[Adopted 11-1-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-1]
In recognition of the benefits provided to the Town of Hebron and its residents and businesses by the dedicated service of the Town's Volunteer Fire Department, the Town hereby establishes a tax abatement program pursuant to General Statutes § 12-81w for eligible active members of the Hebron Volunteer Fire Department who are at least 18 years of age, including firefighters, fire support members, emergency medical personnel and fire police.
A member in good standing of the Hebron Volunteer Fire Department who is liable for property taxes due the Town of Hebron shall be eligible to receive an abatement of municipal property taxes, as described in § 320-25 below, when he or she meets the following criteria:
The member must volunteer his or her services as a firefighter, fire support person, emergency medical technician, paramedic or ambulance driver in the Town of Hebron.
The member must have completed satisfactory service for a probationary period by December 31 in each year in order to be eligible for a tax abatement on the taxes due for that assessment year as set out in criteria defined by the Hebron Volunteer Fire Department and approved by the Board of Selectmen.
The member must be certified to the Revenue Collector and Board of Selectmen by the Fire Chief as eligible pursuant to § 320-25 hereof.
The criteria for eligibility shall be defined by the Hebron Volunteer Fire Department and approved by the Board of Selectmen prior to implementation.[1] Any changes in the criteria shall likewise require Board of Selectmen approval before implementation. The criteria in effect from time to time shall be placed on file as a matter of public record in the office of the Hebron Town Clerk. Such criteria shall include consideration of combined years of service and participation in emergency calls, training, committee and Department meetings and such other duties and activities as designated by the Fire Chief. Consideration shall also be given to limitations on ability to participate in the preceding calendar year by reason of injury or sickness arising in the line of duty or military service as well as such other factors as may be deemed appropriate. Eligible members shall, in accordance with such criteria, be certified by March 1 in each year as eligible members in Category I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX or X, qualified for abatement of taxes due the next following July 1 based upon the accumulated credit units (points) to which they become entitled.
Editor's Note: See criteria included at the end of this chapter.
The categories of eligibility and the pertinent abatement shall be determined by number of completed years of service and points accumulated in the preceding calendar year, with abatements up to $1,000 based upon the member's respective category.
A member who has served a minimum of 20 years on active duty with the Hebron Volunteer Fire Department and has left the organization after the effective date of this article, once he or she has attained the age of 62, shall continue to be or again become eligible to receive the abatement (in an amount which is the average of the three years of certification immediately preceding the year in which the member left the organization) for as long as he or she owns property subject to taxation in the Town of Hebron. The Fire Chief shall certify the names of such persons to the Revenue Collector and Board of Selectmen by March 1 annually.
The Town Manager of the Town of Hebron is delegated the authority to administer this program and promulgate such forms, rules and regulations consistent with this article and the applicable state statutes as may facilitate administration. The Revenue Collector shall maintain a record of all abatements granted in accordance with this article and shall report such data to the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance as they may from time to time request.
The Board of Selectmen is hereby authorized to enter into interlocal agreements for the purpose of providing abatement to volunteers who reside other than in Hebron but who serve in Hebron and to volunteers who reside in Hebron but serve in other municipalities based upon principles of reciprocity.
A member aggrieved by the determination by the Fire Chief not to certify him or her in any year or by the determination of the Fire Chief as to the category in which such member is certified may appeal the Fire Chief's determination to the Town Manager by not later than March 16 in that year. The Town Manager shall hear such member and the Fire Chief and conduct such other inquiry into the matter as he deems necessary and shall render his decision affirming or altering the determination of the Fire Chief by March 31. If the member continues to be aggrieved, he may, by April 15, appeal the decision of the Town Manager to the Board of Selectmen, which shall likewise hear such member and the Fire Chief and receive such other evidence as may be presented by them and by the Town Manager as may be relevant. The decision of the Board of Selectmen on such appeal shall be rendered by May 15 and shall be final.