[Added 7-27-2020 by Ord. No. 08-2020]
The purpose of the AHO Affordable Housing Overlay Zone is to create a realistic opportunity for the construction of low-and moderate-income housing in Mendham on land that is available for development, thereby addressing the Borough's fair share housing obligation under the New Jersey Fair Housing Act[1] and constitutional obligations to provide affordable housing. This Overlay Zone is applied pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:93-4.3(b) whereby a municipality granted a durational adjustment for lack of water or sewer shall be required to apply overlay zoning which permits inclusionary development if adequate water and/or sewer become available to serve the site.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 52:27D-301 et seq.
The AHO Zone applies to Block 18.01, Lot 5.
Multifamily and townhouse dwelling units for the provision of inclusionary affordable housing pursuant to "low- and moderate-income housing requirements" below shall be permitted uses in the AHO Zone District in addition to those uses already permitted by the underlying zone district provided that sufficient sewer and water capacity is available to serve the units proposed.
Inclusionary residential development may include the following residential uses:
Multifamily dwelling units.
Combination of townhouses and multifamily units.
Accessory structures and uses customary to residential developments such as pools, clubhouses, playgrounds, picnic areas, maintenance buildings, etc.
Area and bulk requirements:
AHO Zone Bulk Standards
Density (du/acre)
Minimum distances from building
Front to building front
80 feet
Front to building side
50 feet
Side to building rear
30 feet
Side to building side
20 feet
The wall containing a window to another wall containing a window
30 feet
Minimum building depth through the short axis
30 feet
Maximum building length through the long axis
180 feet
Maximum height apartment building
3 stories (40 feet)
Maximum height townhouses
2.5 stories (35 feet)
Maximum height accessory buildings
2 stories (30 feet)
Building setback from the edge of paving or curbing
15 feet
Parking requirements
As required by RSIS
Minimum active recreation area
20% of developed area
Not less than 20% of the total number of units shall be affordable to low- and moderate-income households. Any computation resulting in a fraction of less than 0.5 shall be rounded down; any computation resulting in a fraction of more than 0.5 shall be rounded up. Said low- and moderate-income housing units shall be constructed on site.
Any affordable housing units within the AHO Zone must meet state standards for affordable housing administration found in the Uniform Housing Affordability Controls, N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1 et seq., and the Borough's Affordable Housing Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 60, Affordable Housing.
The Parking standards for the AHO Zone shall use standards of Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS). The following include general standards for parking areas:
The minimum parking provided shall be equal to 2.0 parking spaces per dwelling unit or as determined by RSIS.
The minimum size of a standard parking space shall be nine feet by 18 feet for 90° parking and nine feet by 23 feet for parallel parking.
Barrier-free parking spaces shall be distributed throughout the development in a ratio as required by N.J.A.C. 5:23-7.1o.[1]
Editor's Note: See now N.J.A.C. 5:23-3.14(b).
The minimum drive aisle/parking aisle width shall be 24 feet. Where a split entrance driveway or private street is proposed, each one-way lane of travel shall be a minimum of 14 feet in width.
The perimeter buffer shall be a minimum width of 30 feet.
The minimum landscaped width shall be 20 feet and suitable for its function of site enhancement, screening, and control of climatic effects.
The landscape buffer design should retain existing vegetation which is of high quality and appropriate density.
Where existing vegetation is unsuitable, it shall be augmented or replaced by new plantings in accordance with a landscape plan submitted to and approved by the Planning Board.
Landscaping must be provided to promote a desirable and cohesive natural environment for residents and neighboring properties. Landscaping must also be utilized to screen parking and provide windbreaks for winter winds and summer cooling for buildings, streets, and parking, according to the following standards:
All landscaping must have a two-year maintenance guarantee. If any planting material dies within two years of planting, it must be replaced the following planting season.
Tree and shrub replacement. A limit of disturbance line shall be established during the review of an application for development taking into account grading, utility placement, and anticipated construction activities. Within the area encompassed by the limit of disturbance, there shall be no requirement for the replacement of trees. Within the area to be disturbed by construction activities, the redeveloper shall liberally install trees, shrubs, and groundcover in accordance with a landscape plan submitted to and approved by the Planning Board.
Native plants required. In the design of the landscaping plan, no non-native or invasive species of plants shall be used.
Landscaping should be used to accept and complement buildings and provide for climate control.
Landscaping The protection of wooded areas, specimen trees, and existing vegetation suitable for landscaping within the redevelopment shall be a factor in determining the location of open space, buildings, underground services, paved areas, playgrounds, parking areas.
All other regulations and requirements of the underlying zone not in conflict with these provisions shall remain in effect.