[Adopted 4-19-2022 by L.L. No. 5-2022]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated herein:
Any damaged utility pole or utility pole from which the plant has been removed, in whole or in part, which is attached or in close proximity to a new utility pole.
The cables, terminal, conductors and other fixtures necessary for transmitting electric, telephone, cable television or other telecommunications service.
A public street, public easement, public right-of-way, public highway, public alley, public way, sidewalk or public road.
No telegraph, telephone or electric power or light poles or wires shall be erected over, upon, or across any street in the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, except with the permission of the Village Manager or his duly designated representative and upon such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by him.
Notification; time frame for removal.
When the Village determines that a utility pole in a Village right-of-way is damaged and poses a potential threat to the public safety, the Village shall notify any public utility with a plant on the damaged pole that it must remove its plant from the damaged pole within 15 days of receiving such notification from the Village.
When a public utility installs a new pole that creates a double utility pole condition, the public utility shall, within 30 days of installation of the new pole, provide written notice to all other public utilities maintaining a plant on the existing pole that a new pole has been installed and that their plant on the existing pole must be relocated to the new pole within 90 days of the date of the notice. A copy of such notice shall be simultaneously provided to the Village.
Existing poles must be removed within 120 days after installation of the new pole. Removal shall be the joint and several obligation of the public utility installing the new pole and any other public utility maintaining a plant on the existing pole. When the Village determines that a double pole is in a Village road right-of-way, the Village will notify the public utility which owns the double pole that the pole must be removed.
All permits for the installation of a utility pole(s) shall include the following provision: "The permittee shall have 120 days to remove a double pole following the installation of a new pole in its immediate vicinity. Failure to do so may result in penalties as provided in § 252-55."
The penalty for any violation of the provisions of this article shall be as provided in § 1-14 of the Village Code. Each day that such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.