There shall be a Youth Bureau headed by a Director who shall be appointed by the County Executive based on his or her education, experience and qualifications to perform the duties of the office, subject to confirmation by the County Legislature, and shall serve at the pleasure of the County Executive.
Powers and duties. The Director of the Youth Bureau shall have managerial responsibility for the department and, with the advice and assistance of the Youth Board, recommend policies that promote youth development and prevent delinquency, plan and coordinate activities devoted to the well-being and protection of all youth in Ulster County, and expand public awareness of youth issues. He or she shall have all the powers and perform all the duties now and hereafter conferred or imposed upon him or her by law, and perform such other and related duties required by the County Executive and County Legislature.
The Deputy Director of the Youth Bureau shall be appointed by the Director, in accord with and within the limits of the appropriation provided for this purpose, after consultation with the County Executive on the basis of his or her education and experience. He or she shall possess the powers and perform the duties of the Director of the Youth Bureau during the absence or inability of such Director to act or in the case of a vacancy in the office of the Director, until a successor is selected and has qualified.
Membership; appointment; term. There shall be a Youth Board that shall consist of 15 members who shall be appointed by the County Executive for a term of three years, subject to confirmation by the County Legislature. No member of the Youth Board shall hold any other County or state office. Members shall elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman for a term of one year. Board members shall be known as "Commissioners of the Youth Bureau of the County of Ulster" and shall receive no compensation for their services or activities except for actual and necessary expenses in the performance of duties as appropriated. The Sheriff of Ulster County, the Commissioner of Health or Public Health Director, the Family Court Judges, the County Attorney or his or her representative, the Commissioner of Social Services, and two members of the County Legislature designated by the Chairman of the County Legislature shall be ex officio members of the Youth Bureau.
Powers and duties. The Youth Board shall propose policies, programs and recommendations to the Director of the Youth Bureau, the County Executive and the Legislature regarding measures most suitable to supplement, aid and coordinate the work and activities of all public and private agencies, including religious and social institutions, seeking to prevent delinquency and youth crime, to advance the moral, physical, mental and social well-being of the youth of this County, and to encourage the County's local governments to take an interest in the well-being of youth.