Inspecting agent. At least one week prior to commencement of street construction, the developer shall notify the Department of Public Works in writing of the intended commencement. The Department shall, upon receipt of such notification, appoint an agent and instruct said agent to make continuing inspections of the work to ensure that the requirements listed below are adhered to. The reasonable costs for said agent are to be determined by the Department in accordance with the accepted Town Pay Schedule and paid to the town by the developer.
Special consultants. The Planning Board may retain independent consultants at the reasonable expense of the developer, in accordance with § 170-2.8, to ascertain whether these regulations and construction specifications have been met.
Checklist. The inspecting agent shall furnish the subdivider with a checklist (Form I)[1] of steps to be completed. The subdivider shall not proceed with any steps until all prior steps have been signed by the inspector as satisfactorily completed. Inspections shall be requested in writing, at least two working days in advance of each inspection, except as other arrangements have been agreed to by the Inspecting Agent. The completed checklist is to be returned to the Planning Board. Failure of the subdivider to submit the completed checklist may be deemed sufficient cause for the Board to withhold final approval of the roadway construction.
Editor's Note: Form I is included at the end of this chapter.
Request for release. Upon completion of all or part of the foregoing requirements, security for the performance of which was given by bond, deposit, or covenant, or upon the performance of any covenant with respect to any lot, the applicant may request and agree on terms of release with said Planning Board. Request for such release shall be initiated with a statement sent registered mail to the Planning Board and the Town Clerk, as provided at MGL C. 41, § 81-U.
Partial release. The Board may grant partial release from such security for partial completion of improvements, if it determines that the completed portion provides a reasonable system for circulation, drainage and utilities pending completion of the rest.
Completion requirements. To assist in determining whether satisfactory completion has been made, the Planning Board shall be provided with a properly completed Inspection Form (Form I)[1] by the subdivider. The required improvements will not be considered complete until:
The subdivider has filed with the Planning Board an as-built plan as required at § 170-4.6G.
The subdivider has filed street acceptance materials with the Planning Board, or the Board has waived them, as provided at § 170-2.7.
Any grassed areas have been mown at least twice; all landscaping and plantings have been through a winter; all other aboveground improvements, such as paving and sidewalks, have been installed for at least 12 months subsequent to their final inspection; and all underground utilities and appurtenances, such as water and sewer lines, have been installed for at least 24 months subsequent to their final inspection, and their continued integrity has been verified. Street acceptance by Town Meeting prior to these periods having elapsed shall not be reason for release of the portion of security being held to assure integrity of improvements.
Editor's Note: Form I is included at the end of this chapter.
Strict compliance with the requirements of this chapter may be waived when, in the judgment of the Planning Board, such action is in the public interest and not inconsistent with the Subdivision Control Law. When granting such waivers, the Planning Board shall clearly state its reasons in writing and make it part of its decision.
For matters not covered by these rules and regulations, reference is made to MGL C. 41, §§ 81-K to GG, inclusive.