The purpose of this chapter is to regulate the activities of taxicabs and other vehicles for hire in the Town of Southampton. History has shown that there is a need for investigation and review of the conduct of taxicab drivers and vehicles for hire in order to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of residents and visitors within the Town. Indeed, one of the Town Board's highest priorities is to promote public safety, economic well-being, and highway safety and usage within the community.
Thus, this chapter is intended to enhance the peace and security of our citizens in their homes and neighborhoods; to safeguard consumers against price-gouging, fraud, and inferior services; and to prevent unsafe driving conditions on the public roads and highways of the Town.
Because a variety of administrative costs will be incurred in connection with the issuance and recording of licenses, as yet undetermined in the regulation and enforcement of such licenses, the Board seeks to set all fees within this chapter by Town Board resolution. In doing so, the Board is able to better facilitate any necessary changes that may be required in the future.
This chapter also intends to involve the Public Safety Commission in matters relating to the suspension and revocation of licenses. Pursuant to § 143-11B of the Town Code of the Town of Southampton, the Public Safety Commission's function is to "hear and determine any complaint or grievance that may be the basis for suspension or revocation" of a license granted under Chapter 143 of the Town Code for reasons including, but not limited to, fraud, misrepresentation, bribery, and bad faith. The Town Board seeks to expand upon this consumer protection role to include hearings on licenses granted under this chapter.
[Amended 5-28-2024 by L.L. No. 10-2024]
Town Law §§ 136 and 137, General Municipal Law § 181 and Municipal Home Rule § 10 provide authorization for this chapter.
Word usage. Words used in the singular below and elsewhere in this chapter shall include the plural and vice versa. The word "shall" is always mandatory.
The following terms as used herein shall have the following meaning:
Includes any single act of transporting a passenger or passengers in a motor vehicle for hire or for compensation of any kind upon the public roads and highways within the Town of Southampton.
An additional place of business, other than the business office, in the area where an owner's terminal is located.
The date this chapter becomes effective: March 31, 2005.
A transportation charge or the price of passage or the sum paid or due for conveying a person by taxicab or vehicle for hire.
Devices, including but not limited to licenses and placards to be posted and/or maintained within a taxicab and vehicle for hire as required herein.
Written authorization that permits a person to engage in the business of transportation for hire or to employ others for such purposes; permits the use of a specific vehicle in the business of transportation for hire; and/or allows a natural person to operate a motor vehicle engaged in transportation for hire.
Any motor vehicle engaged in transportation for hire pursuant to an express written contract in connection with funerals, weddings, proms and other events or functions of a similar nature.
[Amended 4-12-2016 by L.L. No. 7-2016]
Any motor vehicle engaged in transportation for hire when, at the prior request of the passenger(s), the vehicle is used and pickup is made by prior arrangement or dispatch, whether hired by the hour, by the day or for a fixed fare, and/or so licensed by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. For the purposes of this chapter, vehicles for hire when operating through use of a transportation network company, as defined herein, shall be considered livery vehicles.
[Added 4-12-2016 by L.L. No. 7-2016]
A natural person to whom proper state and local licensing for the operation of a motor vehicle for the purpose of transportation for hire is issued.
A person to whom New York State registration of one or more vehicles engaged in the business of transportation for hire is issued, and/or a person owning or controlling one or more taxicabs and/or vehicles for hire and operating or causing to be operated any such vehicle(s).
Any person other than the operator/driver who is an occupant of a taxicab or vehicle for hire upon the public roads and highways within the Town of Southampton.
Any natural person, corporation, partnership, unincorporated association, or any other organization of two or more persons.
Charging a passenger any amount above the posted rate.
Any motor vehicle engaged in the business of transportation for hire, whether the same is operated from a street stand or subject to calls from a garage.
[Amended 4-12-2016 by L.L. No. 7-2016]
Any space designated by the Town of Southampton for licensed taxicabs and/or licensed vehicles for hire to park while waiting for business.
A fixed base of operations for taxicabs or vehicles for hire located within the area for which application is made and designated as zoned for business, which also has adequate off-street parking facilities for licensed vehicles when not in operation.
All unincorporated hamlet areas within the Town of Southampton.
The transporting of a passenger or passengers in a motor vehicle for hire or for compensation of any kind, upon the public roads and highways within the Town of Southampton.
An organization, including, but not limited to, a corporation, limited-liability company, partnership, sole proprietor or any other entity, that provides prearranged transportation services for compensation using an online-enabled application or platform to connect passengers with drivers using a personal vehicle.
[Added 4-12-2016 by L.L. No. 7-2016]
Includes any motor vehicle used in the transportation of a passenger or passengers, for hire or for compensation of any kind, including Medical Transport, upon the public roads and highways within the Town of Southampton.
[Amended 12-21-2023 by L.L. No. 45-2023]
Any incorporated village within the Town of Southampton.
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to vehicles operated solely for the following activities:
Private vehicles not engaged in the business of transportation for hire.
Vehicles used solely for transportation of clients or employees of its business owner, whether for a fee or not, and are not made available for hire by other persons.
Vehicles engaged in the transportation of hotel guests and employees only.
Vehicles engaged in the transportation of school pupils and employees only.
Buses, as defined by New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law.
Vehicles for hire engaged in transportation from a point within the Town to a point outside the town, or from a point outside the Town to a point within the town, or from a point outside the town, through the town, and to a point beyond the town.
Limousines, as defined in § 299-2 herein.
On and after the effective date of this chapter, it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of transportation for hire upon the public roads and highways within the Town of Southampton without possessing a valid business owner license, operator license, and/or vehicle license issued under the provisions of this chapter. An offense against this provision shall constitute a misdemeanor.
Applications for a license or license renewal shall be filed annually with and on a form supplied by the Town Clerk and shall include all information reasonably required by the Town from time to time in order to administer the provisions of this chapter and to assist in determining an applicant's fitness. All statements contained in the application shall be in the form of a notarized and sworn affidavit. A false statement made in this application is punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to § 210.45 of the Penal Law of the State of New York. A false instrument submitted by any applicant is punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to § 170.05 of the Penal Law of the State of New York.
Unless otherwise stated, all other offenses against this chapter shall be considered violations.
Any change in name, residence, business location, or any change in the telephone number of the person designated for service of legal process set forth in the license application shall be reported in writing via certified mail, return receipt requested, to the Town Clerk within seven days of the occurrence. Any other such change shall be so reported in writing to the Town Clerk within 30 days of occurrence.
Prior to the issuance of any license hereunder, the Town Clerk shall refer all license applications to the Southampton Town Police Department for review with regard to the fitness or desirability of the applicant.
[Amended 12-13-2016 by L.L. No. 14-2016]
Transfers unlawful. It is unlawful for any person to transfer or assign any license or the identification device issued under the provisions of this chapter to any other person or vehicle.
Expirations. All licenses issued hereunder shall have a term of no more than one year, and shall expire on the 31st day of December immediately following the date of issuance.
Renewals. Applications for renewal of all licenses shall be made 60 days prior to the expiration date thereof. An application for renewal of any license made more than 30 days after the expiration date thereof shall be subject to an additional penalty fee.
Suspension or revocation. Holders of licenses issued pursuant to this chapter shall surrender them to the Town Clerk immediately upon demand after the suspension or revocation thereof as provided in § 299-23 hereof.
Sales. Holders of licenses issued pursuant to this chapter shall notify the Town Clerk within 24 hours of the sale or other disposition of a licensed vehicle. Holders of licenses shall surrender the vehicle license to the Town Clerk no later than seven days from the sale or other disposition of a business or any vehicle and shall submit proof that the license plates have been surrendered to the Department of Motor Vehicles.
State actions. Holders of licenses issued pursuant to this chapter shall surrender same to the Town Clerk no later than seven days from suspension or revocation by the State of New York of any relevant license, permit or registration.
Public properties. Owners or operators involved in transportation for hire shall not have exclusive rights to any location on any road or highway, or on any public property, unless so prescribed by a contract or franchise agreement with the public entity owning said property.
Owners or operators involved in transportation for hire shall not stand, park, idle, occupy, wait for fares, solicit fares, pick up fares, or otherwise use the parking areas at the property commonly known as the "Bridgehampton Community House" and more particularly described on the Suffolk County Tax Map as No. 900-86-1-8.001, without a valid contract, license agreement or franchise agreement with the Town of Southampton.
[Added 5-22-2012 by L.L. No. 6-2012[1]]
Editor’s Note: This local law also provided for the redesignation of former Subsection B as Subsection C.
State highways. Owners or operators involved in transportation for hire shall not occupy any part of a state highway for the purpose of soliciting passengers for so long as the same is governed and regulated by New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1157(c) and § 1800.
Business owners and operators are responsible for ensuring that they and their agents take such training courses as may be required from time to time by the State of New York, County of Suffolk, and Town of Southampton specifically designed to educate and familiarize them with the provisions of this chapter and/or customary safety standards. Evidence of the satisfactory completion of such courses shall be filed with the Town Clerk along with the license application. Current license holders shall file with the Town Clerk proof that they are regularly attending and/or have satisfactory completed such courses.