[Added 12-7-2004 by Ord. No. 285]
The Continuing Care Retirement Community Overlay District is designed to promote a campus-setting continuing care retirement community (CCRC) use on tracts of a minimum of 75 acres, as an overlay to certain portions of the PIP Planned Industrial Park District and incorporating a small area of the adjacent R-2 Residence District. Section 605 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code permits additional classifications to be made within any district for the purpose of making transitional provisions at and near boundaries of districts [Section 605(1)] and for the regulation of uses and structures at, along or near major thoroughfares, their intersections and interchanges and transportation arteries [Section 605(2)(i)]. The Township of Concord has determined that there exists a need within the Township to provide for a campus-setting CCRC use, consisting of mixed-use housing and associated services for seniors, with integrated independent apartment living, assisted living and skilled nursing alternatives, in close proximity to the retail and commercial uses located along Route 1 and to major transportation thoroughfares such as Route 1 and Route 322, in order to promote the health, safety and welfare of the community, including the easing of traffic congestion along arterial roads and the providing of housing and health-care alternatives for seniors, and to locate such CCRCs as a transitional use between the significantly higher-density commercial and retail uses along Route 1 and the nearby low-density residential housing. The overlay district is designed to provide regulations and controls relative to size, density and other area and bulk requirements.
Buildings and lots may be used or occupied for the following uses:
Uses permitted by right:
Continuing care retirement community (CCRC).
CCRC independent living units.
CCRC assisted living facilities.
CCRC skilled care nursing facilities.
Accessory uses:
CCRC accessory uses.
Off-street parking and loading.
Continuing care retirement community (CCRC). The regulations set forth in this § 210-280 shall govern continuing care retirement community (CCRC) use and development. The provisions of Article XVIII, PIP - Planned Industrial Park District and Article IV, R-2 Residence District, shall not apply to continuing care retirement community (CCRC) use and development.
Height requirements: The maximum height of any building of a continuing care retirement community (CCRC) shall be 70 feet; provided, however, that no building shall be taller than 45 feet or four stories, unless such building is set back at least 300 feet from the cartway of any public streets other than Route 1, Route 202, Route 322, Brinton Lake Road or any public street or roadway on which the CCRC has direct access.
Yard, area and density requirements:
Minimum tract size: 75 acres. Calculation of tract size for purposes of determining compliance with minimum tract size requirements shall include the gross lot area of the tract, including but not limited to areas of easement, areas of steep slope and very steep slope, areas of floodway and floodplain and floodprone areas (hereinafter "gross tract size"). The minimum tract size for development of a CCRC shall not prevent the development from proceeding in sections or stages.
Density. The maximum permitted density in a CCRC shall be 18 CCRC independent living units per gross acre of the gross tract size, calculated on a minimum of 75 acres. In addition to and in conjunction with the CCRC independent living units, the CCRC may also contain up to 0.25 units or beds in the CCRC assisted living facilities and the CCRC skilled nursing facilities for each approved CCRC independent living unit in the CCRC.
Impervious coverage. CCRCs shall be designed so that total impervious coverage shall not exceed 40% of the gross tract size.
Maximum building coverage. CCRCs shall be designed so that building coverage shall not exceed 15% of the gross tract size.
Minimum front yard: 55 feet.
Minimum side yard: 85 feet.
Minimum rear yard: 120 feet.
Special setback applicable to buildings containing residential units adjacent to Township roads. All buildings containing CCRC independent living units shall be set back at least 200 feet from the cartway of any public road other than U.S. Route 1, Route 322, Brinton Lake Road or any public street or roadway on which the CCRC has direct access.
Special design standards; open space. Special conditions. The following design criteria shall apply to CCRCs, and to the extent a particular matter is not addressed specifically below, CCRCs shall also be subject to other standards generally applicable to all zoning districts pursuant to other provisions of the Concord Township Zoning and/or Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance:
Distance between buildings. All principal building structures shall be set back at least 25 feet from other principal structures. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all buildings may be connected by covered/enclosed walkways within the areas separating principal buildings.
Parking and loading requirements applicable to CCRC uses. The total required minimum number of parking spaces shall be 1.1 parking spaces per CCRC independent living unit, which requirement shall be inclusive of all staff, resident and visitor parking and inclusive of CCRC assisted living facilities and CCRC skilled care nursing facilities within the CCRC. The required number of loading spaces shall be one per community building over 40,000 square feet.
All campus signs are subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors at the time of final plan approval.