No connections shall be made to a sanitary sewer which connections are intended to discharge inflow. Such prohibited connections include, but are not limited to, footing drains, roof leaders, roof drains, cellar perimeter drains, sump pumps, catch basins, uncontaminated cooling water discharges, or other sources of inflow.
The Village of Pulaski stormwater collection system, where applicable, is equipped with designated stormwater lateral pipes consisting of a four-inch diameter flexible, corrugated polyethylene (CPE) pipe equipped with end cap. Lateral pipes generally terminate at front property lines or at edge of Village stormwater drainage easements. The presence of and locations of stormwater lateral pipes may be obtained from the Superintendent. Stormwater lateral pipes are intended to accept inflow sources as defined in Article II, and are available for property owner's use in connecting inflow sources to the storm sewer system. No sanitary waste shall be connected to the stormwater lateral.
Connections which contribute inflow to the sanitary sewers shall be disconnected in accordance with Village standards, or in a fashion approved by the Superintendent, at the property owner's expense.
For properties where designated storm sewer laterals are available at the front property line, or edge of stormwater drainage easement, disconnected inflow sources shall be connected to the designated stormwater lateral. Method of connection shall be in accordance with Village standards or as otherwise approved by the Superintendent, at the property owner's expense.
Where designated stormwater laterals have not been installed, or are not accessible, disconnected inflow sources shall discharge to grade or natural drainage where available. Method and point of discharge will be reviewed and approved by the Superintendent prior to installing the disconnection.
For properties where existing inflow sources currently discharge to grade or to natural drainage, and where designated stormwater laterals are available and accessible, the property owner shall redirect the inflow source to the designated storm sewer lateral. Method of connection shall be in accordance with Village standards or as otherwise approved by the Superintendent, at the owner's expense. Where a suitable or appropriate surface discharge location is available and acceptable to the Superintendent, the Village Board may approve discharge to it in lieu of the above requirement.
Where a new connection is to be made to an existing storm sewer pipe, it shall be witnessed and approved by the Superintendent.
That the disconnection, if necessary, and reconnection or connection to the storm sewer system shall be made within 90 days of the effective date of this chapter or within 90 days of notice from the Superintendent.
Prior to such time as any property having sanitary sewer service is sold or ownership is transferred, the current owner shall notify the Superintendent of such pending sale or transfer. The Superintendent shall inspect such property for the purpose of determining if any connections which contribute inflow to the Village's sanitary sewer exist. Any such connections so identified shall be removed and remedied to the satisfaction of the Superintendent prior to such sale or transfer.
It shall be a willful violation of this chapter for any person to reconnect any inflow source which has been disconnected pursuant to this article. The Village reserves the right to periodically inspect or reinspect any property for the existence of inflow connections or sources to the sanitary sewer.
The Superintendent is enabled to take whatever action is necessary to determine the amount of inflow including the requirement for installation of a control manhole. The property from which the inflow originated shall be billed for inflow according to Article XII, however, the Village of Pulaski Board of Trustees may cause a surcharge at a rate not to exceed five times that for normal sewage volume charge.
Should it be determined that a violation of this article has occurred, the penalties and enforcement procedures set forth in Article XI of this chapter may be implemented. The terms and conditions of said article shall apply to the violations of Article XII.