Minimum on-site parking requirements.
The Parking Schedule included in this article[1] lists the number of off-street parking spaces which shall be provided and satisfactorily maintained by the owner of each building which is erected, enlarged, moved, altered or receives a certificate of occupancy after the date this article becomes effective.
Editor's Note: The Parking Schedule is located at the end of this chapter.
The requirements of this article do not limit more restrictive requirements which may be established in connection with a permit, approval or variance issued by the Village Board, Planning Board or Board of Zoning Appeals.
The requirements for a combination use made up of several component uses shall be determined by establishing the requirement for each component use from the schedule of such requirements and adding them together. Shared parking shall be permitted if there is a variation in the probable time of maximum usage between the component uses.
Construction design and specifications for off-street parking.
Size of parking spaces and aisles.
Where vehicles park perpendicular or at a right angle to a barrier curb, parking spaces shall be nine feet by 19 feet with an aisle width of 23 feet and 10 feet by 19 feet with an aisle width of 20 feet.
Parallel stalls shall be nine feet by 23 feet with end stalls being nine feet by 25 feet.
Where appropriate, the Planning Board may determine that a portion of parking area up to a maximum of 25% may be designed to accommodate small cars with spaces of eight feet by 18 feet.
Other parking angles and aisle widths may be provided as the Planning Board may deem adequate and safe. In all cases, parking layouts shall be designed so that each space can be safely used by a reasonable and prudent driver.
[Amended 2-1-1996 by L.L. No. 2-1996]
Handicapped parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with ANSI 117.1, ADA and any other applicable regulations.
Parking lots shall be improved in accordance with the Village construction standards,[2] including paving, curbing, sidewalks, curb cuts and driveways. The Planning Board may consider temporary relaxation of paving requirements. Concurrent with this waiver, applicants shall file covenants running with the land to the effect that if the unpaved parking areas are necessary in the future, they shall be installed upon notification by the Planning Board.
[Amended 2-1-1996 by L.L. No. 2-1996]
Editor's Note: The Village construction standards are on file in the office of the Village Clerk.
When an applicant determines that the required off-street parking is in excess of the demand generation of the use or building being proposed, the Planning Board may reduce the extent of parking area to be improved. The Planning Board shall consider relaxation of parking requirements in the following manner:
[Amended 2-1-1996 by L.L. No. 2-1996]
Up to 25% relaxation of required parking shall be considered by the Planning Board.
Over 25% relaxation of parking shall be considered by the Planning Board after public hearing before the Planning Board in the manner prescribed by law.
In nonresidential districts, when a building is to be expanded or altered so as to increase the gross floor area or the use of a building is changed to a more intensive use, parking in accord with the current parking schedule shall be provided and additional requirements may be imposed.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, parking shall be permitted as an accessory use on a parcel or lot, even if no principal use or structure is located on said parcel or lot, provided all of the following requirements are met:
[Added 7-30-2019 by L.L. No. 1-2019]
The purpose of the proposed parking area is to service a principal use or structure, permitted within the zoning district, located on a separate parcel or lot located no more than 0.5 mile from the proposed parking area, as measured by a straight line from the closest points of the boundaries of the two lots;
The purpose of the proposed parking area is to service a principal use or structure, permitted within the zoning district, located on a separate parcel or lot located no more than 0.5 mile from the proposed parking area, as measured by a straight line from the closest points of the boundaries of the two lots;
The applicant records a restrictive covenant (or other legal mechanism as approved by the Board of Trustees) that provides that the parcel or lot with the proposed parking may not be sold separate and apart from the parcel or lot with the principal use to be serviced by the parking area, except with written consent of the Village. The restrictive covenant will be for the benefit of the Village and shall be enforceable by the Village. Any applicable approvals shall be granted upon this condition, and the applicant shall have 30 days from the start of construction to complete this requirement.