[Amended 1996 by Ord. No. 298; 8-23-2010 by Ord. No. 461; 4-25-2011 by Ord. No. 476; 2-25-2013 by Ord. No. 497]
The following standards are intended to ensure an adequate supply of parking and loading spaces within a reasonable distance of development while encouraging design that accommodates pedestrians.
Parking lot design shall be as follows:
Minimize the number and width of curb cuts along streets to maintain continuity of the sidewalks.
Coordinate vehicular site access with existing curb cuts where it results in good site and traffic operations design.
Provide vehicular site access from the side or less major street where possible, to improve pedestrian safety on the major street sidewalk.
Locate parking and drive-through facilities at the rear and/or flank of the building out of view of the public street and/or sidewalk.
In order to maintain the street wall, do not locate parking lot and access driveways between the main entrance of the building and the street in the downtown district (commercial zoned area from Sublette Avenue to Jackson Avenue); they are permitted on the sides or rear of the building.
Stacking lanes are not permitted between the main entrance of the building and the street.
Provide parking adjacent to the secondary entrance doors to the facility such that it is not necessary for pedestrians who arrive by car to cross driveways or stacking lanes to enter the interior of the building. Provide connecting sidewalks from street sidewalks to building entrances and through parking lots.
Provide sufficient signage where necessary to indicate direction of vehicular travel, stop signs, and no-entrance signs.
Provide and clearly demarcate separate, safe pedestrian circulation routes, techniques such as raised pedestrian crossings, change in paving, bollards and landscaping to separate pedestrians from stacking lanes and driveways.
Lots shall not be designed so that vehicles back onto the street.
Integrate parking into the larger landscape and streetscape concept.
All parking lots that include lighting shall have coordinated full cutoff fixtures.
All parking lots with over five spaces shall be screened with landscaping from residential zones, adjacent rights-of-way, and public parks.
A drainage plan shall be submitted for parking areas and driveways.
Incorporate snow storage areas into landscaping for water infiltration and drainage purposes; snow storage shall not restrict access or circulation for vehicles or pedestrians.
Individual parking space dimensions shall meet or exceed the diagram below.
Unlawful use. Parking and loading areas provided in accordance with the requirements of this chapter shall not be used for the sale, repair, assembly or disassembly, storage or servicing of vehicles or equipment. Unlicensed or inoperable vehicles shall not be stored in any required parking or loading space.
Unlicensed or inoperable vehicles prohibited. No unlicensed or inoperable vehicle shall be stored in the front yard in any zoning district.
Permitted recreational, unlicensed or inoperable vehicle storage. No more than one recreational vehicle, or one unlicensed or inoperable vehicle, shall be stored outside of a structure on a zone lot in R-S, R-1, R-2, R-2A, R-4, MH, C-1 and C-2 Zoning Districts, and the place of such storage may not be in the front yard of the zone lot, and the place of such storage must be so as to allow at least 12 1/2 feet of clear fire lane on each side of structures on the zone lot.
On-site loading space is required for nonresidential uses that require deliveries and are not accessed by an alley, when deliveries last more than one hour a day and take place more than three days a week, or when there is frequent parking turnover with high traffic volume (all traffic comes at the same time or at staggered times and stays for 10 minutes or less), or when frequent parking turnover is desired.
Individual off-street loading spaces shall be located to the rear or sides of the building.
Traffic flow shall be designed so there are separate entrances and exits.
All loading areas are required to be on the same lot as the permitted use.
Adequate off-street maneuvering areas shall be provided that do not interfere with normal parking or on-site traffic flow.
[Amended 1-11-2016 by Ord. No. 557]
No on-site parking is required in the Downtown Parking Zone. This zone generally consists of C-1 Zones from Pine Creek to Bridger Avenue and is depicted and described below:
Commencing at the intersection of South Bridger Avenue and East Charles Street;
Thence, northerly along Bridger Avenue to the intersection of North Bridger Avenue and. East North Street;
Thence, westerly along East North Street to the intersection of East North Street and North Sublette Avenue;
Thence, southerly along North Sublette Avenue to the intersection of North Sublette Avenue and the alley located between East North Street and East Magnolia Street;
Thence, westerly along said alley to the intersection of the alley and the Town limits located at the west boundary of the Cottage Addition to the Town of Pinedale;
Thence, southerly along the west boundary of the Cottage Addition to the north boundary of the Molyneux Addition;
Thence, westerly along the north boundary of the Molyneux Addition to the northwest corner of the Molyneux Addition;
Thence, southerly along the west boundary line of the Molyneux Addition to the intersection of the west boundary line of the Molyneux Addition and Pine Street;
Thence, westerly along Pine Street to the intersection of Pine Street and an extension of South Jackson Avenue;
Thence, southerly along South Jackson Avenue to the intersection of South Jackson Avenue and West Adams Street;
Thence, easterly along West Adams Street to the intersection of West Adams Street and South Shanley Avenue;
Thence, northerly along South Shanley Avenue to a point of intersection of South Shanley Avenue and an extension of West Charles Street;
Thence, easterly along the extension of 'West Charles Street and Charles to the intersection of East Charles Street and South Bridger Avenue.
For development outside of the Downtown Parking Zone, the Planning and. Zoning Commission and Town Council may consider off-site parking to be used in an applicant's parking requirement through counting spaces on the street (parking waiver) or by allowing an off-site parking lot (parking away from use) concurrent with a building permit application.
Off-site parking plan requirements:
The separate lot must be within 900 feet of the permitted use.
The separate lot must be located within a zoning district where the parking of vehicles is a permitted use.
An off-site parking lot may not directly abut Pine Street.
Shared parking that is shared by more than one owner requires a cross-parking agreement with notarized signatures being filed at the Town.
Shared parking is permitted for uses that overlap. Two uses with the same hours of operation may not share a parking lot unless the number of spaces meets both requirements. In a truly shared situation, the number of spaces required shall be for the greater use, unless just providing a portion of the spaces.
A site plan showing the parking layout with entrances and exits, proximity to permitted uses, required number of spaces for permitted uses, and drainage and snow storage must be submitted.
Approval or disapproval. The parking plan may be reviewed by other departments and must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council. Any approval may establish necessary conditions and limitations.
All off-site parking plans which have been approved and recorded shall be binding upon the owners of the land area and structures included in the special plan and their successors and assigns and shall control all zoning permits and certificates and the use and operation of the designated structures and land area.
Amendment or withdrawal of off-site parking plan. Plans may be amended or withdrawn through the same process by which they first gained approval.
Parking waiver requirements. If an applicant cannot meet the number of required parking spaces on site they may apply to the Town to allow spaces within the adjacent street to be counted. The application must include the following on a site plan and may be considered concurrently with the building permit application.
The number of spaces that can be provided on site.
The number of public parking spaces within 900 feet of the permitted use.
The types of uses and hours of operation of uses within 900 feet of the permitted use.
The applicant's proposed use and hours of operation.
Residential and industrial use is not eligible for the parking waiver.
The Zoning Administrator shall make a determination whether to make a recommendation to issue the waiver based on whether the area can handle the increased demand by assessing the quantity of parking available in the area, whether the streets are developed with sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and designated parking spaces, the overlap of existing uses and hours of operation.
Approval or disapproval. The parking plan may be reviewed by other departments and must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council. Any approval may establish necessary conditions and limitations.
Elimination of spaces. No structure shall be erected or enlarged, nor shall any use be enlarged, if such action will eliminate existing required parking spaces.
Parking requirements. Applicants shall provide the following parking spaces on the same parcel as the use, unless a parking waiver or parking plan is approved. Parking spaces are required for any new construction and/or additions that increase the square footage whether horizontally or vertically.
Table A
Off-Street Parking Standards
Spaces Required
1 space per dwelling unit
Accessory dwelling unit
1 space per dwelling unit
Accessory residential
1 space per dwelling unit
0.5 space per bedroom
Mobile home
1 space per dwelling unit
1 space per 500 square feet gross floor area
Restaurants and taverns
1 space per 400 square feet gross floor area
Personal service
1 space per 600 square feet gross floor area
Day-care center
1 per 5 kids, 0.5 per employee
1 space per 700 square feet gross floor area
1 space per 500 square feet gross floor area
General services
1 space per 700 square feet gross floor area
Professional service
1 space per 700 square feet gross floor area
Vehicle repair and service
1 space per 700 square feet gross floor area
0.5 space per guest room
1 space per 1,200 square feet gross floor area
Public assembly
1 space per 2 seats
Warehouse/storage/bulk goods
1 space per 2,000 square feet gross floor area
1 space per 2,000 square feet gross floor area
Contractor yard and office
1 space per 1,200 square feet gross floor area
0.5 space per employee
Large-scale sales
1 space per 1,000 square feet gross floor area
Uses not listed
Shall be determined by the Planning and Zoning Administrator
Required accessible parking.
In addition to the parking required by Table A: Off-Street Parking Standards, the parking space requirements listed in Table B shall be provided for all nonresidential uses. All parking shall conform to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), building code standards as indicated in § 175-1, Adoption of standards, or these standards, whichever is more restrictive. In addition, van-accessible spaces and loading areas may also be required by the building code.
[Amended 8-24-2015 by Ord. No. 550]
Table B
Nonresidential Accessible Parking
Total Off-Street Spaces
Spaces for Persons with Disabilities
1 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
501 to 1,000
2% of total spaces
1,001 and over
20 plus 1.0 for each 100, or fraction thereof
In addition to the parking required by Table A: Off-Street Parking Standards, of this section, the parking space requirements listed in Table C shall apply for multifamily residential uses. These spaces shall be specifically assigned first to disabled-accessible residential unit(s). Any extra spaces shall be unassigned. All parking shall conform to the requirements of the ADA, building code standards as indicated in § 175-1, Adoption of standards, or these standards, whichever is more restrictive. In addition, van-accessible spaces and loading areas may also be required by the building code.
[Amended 8-24-2015 by Ord. No. 550]
Table C
Multifamily Accessible Parking
Number of Units
Spaces for Persons with Disabilities
1 to 6
7 to 14
15 to 21
22 to 28
29 to 35
36 to 42
43 or more
For each additional six units, the required number of spaces increases by one
ADA-required spaces shall meet ADA requirements for surfacing.