Members and employees shall be courteous and orderly in their dealings with the public. They shall perform their duties quietly, avoiding harsh, violent, profane or insolent language, and shall always remain calm regardless of provocation. Upon request, they are required to supply their names and badge numbers in a courteous manner. They shall attend to requests from the public quickly and accurately, avoiding unnecessary referral to other parts of the Department.
All members, even though charged with vigorous and unrelenting enforcement of the law, must remain completely impartial toward all persons coming to the attention of the Department. Violations of the law are against the people of the state and not against the individual officer. All citizens are guaranteed equal protection under the law. Exhibiting partiality for or against a person because of race, creed or influence is conduct unbecoming an officer. Similarly, unwarranted interference in the private business of others when not in the interests of justice is conduct unbecoming an officer.
Courtesy and civility toward the public is required of all members of the Department. Members shall not use words which humiliate, disparage, demean, degrade, ridicule or insult a person because of his race, creed, color, national origin or ancestry.
Members of the Department shall not make public statements concerning the work, plans, policies or affairs of the Department which may impair or disrupt the operation of the Department or which are obscene, unlawful or defamatory.
No member or employee shall knowingly become a member of or connected with any subversive organization, except when necessary in the performance of duty, and then only under the direction of the Chief of Police.
No police officer or civilian employee shall, except in the discharge of police duties, knowingly associate with or have any dealings with any person or organization which advocates or which is instrumental in fostering hatred, prejudice or oppression against any racial or religious group.
Members and employees shall not permit their names or photographs to be used to endorse any product or service which is in any way connected with law enforcement without the permission of the Chief of Police. They shall not, without the permission of the Chief of Police, allow their names or photographs to be used in any commercial testimonial which alludes to their positions or employment with the Department.
All requests for public speeches, demonstrations and the like will be routed to the Chief of Police for approval and processing. Members and employees directly approached for this purpose shall suggest that the party submit his request to the Chief of Police.