[Ord. 1-1953, 2/9/1953, Art. IX; as amended by Ord. 389, 11/4/1998, § 1]
The purpose of this Part shall be to coordinate the type, placement and dimensions of signs within the different land use zones. This Part shall not regulate building design. This Part does not regulate official traffic or government signs, flags of any nation, the display of street numbers, or any display or construction not defined herein as a sign. After adoption of this amendment it shall be unlawful for any person to erect, place or maintain a sign in the Township except in accordance with the provisions of this Part. For purposes of this Part, the owner of property in which a sign is located is presumed to be the owner of the sign unless facts to the contrary are officially recorded or otherwise brought to the attention of the Township.
[Ord. 1-1953, 2/9/1953, Art. IX; as amended by Ord. 389, 11/4/1998, § 2]
The following types of signs are prohibited in all districts:
Abandoned signs.
Animated signs.
Banners, pendants or search lights except as hereinafter provided.
Flashing signs.
Signs imitating or resembling official traffic or government signs or signals.
Signs on vehicles or trailers parked or located for the primary purpose of displaying said sign.
Off-premises signs.
Rotating signs or signs with any type of movement, mechanical or otherwise.
[Ord. 1-1953, 2/9/1953, Art. IX; as amended by Ord. 389, 11/4/1998, § 3; and by Ord. 436, 8/7/2007, § 1]
All signs erected after the effective date of this Part shall require a zoning permit, a building permit if required, and payment of required fees. The Township Board of Commissioners may from time to time establish and update fees for sign permits by resolution.
[Ord. 1-1953, 2/9/1953, Art. IX; as amended by Ord. 389, 11/4/1998, § 4]
The following types of signs do not require permits but must be in conformance with all other requirements of this Part:
Construction signs of 12 square feet or less which are temporary and are erected or otherwise displayed only during the duration of the work performed by the contractor.
Directional or informational signs of two square feet or less.
Name plates of two square feet or less.
Signs advocating or imposing the candidacy of any individual or political party or advocating or opposing any question appearing on the municipal ballot.
Real estate signs of six square feet or less.
Window signs.
Any sign relating to an emergency during the existence of such emergency.
[Ord. 1-1953, 2/9/1953, Art. IX; as amended by Ord. 389, 11/4/1998, § 5]
All signs shall be properly maintained. The Zoning Officer shall have the right to order the repair or removal of any sign which is defective, damaged or substantially deteriorated and shall have the authority to issue a citation for violation of this Part for failure to properly maintain the sign.
[Ord. 1-1953, 2/9/1953, Art. IX; as amended by Ord. 389, 11/4/1998, § 6]
Unless specified by this Part, all signs may be illuminated subject to the following conditions:
No artificial light or reflecting device shall be used as part of a sign where such light or device interferes with or competes for attention with or may be mistaken for a traffic signal.
Flood lighting shall be arranged so that the source of the light is not visible from any point off the lot and that only the sign is directly illuminated thereby.
Flashing, moving or oscillating light are expressly prohibited.
No revolving beacon lights shall be permitted.
[Ord. 1-1953, 2/9/1953, Art. IX; as amended by Ord. 389, 11/4/1998, § 7; and by 436, 8/7/2007, § 1]
Any sign herein may use automatic or manual changeable copy to advertise goods or services provided or available on-site only. Copy may be changed no more than once per day.
[Ord. 1-1953, 2/9/1953, Art. IX; as amended by Ord. 389, 11/4/1998, § 8]
All signs not requiring permits.
Construction signs which do not exceed 12 square feet.
Non-illuminated real estate signs.
Name plates which do not exceed two square feet.
One directional and/or informational sign not to exceed two square feet and 2 1/2 feet in height per lot.
Special event signs and declarations for special events, grand openings or holidays may be erected 10 days prior to a special event or holiday and shall be removed on the day following the event or holiday or the grand opening sign which shall be removed after not more than 10 days.
[Ord. 1-1953, 2/9/1953, Art. IX; as amended by Ord. 389, 11/4/1998, § 9]
All signs as permitted in § 27-1008.
One identification sign per apartment or condominium complex not to exceed 32 square feet in sign area.
For permitted non-residential uses including home occupations one free standing sign not to exceed four square feet.
All signs shall have a maximum height limit of 2 1/2 feet and a set back minimum of two feet from any public right-of-way.
[Ord. 1-1953, 2/9/1953, Art. IX; as amended by Ord. 389, 11/4/1998, § 10]
All signs permitted in § 27-1008.
One free standing sign per premises not to exceed two square feet in area for each linear foot of building frontage up to a maximum of 60 square feet and not exceeding a height of 35 feet.
One wall sign per occupancy not to exceed two square feet in sign area for each linear foot of that occupancy building frontage up to a maximum of 60 square feet.
One roof sign per premises not to exceed two square feet in sign area for each linear foot of building frontage up to a maximum of 60 square feet.
One awning sign per occupancy not to exceed 25% of the service area of an awning or one marque sign not to exceed one square foot in sign area for each linear foot of marque front and side.
One under canopy sign per occupancy not to exceed three square feet in sign area.
Incidental sign not to exceed one square foot in aggregate sign area per occupancy.
One portable sign per lot not to exceed 18 square feet in sign area or four feet in height.
The aggregate total area of all signs on each premises shall not exceed two square feet per linear foot of building frontage.
Every part of all free standing projecting awning marque and under canopy signs shall have a minimum set back of two feet from any vehicular public right-of-way and a minimum clearance of 13 1/2 feet over any vehicular use area and seven feet over any pedestrian use area.
[Ord. 1-1953, 2/9/1953, Art. IX; as amended by Ord. 389, 11/4/1998, § 11; and by Ord. 436, 8/7/2007, § 1]
All signs shall be constructed in accordance with provisions of this chapter and any applicable building codes. All signs are subject to inspection by the Township to assure that same have been constructed in accordance with the foregoing requirements. Upon request, any person applying for construction of a new sign or modification of any existing sign shall provide a certification by a licensed and registered engineer of the structural integrity, stability, and strength of the sign.
[Ord. 1-1953, 2/9/1953, Art. IX; as amended by Ord. 389, 11/4/1998, § 12]
The Zoning Officer shall process applications for permits and may enforce any and all provisions of this Part and issue citations for violations of this Part.
[Ord. 1-1953, 2/9/1953, Art. IX; as amended by Ord. 389, 11/4/1998, § 13]
Applications shall be on a form as time to time authorized by the Zoning Officer which application shall include at a minimum the name and address of the owner of the sign, the street address or location of the property and/or premises on which the sign is to be located with the name and address of the property, a site plan or drawing showing the proposed location of the sign including locations and square footage areas of all existing signs on the same premises, specifications and scale drawings showing the materials, designs, dimensions, structural supports, electrical components of any proposed sign and the text of the sign.
[Ord. 1-1953, 2/9/1953, Art. IX; as amended by Ord. 389, 11/4/1998, § 14]
The Zoning Officer shall issue a permit for the erection, alteration or relocation of a sign within 30 days of the receipt of a valid application; provided, that the sign complies with all applicable laws and regulations of the Township. If a permit is denied by the Zoning Officer, he shall give written notice to the applicant including a statement of the reasons for denial. A permit issued under this Part may be suspended or revoked if any false statement or misrepresentation of fact was included in the application.
[Ord. 1-1953, 2/9/1953, Art. IX; as amended by Ord. 389, 11/4/1998, § 15]
If a permit is denied, the permit application fee will not be refunded. A permit issued by the Zoning Officer shall be null and void if the sign is not erected or otherwise displayed within 180 days of issuance of the permit.