Any home occupation operated in a single dwelling unit may be operated only if it complies with all of the following conditions:
Is operated in its entirety within the single dwelling and not in a garage or accessory building, and only by the person maintaining the dwelling.
Does not have any employees or regular assistants not residing in the dwelling, except for offices of doctors, dentists or other similar practitioners.
The dwelling does not have any exterior evidence, other than a permitted sign, to indicate that the building is being utilized for any purpose other than that of a dwelling.
The occupation conducted is clearly incidental and secondary to the residential use of the building.
No goods or services are sold which are not produced by the immediate members of the family therein.
Dancing or musical instrument instruction, restaurants, beauty and barber shops, and business or trade shall not be considered home occupations.
Noise or other objectionable characteristics incident thereto shall not be discernible beyond the boundaries of the lot.
Does not utilize more than 20% of the gross floor area, but the floor area shall not exceed 300 square feet, in the single unit dwelling.