[Amended by Ord. No. 2004-22, 8-23-2004]
The intent of this division is to ensure attractive views of vehicular use areas such as parking lots, driveways, loading and service areas, utility service areas and utility devices from streets and adjacent properties by screening such areas from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way; by moderating temperatures of impervious areas, by abating glare from parking lots or service areas and by helping to filter vehicular exhaust. This division specifies minimum requirements and design standards while allowing flexibility in design.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2004-22, 8-23-2004]
Vehicular use areas are areas in which motor vehicles are either stored or driven, including private access driveways, parking lots containing more than five parking spaces, vehicular display lots (vehicles for sale, rent, or lease), loading and service areas, utility service areas and utility devices, including, but not limited to, electrical substations, electrical transformers and pumping stations. Portions of interior vehicular use drives with no parking spaces on either side or used exclusively as access to loading and service areas are excluded from this definition.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2004-22, 8-23-2004]
Where vehicular use areas are located adjacent to required buffer areas, the required buffer area landscaping as set forth in division 2 above counts toward satisfying the planting requirements for the vehicular use area.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2004-22, 8-23-2004]
Design standards for parking lots are as follows:
All parking lots must have at least one canopy tree at least eight feet in height and 1 3/4 to two inches in caliper measured one foot above grade when planted with an expected mature height of 35 feet or more within 60 feet of each parking place or two small trees and/or large tree-form shrubs instead of one canopy tree, if overhead utility lines will impair the canopy tree's growth to maturity, the midpoint between said trees being within 60 feet of each parking space.
Existing trees. Existing health canopy trees, meeting the size requirements set forth in 1. above, may be counted toward the requirements of this section, provided that tree protection methods are installed at least six feet from the trunks of existing trees or groupings of trees or one foot for each one inch in caliper for each tree or grouping of trees to be retained and maintained in a healthy growing condition before, during and after development of the site.
Landscape areas for parking lots may be provided in islands located at the ends of rows of parking spaces, in medians located between rows of parking bays or adjacent to and within ten feet of the perimeter of the parking lot.
All planting medians and islands in parking lots shall be at least seven feet wide, measured from the back of each curb and must contain at least 300 square feet for each canopy tree or two small substitute trees. Median planting strips between rows of parking bays are encouraged rather than numerous small, one tree islands. If medians are used, the distance of parking spaces from the trunk of a canopy tree or two small substitute trees may be increased to 75 feet as long as the trees planted in the medians are spaced no further than 50 feet on center.
All parking lots within 20 feet from the street or any adjacent property will be screened from the right of way and any adjacent properties by evergreen plantings that will attain a height of at least three feet within three years, planted no more than six linear feet apart.
Opaque fences or walls, at least 60 inches in height and architecturally compatible with the principal on-site building in construction and color., may be substituted for a maximum of 50 percent of the required shrubs to screen parking lots from adjacent properties when located within 20 feet of such properties.
Berms may be installed within the area between parking lots and street rights-of-way with a minimum height of 1 1/2 feet, minimum crown width of two feet, and side slopes no greater than 3:1 ratio. Berms shall be planted with shrubs which may be lower than 18 inches in height when installed, but berms and shrubs must achieve a minimum combined height of three feet within three years.
All parking lots shall provide landscaped areas equivalent to at least eight percent of the paved area of the lot.
Design standards for loading and service areas are as follows:
All loading and service areas, including trash collection areas or dumpster refuse containers, when not screened by an intervening building or other structure, shall be screened from adjacent properties and streets by evergreen plant materials which can be expected to reach a height of six feet or greater within three years of installation or by opaque fences or walls at least six feet in height and architecturally compatible with the principal on-site building in construction and color.
Designs standards for utility service areas and utility devices are as follows:
Any utility service area or utility device located within 20 feet of a public right-of-way and more than 36 inches in height shall be screened from the public right-of-way, which screening may not intrude into the public right-of-way. Screening shall be by evergreen plantings a minimum of 18 inches in height when installed and expected to reach a mature height and width equal to, or greater than, the utility service area or utility device, including, but not limited to, electrical substations, electrical transformers and pumping stations to be screened. Screening shall be accomplished in such a manner as to allow safe operation and access to the utility service area or utility device.
Design standards for parking structures are as follows:
When parking is provided in above or below ground structures, the above requirements for parking lots shall not apply. However, if the parking structure is visible from a street right-of-way or adjacent property, one deciduous or evergreen canopy tree at least eight feet in height and 1 3/4 to two inches in caliper measured one foot above grade when planted with an expected mature height of 35 feet or more or two deciduous or evergreen substitute trees for every 25 linear feet of the structure shall be planted between the structure and the adjacent property or right-of-way.
Design standards for vehicle display lots are as follows:
Where vehicle display lots are located within 20 feet of a street right-of-way, one canopy tree as defined in § 25.16(d) or two small trees per 50 linear feet and one evergreen shrub for every six lineal feet of street frontage shall be installed. Trees and shrubs may be grouped together to enhance design elements.