[Amended 5-23-1995 by Ord. No. MC 3017]
The members of the Municipal Council shall constitute the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board of the Township of Irvington, (hereinafter referred to as "the Board") and shall exercise and perform all of the functions, powers, duties and rights conferred upon it by the provisions of Title 33 of the New Jersey Revised Statutes. The Board shall meet as follows:
For transfers and renewals of liquor licenses and other routine matters that may from time to time come before the Board, the Board shall meet, as necessary, immediately proceeding the regular meetings of the Municipal Council, at the discretion of the Municipal Clerk.
For disciplinary proceedings, appeals and other hearings of a similar nature which may from time to time come before the Board, the Board shall meet, as necessary, immediately following the regular meetings of the Municipal Council, at the discretion of the Municipal Clerk.
The Municipal Council, acting as the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board of the Township of Irvington, may, by a majority vote of the full membership thereof, change the aforementioned schedule, provided that the requirements of the Sunshine Law (N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq.) are met.
The Municipal Council of the Township of Irvington hereby establishes the position of Alcohol Beverage Control Investigator(s) and that the Alcohol Beverage Control Investigator(s) shall report directly to the Director of Public Safety for the Irvington Department of Public Safety, subject to the duties and responsibilities prescribed by the Director of Public Safety of the Irvington Department of Public Safety for the purpose of investigating all applications for licenses, transfer of licenses and violations of any or all provisions of this chapter and of the state laws and rules and regulations relating thereto.
[Added 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. MC 3729]