The federal government has enacted and amended the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, now known as the Federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1150 et seq.)."
The Bergen County Utilities Authority has enacted rules and regulations, as required by the Federal Clean Water Act, in incorporating an industrial cost recovery system, a user charge system, and regulations pertaining to the use of sanitary sewers.
The Borough of Fort Lee is within the district serviced by the Bergen County Utilities Authority and has contracted with the Bergen County Utilities Authority for the removal and treatment of the wastewater contained within the sanitary sewers of the Borough of Fort Lee.
The Borough of Fort Lee desires to assure that the sanitary sewers operated and maintained by it will conform to the best sanitary engineering practices and comply with the requirements of the Federal Clean Water Act.
The use of all sanitary sewers of the Borough shall be in compliance with the rules and regulations enacted by the Bergen County Utilities Authority.
The Borough hereby adopts and enacts the user charge system and industrial cost recovery system contained in the rules and regulations of the Bergen County Utilities Authority, as if set forth herein at length, and authorizes their immediate implementation by the appropriate municipal official, to be designated by resolution of the governing body.
Nothing contained herein shall preclude the Borough from challenging any amendments to the rules and regulations which may be hereafter adopted.
Not fewer than three copies of the rules and regulations of the Bergen County Utilities Authority have been and are filed in the office of the Borough Clerk and are available for public inspection during normal business hours.
Copies of the rules and regulations of the Bergen County Utilities Authority can be obtained from the Bergen County Utilities Authority for the cost of publication.