[Amended 4-15-1974 by Ord. No. 1-74]
Any owner or land within the city shall, prior to the making of any minor subdivision, submit, together with the fee prescribed by § 150-10 of this Article, an application for minor subdivision approval to the Community Affairs Department, which shall transmit such application to the Chairman of the Subdivision Committee of the Planning Board within three days from receipt thereof.
The Planning Board may, by regulation, require that the application be submitted to the Community Affairs Department not less than 10 days prior to the meeting at which action is to be taken or reported taken on such application.
Written application for approval of a minor subdivision shall be made in duplicate on appropriate forms supplied by Planning Board, and it shall include, in addition to any other information which may be sought by the Planning Board, the names and addresses of the owner, agent and engineer, if any, and statements identifying and locating the property involved, together with a preliminary plat, in triplicate, of the proposed subdivision as prescribed in § 150-9 of this Article.
The preliminary plat accompanying an application for a minor subdivision shall be clearly drawn and legibly lettered on tracing cloth at a scale not smaller than one inch equals 100 feet; it shall be accurate and certified by a licensed land surveyor and shall, in, addition to complying with the requirements of N.J.R.S. 46:23-9.1 and 9.4 (1953), show or include the following information:
The location of that portion which to be subdivided in relation to the entire tract.
All existing structures standing upon or within 100 feet of the portion to be subdivided.
The name of the owner of the land being subdivided and the names of the owners of all properties within 200 feet of the extreme boundaries of the subdivision, as the same appear in the most recent city tax records.
The block and lot numbers on the current city tax assessment map of all the properties shown on the plat.
All streets and streams within 500 feet of the subdivision.
[Amended 4-18-1966 by Ord. No. 869; 9-5-1978 by Ord. No. 38-78; 9-15-1980 by Ord. No. 25-80; 10-19-1981 by Ord. No. 38-81]
The following shall be the fees for minor subdivisions:
One-family, two-family and charitable organizations or lands to be used for these purposes: $50.
Three-family to ten-family dwelling units or lands to be used for these purposes: $125.
Multiple-family dwellings in excess of 10 units or land to be used for that purpose: $300.
Business, commercial and industrial buildings and structures or land to be used for these purposes on property of less than two acres: $150.
Business, commercial and industrial buildings and structures or land to be used for these purposes on property of two acres or more; $250.
The Subdivision Committee of the Planning Board shall consider and act upon each application for a minor subdivision within 30 days from the date of the receipt thereof.
If the Subdivision Committee unanimously finds that the application is in proper order and that it qualifies as a minor subdivision under the terms of this Article and that there is not cause for review by the entire Planning Board or for unfavorable action upon the subdivision by a majority of said Board, such findings shall be deemed to be favorable approval by the Planning Board, which shall be empowered in such instances to waive full notice and hearing and favorable referral by a majority of the Board on the said subdivision. Upon such approval by the Subdivision Committee, its Chairman shall indicate said approval by his signature to that effect upon the original plat and shall forward it to the Chairman of the Planning Board, who shall sign same and forthwith transmit it to the Building, Housing and Land Use Department for signature. Such signed plat shall be returned by the Building, Housing and Land Use Department to the applicant within one week after its approval by the Subdivision Committee; provided that payment has been made for the reproductions required by § 150-12 of this Article.
Report of Subdivision Committee to the Board. The Subdivision Committee shall report its action taken upon each minor subdivision application at the next regular meeting of the Planning Board following such action.
Before the Building, Housing and Land Use Department shall return any approved plat to the subdivider, such Department shall have sufficient reproductions made (recovering the cost therefor from the subdivider) to furnish one copy to each of the following:
Building, Housing and Land Use Department.
City Engineer.
City Tax Assessor.
Secretary of the Planning Board.
Building Inspector.
The original of the aforesaid plat, drawn in compliance with New Jersey Revised Statutes 46:23-9.1, shall be filed by the subdivider with the County Clerk within 60 days from the date of its return to him by the Building, Housing and Land Use Department.
If the Subdivision Committee shall fail to unanimously determine that the application and plat submitted therewith qualify as a minor subdivision under the terms of this chapter, a notation to that effect shall be made upon the original plat by the Chairman of the Subdivision Committee. The said plat shall then be returned to the Building, Housing and Land Use Department for forwarding to the subdivider, with instructions that he perfect a major subdivision application in compliance with Articles III and IV of this chapter.