A. General regulations apply to all districts except
as noted herein. When requirements of a general regulation and a district
regulation differ, the more restrictive combination of regulations
shall prevail.
B. No structure, building or land shall hereafter be
used, and no structure shall be located, erected, converted, extended,
enlarged, reconstructed or altered, nor shall any change of use of
any structure or land hereafter be made, within areas included under
the jurisdiction of this chapter, unless they shall be in full compliance
with the terms and provisions of this chapter and other applicable
No building shall hereafter be erected or altered:
A. To exceed the authorized height for the zoning district;
B. To accommodate or house a greater number of families
than authorized for structures in the applicable zoning district;
C. To occupy a greater percentage of lot area than authorized
for the applicable zoning district; or
D. To have narrower or smaller front yards, rear yards,
or side yards than is specified herein for the district in which such
building is located.
[Amended 5-3-2010 by Ord.
No. 10-02]
No part of a yard or open space surrounding
any building required for the purpose of complying with the provisions
of this chapter shall be included as a part of a yard or other open
space similarly required for another building. An open porch or terrace
may occupy a front yard, provided that the unoccupied portion of the
front yard furnishes a depth of not less than 15 feet. A one-story
bay window may project not more than three feet beyond the front line
of the building.
A. Any single residential lot which was of record at
the time of the adoption of this chapter that does not meet the requirements
of the chapter for yard, courts or other area of open space may be
utilized for single residence purposes, provided the requirements
for such yard or court area, width, depth or open space is within
75% of that required by the terms of this chapter.
[Amended 5-3-2010 by Ord.
No. 10-02]
B. The purpose of this provision is to permit utilization
of recorded lots which lack adequate width or depth as long as reasonable
living standards can be provided.
[Amended 5-3-2010 by Ord.
No. 10-02]
Every building shall front upon a public street,
which street shall have a minimum right-of-way width of 60 feet.
[Amended 11-2-2015]
No dwelling shall be erected in the I-1 or I-2
Industrial Districts.
[Amended 5-3-2010 by Ord.
No. 10-02]
Accessory building dwellings, commercial structure
dwellings, basement dwellings, garage dwellings or trailer dwellings
shall not be used for dwelling purposes except as specifically provided
in this chapter. This section is not intended to prevent use of the
basement of a residence for dwelling purposes.
[Amended 9-11-2006]
Every dwelling unit shall contain not less than
1,400 square feet of usable floor area in a single-family residence
and not less than 1,100 square feet of usable floor area for each
family in a converted or constructed two-family dwelling nor less
than 1,000 square feet of usable floor area in a converted or constructed
multiple-family residence housing three or more families, exclusive
of basement, cellars and unfinished attics.
Any building requiring yard space shall be located
at such an elevation that a sloping grade shall be maintained to cause
the flow of surface water to run away from the walls of the building.
When a new building is constructed on a vacant lot between two existing
buildings or adjacent to an existing building, the existing established
grade shall be used in determining the grade around the new building
and the yard around the new building shall be graded in such a manner
as to meet existing grades and not to permit runoff of surface water
to flow onto the adjacent properties.
See §
185-16, Moving buildings, of the Code.
The construction, maintenance or existence within
the Village of any unprotected, unbarricaded, open or dangerous excavations,
holes, pits or wells or of any excavations, holes or pits which constitute
or are reasonably likely to constitute a danger or menace to the public
health, safety or welfare are hereby prohibited; provided, however,
this section shall not prevent any excavation under a permit issued
pursuant to this chapter or the Building Code of the Village where such excavations are properly protected
and warning signs posted in such manner as may be required by the
Village, and provided further that this section shall not apply to
lakes, streams or other natural bodies of water, or to ditches, streams,
reservoirs or other major bodies of water created or existing by authority
of any government agency.
The use of land for the removal of topsoil,
sand, gravel or other material from the land is not permitted in any
district, except under a temporary certificate issued by the Village
Board and on condition that such removal of soil will not be below
the normal building grade, as established from the nearest existing
or proposed street, when such building grade has been established
and approved by the Director of Public Works. A temporary certificate
may be issued in appropriate cases upon the filing of any application
accompanied by a suitable agreement or bond that such removal will
not cause stagnant water to collect or leave the surface of the land
at the expiration of such permit in an unstable condition or unfit
for the growing of turf or for other land uses permitted in the district
in which such removal occurs. This section shall not prohibit the
normal removal of soil for the construction of an approved building
or structure when such plans have been approved by the Village and
a building permit has been issued upon a contract let for said building
The use of land for the storage or collection
or accumulation of used lumber and other used materials or for the
dumping, disposal or salvage of automobiles, scrap, iron, junk, garbage,
rubbish or other refuse or of ashes, slag or other industrial wastes
or by-products shall not be permitted in any district, except as specifically
permitted in other sections of this chapter. The dumping of dirt,
sand, rock or other material excavated from the earth is permitted
in any district, provided the surface of such material is graded within
a reasonable time in a manner preventing the collection of stagnant
water and which leaves the ground surface in a condition suitable
for the growing of turf or for other land uses permitted in the district.
Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to require
any change in the plans, construction or designated use of any building
upon which actual construction was lawfully begun prior to the adoption
of this chapter and upon which actual construction has been diligently
carried on.
No proposed plat of a new subdivision shall
hereafter be approved by either the Village Board or the Plan Commission
unless the lots within such plat equal or exceed the minimum size
and width requirements set forth in the various districts of this
chapter and unless such plat fully conforms with the Statutes of the
State of Wisconsin and the ordinances of the Village.
Essential services shall be permitted as authorized
under any franchise or that may be regulated by any law of the State
of Wisconsin or any ordinance of the Village, it being the intention
hereof to exempt such essential services from application of this
After adoption of this chapter, no lot area
shall be so reduced that the dimensions and yard requirements imposed
by this chapter cannot be met.
[Amended 11-1-2021]
In the case of a corner lot, the standards specified
for front yard and street yard setbacks for that zoning district shall
apply to those sides of the lot which abut both streets forming the
Every building hereafter erected, converted,
enlarged or structurally altered shall be located on a lot, and in
no case shall there be more than one main building or use on one lot
except as provided in specific sections of this chapter.
Every part of the required area of a yard shall be open to the sky unobstructed, except for accessory buildings and certain structures as provided in §
485-67. Maximum building height standards specified in this chapter may be modified in accordance with §
No provisions of this chapter shall be construed
to bar an action to enjoin or abate the use or occupancy of any land,
buildings or other structures as a nuisance under the appropriate
laws of the State of Wisconsin.
No land shall be used or structure erected where
the land is held unsuitable for such use or structure by the Village
Board by reason of flooding, concentrated runoff, inadequate drainage,
adverse soil or rock formation, unfavorable topography, low percolation
rate or bearing strength, erosion susceptibility, or any other feature
likely to be harmful to the health, safety, prosperity, aesthetics
and general welfare of this community. The Village Board, and the
Plan Commission when making advisory recommendations to the Village
Board, in applying the provisions of this section shall in writing
recite the particular facts upon which it bases its conclusion that
the land is not suitable for certain uses. The applicant shall have
an opportunity to present evidence contesting such unsuitability if
he so desires. Thereafter, the Board may affirm, modify, or withdraw
its determination of unsuitability.
The following requirements shall apply to home
occupation where permitted herein:
A. No persons other than members of the family residing
on the premises shall be engaged in home occupations.
B. The use of the dwelling unit for the home occupation
shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to its use for residential
purposes by its occupants, and not more than 25% of the gross floor
area of any one floor of the dwelling unit (including the basement
or cellar) shall be used in the conduct of the home occupation;
C. There shall be no change in the outside appearance
of the building or premises or other visible evidence of conduct of
such home occupation that will indicate from the exterior that the
building is being utilized in part for any purpose other than that
of a dwelling unit, except that a nameplate, not more than three square
feet in size, nonilluminated, may be permitted.
D. No home occupation shall be conducted in any accessory
building nor shall there be any exterior storage of any materials
on the premises.
E. No traffic shall be generated by such home occupation
in greater volumes than would normally be expected in a residential
neighborhood, and any need for parking generated by the conduct of
such home occupation shall be met off the street and not located in
any required yard except as herein provided.
F. No equipment or process shall be used in such home
occupation which creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors or
electrical interference detectable to normal senses off the lot. In
the case of electrical interference, no equipment or process shall
be used which creates visual or audible interference in any radio
or television receivers off the premises or causes fluctuations in
line voltage off the premises.
[Added 6-1-1992]
A. Uniform numbering system. A uniform system of numbering
properties and principal buildings is hereby adopted for use in the
Village of Cambria.
B. Assignment of numbers.
(1) All properties or parcels of land within the boundaries
of the Village of Cambria shall hereafter be identified by reference
to the uniform numbering system adopted herein, provided all existing
numbers of property and buildings not now in conformity with provisions
of this chapter shall be changed to conform to the system herein adopted
within 60 days from the date of passage of this section.
(2) All properties on the south side and properties on
the east side of the streets are even numbered. All properties on
the north side of the streets and on the west side of the streets
have odd numbers.
(3) Each principal building shall bear its house or property
number on the frontage on which the front entrance is located. In
case a principal building is occupied by more than one business or
family dwelling unit, each separate front entrance of such principal
building shall bear a separate number.
(4) Numerals indicating the official numbers for each
principal building, or each front entrance to such building, shall
be posted in a manner as to be visible from the street on which the
property is located.
Numerals shall be of a contrasting color.
Numerals shall not be less than three inches
in height.
C. Administration.
(1) The Village Clerk/Treasurer shall be responsible for
maintaining the numbering system.
(2) The Village Clerk/Treasurer shall assign a number
if the property does not have one.
D. Penalties for violations of this section shall be as provided in §
E. Numbers shall be placed where they are visible from
the public way. The numbers should also be illuminated if possible.