If, by reason of shortage of supply or for the purpose of making repairs, extensions, connections, or placing of meters, or for any reason beyond the control of the Town it becomes necessary to shut off water in a main or service, the Town will not be responsible for any damages occasioned by such shutoff, and no adjustment of rates will be allowed. Notice of shutoff will be given when practicable, but nothing in this rule shall be construed as requiring the giving of such notice.
The Town will not be responsible for damage caused by discolored water or unsatisfactory water service which may be occasioned by cleaning of pipes, reservoirs or standpipes or the opening or closing of any valves or hydrants or any abnormal condition, unless caused by the lack of reasonable care on the part of the Town. The Town of North Greenbush will not be responsible for meeting unusually high water demands or unusually high quality standards for specialized or industrial customers.