) and in this article. No matter pending before the Planning Commission as of the effective date of this article shall be affected in any way by the fact that the Planning Commission is being reconstituted by this article. All such pending matters shall be carried forward under the Planning Commission at the same status as existed prior to the effective date of this article.
Pursuant to the requirements and authority of the Michigan Planning Enabling Act (Act 33 of 2008) and the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act (Act 110 of 2006), the Village Council hereby establishes a Planning Commission consisting of nine members, which shall replace the existing Planning (Zoning) Commission.
The Village President shall appoint members of the Planning Commission, subject to approval by a majority vote of the members of the Village Council.
Each member of the Planning Commission shall serve a three-year term. The initial appointment of members shall be for periods of one, two, and three years, as determined by the Village Council. The Village Council may appoint up to three ex officio members to the Planning Commission.
Members of the Planning Commission shall be qualified electors of the local unit of government, except that two members of the Planning Commission need not be qualified electors of the local unit of government.
The Planning Commission shall adopt bylaws of the Planning Commission upon the approval of same by the Village Council.
The Planning Commission shall have all authority, power and duties identified by the Michigan Planning Enabling Act as well as those powers and duties identified and transferred from the previous planning (zoning) commission pursuant to the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act. In the event that any provision of the Village's Zoning Ordinance conflicts with the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, the provisions of the Michigan Planning Enabling Act shall control.
The Planning Commission shall have all zoning authority specifically provided by the Michigan Planning Enabling Act and those powers and duties transferred from its role pursuant to the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act.
The Planning Commission shall elect at its first meeting of the year a chair, vice-chair and secretary to serve for terms of one year.
Planning Commission members shall be compensated in amounts established by resolution by the Village Council.
All Planning Commission members shall take an oath of office in a form approved by the Village Council.
All applicable amendments to the Michigan Planning Enabling Act and any other relevant statutes shall be incorporated in this chapter by reference and shall supersede the statutes that they amend or replace.
Pursuant to the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, the Planning Commission shall concurrently serve as the board of the Village of Vicksburg Downtown Development Authority and shall have all authority and duties of the DDA Board as set forth in the recodified Tax Increment Financing Act (Act 37 of 2018).