Mobile home parks (MHPs) may be allowed as special permit uses in the MHP District upon the approval of a special use permit by the Planning Board. These provisions specified herein shall apply to the expansion or alteration of existing manufactured home parks as well as to the approval of new parks.
No site preparation or construction shall commence until final site plan approval has been granted by the Planning Board and permits have been issued by all governmental agencies involved.
The Planning Board shall determine that the mobile home park does not contain any prime agricultural soils as defined by the Soil Survey of the Ontario and Yates County Soil Conservation District.
Permits for the establishment and operation of an MHP shall be limited to two years in duration, whereupon renewal may be permitted upon application to the Code Enforcement Officer. The Code Enforcement Officer shall not grant renewals where violations of the provisions of this chapter pertaining to an MHP exist at the time of such application or have occurred during the year immediately preceding the application. In such case, the applicant shall appear before the Planning Board for a decision on said application.
The minimum site area of a proposed MHP shall be not less than 10 acres.
No manufactured home or other structure in an MHP shall be located within 160 feet of any public street line or within 100 feet of any other property line of the MHP, or within 100 feet from leachfields, lagoons and other facilities for sewage disposal.
Not more than one manufactured home shall be located on any manufactured home lot. Every manufactured home within an MHP shall be located on a manufactured home lot.
Each manufactured home lot shall front on an interior park roadway. An iron stake shall be located and maintained by the park owner at each corner of each manufactured home lot.
A recreation area for the use of the occupants, with adequate provisions for facilities, maintenance and supervision, shall be provided within the park. Said recreation area shall be not less than 1,000 square feet for each manufactured home lot, and in no event shall such area be less than 43,560 square feet (one acre). For expansions, all existing units would be counted. Recreation area also cannot be within 100 feet of a sewage disposal area.
Each manufactured home lot within the park shall comply with the applicable lot size, building size and setback requirements set forth in the schedule herein.
Two detached accessory buildings may be constructed on any manufactured home lot, providing the total building coverage including the manufactured home and accessory buildings does not exceed the maximum building coverage area and setbacks as specified in the West Bloomfield Zoning Schedule.[1] Buildings attached to manufactured homes may be constructed, provided they do not exceed 25% of the principal residence and they comply with all specifications in the Zoning Schedule. A zoning permit must be obtained from the Code Enforcement Officer prior to construction of any such enclosure or addition, and the application therefor must show a detailed plan of the proposed construction, showing compliance with the terms herein. Such structure must be completed or entirely removed from the manufactured home park within two months of the date of issuance of such permit.
The owner of each manufactured home shall be required to enclose the bottom portion of the manufactured home with either a skirt or enclosure within 30 days after arrival in the park.
Every roadway within a manufactured home park shall have a minimum street/pavement width of 22 feet and a minimum right-of-way width of 50 feet. Internal streets shall conform to the following standards:
Culs-de-sac shall be provided in lieu of closed-end streets and shall have a minimum diameter of 90 feet.
All streets shall be constructed of blacktop or an equivalent of the same and shall be designed, graded and leveled so as to permit the safe passage of emergency and service vehicles at a speed of 15 miles per hour.
Each street shall be named and each manufactured home lot thereon shall be given a permanent number which shall be affixed to the manufactured home, shall be no smaller than four inches, and shall be visible from the street. Prior to approval by the Town Planning Board, all proposed internal street names and numbering schemes shall be referred to the Ontario County Planning Board for approval.
All internal streets shall be illuminated from dusk to dawn with adequate lighting.
Every roadway within a manufactured home park shall be maintained in good repair and shall be open at all times reasonably possible for travel by occupants of the park and necessary fire, police, ambulance, public utility maintenance and fuel supply vehicles. The park owner shall be responsible for providing and paying the cost of such maintenance and all necessary snow removal. The provisions of this subsection shall apply to existing manufactured home parks and manufactured home parks hereafter established.
Each lot shall be no more than 500 feet from a street that is accessible from two directions.
In each manufactured home park, at least one service building shall be constructed that shall be adequate to provide for storage of all equipment, tools and materials necessary for the maintenance of the park, and all such equipment, tools and materials shall be stored within said building when they are not in use. Service buildings shall comply with the lot size, building size and setback requirements specified in Article VI herein for retail service establishments in the MU Mixed-Use District and the parking requirements specified for such establishments in § 140-123.
All manufactured home lots shall be provided with a patio of concrete at least eight feet by 20 feet and four inches in depth. Such patio shall not be used as a parking space, and no portion of the manufactured home shall be located on such patio.
Each manufactured home lot must have two off-street parking spaces. Auxiliary parking facilities shall be provided at a rate of one space per every five manufactured homes, clearly marked for additional vehicle parking, guest parking and for delivery and service vehicles. Each parking space must have a minimum of 250 square feet. No on-street parking shall be permitted. No boats, recreational vehicles, trailers or motor vehicles not designed for passengers shall be parked or stored at any place within the manufactured home park except in designated, special off-street parking areas. No unlicensed motor vehicles or trailers or parts thereof or junk of any nature or description shall be parked or stored within the manufactured home park. A minimum of 10 feet of separation shall be required between the parking area and the manufactured home.
The plan for a manufactured home park shall provide a system of fire protection approved by the fire department having jurisdiction.
An adequate supply of water shall be provided for manufactured homes, service buildings and other accessory buildings. Where public water is available, connection thereto shall be used exclusively. If a public water supply is not available, the development of a private water supply system shall be approved by the New York State Department of Health or other authorities having jurisdiction thereof.
An adequate and approved system shall be provided in all parks for conveying and disposing of sewage from manufactured homes, service buildings and other accessory facilities. Such system must be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with the New York State Public Health Law and New York State Department of Health standards and regulations. Approval by the New York State Department of Health is required before any permit may be issued.
An adequate storm drainage system shall be installed.
All public utility, electric, gas, cable television and telephone lines shall be installed underground.
The park owner shall provide for the regular collection and disposal of garbage, trash and rubbish.
Fuel supply and storage.
All manufactured home parks shall be provided with facilities for the safe storage of necessary fuels. All systems shall be installed and maintained in accordance with applicable codes and regulations governing such systems.
Natural gas installations shall be planned and installed so that all components and workmanship comply with the requirements of the American Gas Association, Inc., and conform to the requirements, inspections and approval of the utility which will supply this product.
Fuel oil systems with either common or individual supplies shall be designed, constructed, inspected and maintained in conformance with the provisions of the National Fire Protection Association, Standard 30. All fuel-oil storage tanks, whether provided as a bulk supply for a group of manufactured homes or on each individual manufactured home lot, shall be located underground and shall be supplied with permanently installed and secured piping.
Liquefied-petroleum-gas systems shall be selected, installed and maintained in compliance with the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association, Standard 58. Liquefied-petroleum-gas tanks shall be located at the rear of the manufactured home site and shall be landscaped and screened from public view.
Pedestrian walkways having a minimum width of four feet shall be provided along at least one side of all interior streets to all recreation areas, storage areas and school bus stops. A shelter shall be provided for students waiting for the school bus. The location shall coincide with school bus stop and turnaround if provided.
A landscape plan shall be prepared and carried out which will assure the Planning Board that an appropriate planting of trees and shrubs will be included in the park design, including visually screening the MHP from public roads by berms with evergreen trees and complete vegetative cover. Each lot within the MHP shall have a minimum of one tree planted and maintained by the park owner.
No manufactured home shall be located on a manufactured home lot until the roadways, sanitary sewage disposal system, water supply system and storm drainage system serving said manufactured home lot have been installed in accordance with the approved site development plan for the manufactured home park.
The following administrative requirements shall apply in the review and approval and maintenance of valid permits for manufactured home parks:
Based on information provided by the applicant, the Planning Board shall have determined that the applicant and other parties having an interest in the project are reasonably capable of developing and operating the proposed manufactured home park in compliance with the standards and conditions set forth herein.
A separate special use permit application shall be submitted for each proposed enlargement or reconstruction of a manufactured home park within the MHP District The Planning Board shall consider a proposal for a manufactured home park located on a lot adjacent to an existing manufactured home park as an application for the enlargement of the existing manufactured home park for purposes of compliance with this section.
The operator/owner of the MHP shall keep a record of and furnish a copy to the Town annually of the following:
The name and legal address of the occupant.
The manufacturer, model, age, size and license number of each manufactured home.
The name and legal address of the owner if different from occupant.
Park management shall provide for the following:
A full-time manager on the premises;
Collection of garbage and waste material;
Prevention of placement or storage of unsightly or hazardous materials;
Painting, repairing and disinfecting of all buildings;
Maintenance of records for the Health Department;
Prevention of nuisances and disclosure to proper authorities of all acts of illegal activity or disorderly conduct.