The Town of Clifton Park has taken over several sewage transportation corporations that have been abandoned by their former owners. Under Town Law, the Town has to assume ownership, operation and maintenance responsibilities. Some of these sewer systems are located within the boundaries of the Saratoga County Sewer District (SCSD) and serve only to collect and transport wastewater to the facilities of the SCSD trunk sewers and subsequent WWTP. Other Town sewer systems, such as Olde Nott Farm and Riverview Landing, provide both collection and treatment of wastewater. As such, the Town is responsible for state-regulated discharge permits and must comply with regulations promulgated by the state and federal government. Further, the Town Board, as Commissioner of the sewer districts, must adopt the rules and regulations that relate to the operation, maintenance and use of the sewer system by the properties within each district and proposed outside users/extensions of the sewer district.
The general purpose of this chapter is the following: to provide for efficient, economic, environmentally safe, and legal operation of the Town publicly owned treatment works (POTW) and sanitary sewer collection system of the Town of Clifton Park.
The specific purposes of this chapter are the following:
To prevent the introduction of substances into the POTW that will:
Interfere with the POTW in any way;
Pass through the POTW to the state's waters and cause contravention of standards for those waters or cause violation of the POTW's SPDES permit;
Increase the cost or otherwise hamper the disposal of POTW sludge and/or residuals;
Endanger municipal employees;
Cause air pollution, or groundwater pollution, directly or indirectly;
Cause, directly or indirectly, any public nuisance condition.
To prevent new sources of infiltration and inflow and, as much as possible, eliminate existing sources of infiltration and inflow.
To assure that new sewers and connections are properly constructed.
To provide for equitable distribution to all users of the POTW of all costs, associated with sewage transmission, treatment, and residuals disposal, and to provide for the collection of such costs.