No bill or claim shall be considered for payment at any meeting of the Board of Council unless it shall have been presented to the Borough Treasurer at least seven days before said meeting, unless the Council by a majority vote of those present at such meeting waives this requirement.
All warrants drawn against municipal funds, when authorized to be issued by the Council, shall be signed by the Mayor, attested to by the Clerk and countersigned by the Treasurer unless the Council from time to time, otherwise directs.
Resolution for the payment of bills shall direct that a warrant be issued when the funds of the Borough are sufficient to make such payment. Said resolution shall have endorsed on its face a certification by the Treasurer that there is a sufficient appropriation in the budget to cover payment of the bills or, where applicable, in the funding ordinance.
The Clerk shall keep such records as are required by the Mayor or Board of Council or by law of all receipted bills, ordinances and other matters referred to him by said Mayor and Board of Council, and he shall perform all duties devolving upon him by law and as may be imposed by the Mayor or Board of Council.