[Amended 6-4-2018 ATM by Art. 28, approved 9-21-2018]
The Select Board shall make all necessary appointments as provided by charter or Town by-law or as deemed necessary by the Select Board for the conduct of business by the Town within sixty (60) days of the final session of the October Town Meeting, except as otherwise provided by the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
This section not to be limiting upon the Select Board so as to prevent appointments when deemed necessary by the Select Board after the expiration of the sixty (60) day period as set forth above.
[Amended 10-8-1981 OTM by Art. 16, approved 3-2-1982]
The appointing authority, upon making an appointment, shall immediately provide each newly appointed member with a written notification of his appointment, such notification to include the name of the board, committee, or commission, its function and responsibilities, and the names of its current members, and shall also notify the Town Clerk in writing of such appointments.
The Town Clerk shall post, in a prominent place in the Town Hall, a list showing the current members of all Town boards, committees, or commissions, elected or appointed.
[Amended 6-4-2018 ATM by Art. 28, approved 9-21-2018]
If a vacancy occurs on any board, committee, or commission created by the Town Meeting, such vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the Select Board and the committee involved, and they shall give notice in writing to the Town Clerk of such action, said notice to state the name and address of the new member or members.
It shall be the duty of the Select Board to call the joint meeting for the purpose of filling the existing vacancy. Said meetings shall be convened within sixty (60) days of the vacancy, and said meetings shall be convened by the Select Board.