The government of Allegheny County shall include an elected County Council, an elected Chief Executive and an appointed professional Manager.
Editor's Note: For additional information regarding the organization of County government, see Administrative Code Art. 201.
The office of County Commissioner is abolished upon the swearing in of the County Council Members and the Chief Executive.
[Amended 5-17-2005]
The elected officers of the County shall consist of 15 County Council Members, the Chief Executive, the District Attorney, the Controller, the Sheriff and the Treasurer.
Editor's Note: For additional information regarding the County Legislative and Executive Branches, see Administrative Code Parts 3 and 4.
Each elected officer of the County shall have been a voter of the County for at least one year immediately preceding election to the office or in the case of an appointment to fill a vacancy in office, for at least one year immediately preceding appointment. Each elected officer shall remain a voter of the County for the term of office.
Each County Council Member elected by district shall have been a resident of that district for at least one year preceding election to the office and shall remain a resident of that district throughout the term of office. If, however, reapportionment results in a district County Council Member being placed out of the district from which the Member was elected, the Member shall be permitted to complete the term.
The Chief Executive shall be at least 25 years of age.
Unless otherwise required by law or this Charter, all elected officers of the County shall be elected to four-year terms and shall continue to serve in office until a successor is elected and sworn in. All terms shall commence on the first business day of January following the election, except for the filling of unexpired terms in which case the term shall commence upon the swearing in of the officer.
The Chief Executive shall be limited to three consecutive terms of office.
County Council shall consist of 15 Members, two of whom shall be elected at large and 13 of whom shall be elected by district.
Any political party or body shall be entitled to nominate one candidate for the office of at-large County Council Member. In the municipal election, each voter may vote for no more than one candidate for the office of at-large Council Member and the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected as the at-large County Council Members.
At the first election under this Charter and at four year intervals thereafter, the two at-large County Council Members shall be elected.
The terms of the district County Council Members shall be staggered. At the first election under this Charter, seven of the 13 district County Council Members shall be elected to terms of four years and six shall be elected to terms of two years. The districts for which the County Council Members shall be elected to an initial term of two years shall be determined by lot by the Board of Elections. At all municipal elections thereafter, all district County Council Members shall be elected to terms of four years.
Editor's Note: For additional information regarding the County Council, see Administrative Code Art. 301.
The Chief Executive shall not be a candidate for nomination or election to more than one County office at the same time.
A County Council Member shall not be a candidate for nomination or election to any elected political office other than that of County Council without having first resigned from County Council.
County Council Members and the Chief Executive shall not hold any other elected political office and, except as specifically allowed by this Charter, shall not receive any salary, stipend or other compensation from the County or any County authority.
County Council Members shall not receive a salary but may receive per-meeting stipends not to exceed in the aggregate $9,000 annually per Member. The aggregate stipend may by ordinance be increased by up to five percent every five years.
County Council may hire Council staff as provided in Article IV, § 1.4-402(n).
County Council Members shall not be entitled to receive any County funding for personal staff, local district offices or fringe benefits including, but not limited to, health and life insurance, pensions and personal motor vehicles.
The Chief Executive's annual salary shall be $90,000 which may be adjusted annually as provided in the Administrative Code.
Elected officers may be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties in accordance with procedures established in the Administrative Code. The reimbursement of the expenses of County Council Members shall not exceed $3,000 per County Council Member per year. The expense limit may by ordinance be increased by up to five percent every five years.
The appropriation in each annual operating budget for County Council's per-meeting stipends, expenses, total staff compensation and office expenses shall not exceed four-tenths of one percent of the County's annual locally levied tax revenues as detailed in the most recent audited financial report of the County.
The appropriation in each annual operating budget for the Chief Executive's compensation, expenses, total staff compensation and office expenses shall not exceed two-tenths of one percent of the County's annual locally levied tax revenues as detailed in the most recent audited financial report of the County.
The Chief Executive or a County Council Member shall forfeit office if, during the term of office, County Council determines that he or she:
lacks any qualification prescribed by law or by this Charter;
has been convicted of embezzlement of public moneys, bribery, perjury or other infamous crime;
has been found to be incapacitated by an appropriate court; or
has failed to perform his or her duties of office as required by law, ordinance or this Charter for a period of 60 consecutive days unless detained by sickness or prevented by necessary absence from the County. No such office shall be declared forfeited for failure to perform required duties until the holder of the office shall have been given a hearing before County Council, at which time the holder may show cause why he or she should not forfeit the office.
The offices of Chief Executive or County Council Member shall become vacant upon the officer's death, resignation or forfeiture of office, or upon the failure of the officer to assume office after election within 30 days after the scheduled commencement of the term.
If a County Council seat becomes vacant, County Council shall appoint an interim County Council Member within 30 days. The interim County Council Member shall be qualified under this Charter to be elected to such office and shall have the same political party affiliation as the former County Council Member, or in the case of a seat held by a person of no political party affiliation, shall have no political party affiliation. The interim County Council Member shall hold the vacated seat until the vacancy is filled at the next available municipal election. The person elected at the next available municipal election shall take office as soon as possible after the certification of the election and shall serve the unexpired portion of the vacated term.
If the office of Chief Executive becomes vacant, County Council, by an affirmative vote of a majority of the seated Members, shall appoint an interim Chief Executive until the vacancy is filled at the next available municipal election. If County Council fails to appoint an interim Chief Executive within 30 days, the President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas shall appoint an interim Chief Executive until the vacancy is filled at the next available municipal election.