No stationary signs or billboards shall be permitted in the R-R Agricultural and Rural Residence, R-1 Residence and L-C Land Conservation Districts, except:
Customary professional and accessory use signs. (See the definition of "professional offices" in § 130-8A.)
Rooming, boarding and tourist home signs not larger than two square feet.
Real estate signs not larger than 12 square feet only when placed on properties for sale or rent.
Signs of an appropriate nature, but not larger than 20 square feet, identifying any other building or use permitted under this chapter.
Signs necessary for the identification, operation or protection of a public utility installation.
Signs incident to a legal process or necessary to the public welfare.
Signs and billboards permitted in the B-1 Neighborhood Business District shall include:
All signs permitted in residence districts.
Signs not larger than 100 square feet and not more than two per establishment advertising a business or activity conducted on the premises.
Signs and billboards permitted in B-2 General Business and B-3 Highway Business Districts shall include:
All signs permitted in Neighborhood Business Districts.
Signs not larger than 60 square feet and not more than one per establishment, within a highway distance of two miles, advertising a place of business (not a product) located within a distance of 12 highway miles.
Signs not larger than 60 square feet, and not more than two per subject, within a distance of two highway miles carrying information of specific interest to the traveling public, related to such things as historic sites, scenic and recreational areas, overnight and eating accommodations and automobile service facilities.
There shall be no limit on either the size or the advertising purpose of signs and billboards located in the industrial districts.
Signs permitted in P-D Planned Development Districts shall be subject to all the requirements stated elsewhere in this article.
Wherever located and whatever their nature, signs and billboards shall conform to the following requirements:
No attached sign shall extend within a street or road property line unless said line is the building line, in which case signs may extend over the street or road property line for a distance not exceeding four feet.
No freestanding sign larger than eight square feet shall have less than three feet of open space at the bottom, extending its entire length.
In matters of setback from the street or road, required yard and other such respects, freestanding signs larger than eight square feet shall be regarded as buildings within the meaning of this chapter.
Advertising display upon a building or other surface shall be regarded as coming within the above regulations.