[Adopted during codification (upon enactment, adoption information will be inserted here)]
There is hereby created the office of Township Engineer.
The Township Engineer shall be appointed pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:69A-95.
The Township Engineer shall:
Act as Superintendent of Public Works and to attend meetings of the Township Committee.
Be a licensed operator in charge of the sewage treatment plant.
Be a licensed operator in charge of the Water Department.
Be responsible for the construction and maintenance of curbs, sidewalks, highways, sanitary sewers and storm drains; also water mains and municipal buildings; prepare and supervise the preparation of specifications and construction plans and prepare designs for sewer extensions, pavements and structural work of varied types.
Supervise and operate the garbage and refuse collection.
Be responsible for the plowing and removal of snow and ice control of Township highways.
Be responsible for all engineering and planning of public works projects for the Department of Public Works and the Township as a whole; prepare specifications and plans for long-range municipal improvements; and establish and maintain all records, maps and files, as directed by the Township Committee.
Prepare all budgets under the Department of Public Works.
Be responsible for the reading of water meters, installations, testing and repairing of the same.
Take care of all purchasing for Department of Public Works and the Municipal Building.
The Township Engineer shall receive compensation for legal services as he or she may be directed to perform during the year by the Township Committee upon presentation of a voucher sworn to as required by law in accordance with the professional services agreement.