Tents shall be permitted in residential districts only as an accessory use and only in conformity with the regulations set forth herein.
No tent or combination of tents totaling an excess of 120 square feet in area shall be erected or maintained in any residential district without obtaining a tent permit from the Village Board.
No tent or tents for which a permit is required shall be erected or maintained in any residential use district for a period of time in excess of 72 hours.
No tent or combination of tents totaling an excess of 200 square feet in area shall be maintained in any use district (other than residential) without obtaining a tent permit from the Village Board. This subsection shall not apply to tents which are located in other than residential districts and which are accessory to and no larger in total area than the permanent principal structure located on the same parcel as the tent.
Tents located in other than residential districts shall be a minimum of 200 feet from the nearest residence.
There shall be, within a reasonable distance from the tent, one off-street parking space for every 50 square feet of area occupied by the tent or tents.
No noise emanating from any activity occurring in or at the tents shall be audible more than 500 feet into the nearest residential area.
No tent requiring a permit pursuant to this section shall be erected or maintained for a period of time in excess of 14 days.
[Amended 2-1-1996 by L.L. No. 2-1996]
All tents in excess of 120 square feet shall comply with all federal, state and Village building, fire and electrical codes.
If the tent is to be used as a place of public assembly, then a public assembly permit shall also be obtained.
The fee for a tent permit shall be in accordance with the Village fee schedule.[1]
Editor's Note: The Village fee schedule is on file in the office of the Village Clerk.