As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Applies to that part of the main horizontal drain and its branches inside the walls of the building and extending to and connecting with the house sewer.
Applies to that part of the main drain or sewer extending from a point two feet outside of the outer front wall of the building, vault or area to its connection with public sewer, private sewer or cesspool.
Applies to main sewers that are not constructed by and under the supervision of the Department of Public Works.
Applies to any vertical line of pipe having outlets above the floor of the first story for water closet connections.
Applies to any special pipe provided to ventilate the system of piping and to prevent trap siphonage and back pressure.
Applies to any vertical line of pipe having outlets above the first floor for fixtures other than water closets.
Drawings and descriptions in duplicate shall be furnished by the plumber of all plumbing and drainage when making application for permit to the Superintendent of Buildings when required by the Superintendent of Buildings. The plans may be required by the Superintendent of Buildings to be drawn to scale in ink or prints of such plans, and shall consist of such floor plans and sections as may be necessary to show clearly all plumbing work to be done, and must show partitions and methods of ventilating water closet apartments.
[Amended 2-26-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015]
The said plumbing and drainage shall not be commenced or proceeded with until said drawings and descriptions shall have been so filed and approved by the Superintendent of Buildings and, when required, a permit is received from the Superintendent of Buildings.
No modification of the approved drawings and descriptions will be permitted unless either amended drawings and duplicate descriptions or an amendment to the original drawings and descriptions, covering the proposed change or changes, are so filed and approved by the Superintendent of Buildings.
The Superintendent of Buildings shall have the power to adopt such rules with respect to materials and method of installation, consistent with the provisions of this chapter, as may be necessary to secure the intent and purposes of this chapter and a proper enforcement of its provisions. For any provisions of this chapter referring to the rules or requiring approvals of materials or method of installation, such Superintendent shall adopt, as the necessity may arise, such rules as are required or will establish the conditions of approval.
The Superintendent of Buildings may amend or repeal any rule by the same procedure prescribed for adoption of new rules.
The drainage and plumbing of all buildings, both public and private, shall be executed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Department of Buildings.
Repairs or alterations of plumbing or drainage may be made without filing drawings and descriptions in the Department of Buildings, but such repairs or alterations shall not be construed to include cases where new vertical lines or horizontal branches of soil, waste and vent lines arc proposed to be used.
Notice of such repairs or alterations shall be given to the said Department of Buildings before the same are commenced in such cases as shall be prescribed by the rules and regulations of the said Department. and the work shall be done in accordance with the said rules and regulations.
Where repairs or alterations ordered by Board of Health or Bureau of Buildings for sanitary reasons include cases where new vertical and horizontal lines of soil, waste and vent are proposed to be used or old ones replaced, drawings and descriptions shall be filed with and approved by the Superintendent of Buildings, if the Superintendent of Buildings shall so require, before same shall be commenced or proceeded with.
Repairs and alterations may comply in all respects with the weight, quality, arrangement and venting of the rest of the work in the building, except that when an existing soil, waste or vent line has been damaged by fire or other causes to the extent of 50% or more of its entire length, same must be replaced by new lines installed in accordance with the rules and regulations governing new lines.
No plumbing and drainage or any part thereof shall be commenced until the plumber who is to do the work shall sign the specifications and make affidavit that he is duly authorized to proceed with the work. The affidavit must give the name and address of owner and plumber, etc. No registered plumber shall sign the specifications and act as the agent for a plumber who has not obtained a certificate of competency from the Examining Board of Plumbers as an employing or master plumber. A violation of this rule will be deemed a sufficient reason for the Examining Board of Plumbers to bring charges, and if sustained after investigations shall be referred to the Village Board of Trustees for action to cancel his certificate of registration.
One set of specifications will be received for not more than 10 houses, and then only when on adjoining lots and houses are exactly alike.
[Amended 2-26-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015]
Notice must be given to the Superintendent of Buildings by the plumber in all cases of work when work is started. Application for permit on form provided and drawings to scale must be given to the Superintendent of Buildings by the plumber for approval for all new plumbing work or any plumbing changes which involve the changing of drain, soil, waste or vent pipes. No plumbing work shall be started until a permit is obtained from the Superintendent of Buildings.
[Amended 4-10-1967; 4-27-1981 by L.L. No. 6-1981; 2-26-1990 by L.L. No. 24-1990]
The Board of Trustees by resolution shall adopt and from time to time may amend a schedule of fees for the approval of plans and inspection of any plumbing or drainage within any building, the installation of fixtures and for a change in drain in case of new sewer connections requiring such change.
[Amended 5-22-1967]
Application to the Superintendent of Buildings shall be made by the plumber in writing for roughing, water test or flange inspection where required, and a plumber's report on form provided, for final inspection. Such report shall be filed with the Superintendent of Buildings for a final inspection within 90 days of the date of issuance of the plumbing permit, unless an extension of time has been granted by the Superintendent of Buildings in writing. Failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall be deemed a violation of the provisions of this chapter.
When a building, residential or commercial, is damaged by fire and the fire damage to the building exceeds a loss of 50%, the Plumbing Inspector shall be required to inspect the premises and report the condition of the plumbing system. All new plumbing fixtures or piping shall be installed in accordance with this chapter.
[Amended 12-27-1982 by L.L. No. 17-1982]
All sections or parts of sections of the Building Code[1] relating to plumbing and drainage are to be observed and are hereby made a part of these rules and regulations.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 86, Building Construction.
Compliance with the current issue of the State Building Construction Code applicable to plumbing shall also constitute compliance with the Plumbing Code of the Village of Freeport.
Each building must be separately and independently connected with a public or private sewer or cesspool, except where a building is located on the rear of the same lot as another building, when its plumbing and drainage system may be connected to the house drain of the front building behind the house trap and fresh-air inlet, which shall be used for both buildings if sewer-connected, or may be connected to an existing cesspool of front houses and be provided with a separate house trap and fresh-air inlet.
Every building must have its sewer connections directly in front of the building, unless permission is otherwise granted by the Superintendent of Buildings.
Cesspool privy vaults will be permitted only after it has been shown to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Buildings that their use is absolutely necessary.
When allowed, cesspool privy vaults must be constructed strictly in accordance with the terms of the permit issued by the Superintendent of Buildings.
Cesspools must not be used as privy vaults nor can privy vaults be used as cesspools. Cesspools and privy vaults must be located at least 15 feet from any building.
All pipelines must be supported at the base on brick piers or by heavy iron hangers from the cellar ceiling beams and along the line by heavy iron hangers at intervals of not more than 10 feet.
When soil, waste or vent pipes receive the discharge of fixtures on any floor above the first, they must be extended in full caliber to at least one foot above the roof coping and well away from all shafts, windows, chimneys or other ventilation openings. When less than three inches in diameter, they must be enlarged to four inches in diameter at a point just inside the roof.
All pipes issuing from extensions or elsewhere which would open within six feet of a window, door or other vertical opening of any building must be extended above the top of any window located within such distance.
When roofs are used for drying clothes or any other use for the tenants or public, all vent pipes shall be extended to a height of seven feet above the roof.
The arrangement of all pipes must be as straight and direct as possible. Offsets will be permitted only when unavoidable.
All pipes and traps should, where possible, be exposed to view. They should always be readily accessible for inspection and repairing.