The lawful nonconforming use of a structure or land existing at the time of the adoption or amendment of this chapter may be continued although the use does not conform with the provisions of this chapter. However, only that portion of the land in actual use may be so continued, and the structure may not be extended, enlarged, reconstructed, substituted, moved or structurally altered except when required to do so by law or order or so as to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
Total lifetime structural repairs or alterations shall not exceed 50% of the Village's assessed value of the structure at the time of its becoming a nonconforming use unless it is permanently changed to conform to the use provisions of this chapter.
Substitution of new equipment may be permitted by the Zoning Board of Appeals if such equipment will reduce the incompatibility of the nonconforming use with the neighboring uses.
If any nonconforming use is discontinued or terminated for a period of 12 months, any future use of the structure or land shall conform to the provisions of this chapter. When a nonconforming use or structure is damaged by fire, explosion, flood, public enemy or other calamity, to the extent of more than 50% of its current assessed value, it shall not be restored except so as to comply with the use provisions of this chapter. A nonconforming structure damaged or destroyed by violent wind, vandalism, fire, flood, ice, snow, mold or infestation after March 2, 2006, may be restored in accordance with the provisions of § 62.23(7)(hc), Wis. Stats.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
The lawful nonconforming structure existing at the time of the adoption or amendment of this chapter may be continued although its size or location does not conform with the lot width, lot area, yard, height, parking and loading, and access provisions of this chapter. However, it shall not be extended, enlarged, reconstructed, moved or structurally altered except when required to do so by law or order or so as to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
Lots of record that are existing at the time of adoption of this chapter or any amendments thereof which do not meet the dimensional requirements of this chapter are designated nonconforming lots of record. Nonconforming lots of record that lack required lot area shall be allowed to be built upon in accordance with this chapter if all yard and setback requirements are provided. Two or more nonconforming abutting lots of record in single ownership at the time of passage or amendment of this chapter shall be considered to be a single undivided parcel for purposes of this chapter.
No parcel of land shall be divided or sold which does not meet the lot width and area requirements of this chapter nor shall any division of land be made which leaves remaining any lot with a width or area below the requirements of this chapter.
Once a nonconforming use or structure has been changed to conform, it shall not revert back to a nonconforming use or structure. Once the Zoning Board of Appeals has permitted the substitution of a more restricted nonconforming use for an existing nonconforming use, the substituted use shall lose its status as a legal nonconforming use and become subject to all the conditions required by the Zoning Board of Appeals.