[Added 11-19-1973]
A tennis court complying with the provisions of this Article shall only be permitted in a residential district as an accessory use to a dwelling for the residents of such dwelling and their guests.
For the purpose of this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The entire surface, both inside and outside, of any marked court area where the game of tennis is played, and shall also include the central net and any adjacent fencing, walls, screening or other surface which limits the movement of tennis balls.
No tennis court shall be constructed unless a building permit shall be issued by the Building Inspector. Every application for a permit shall be accompanied by a dimensioned site plan, drawn to scale and showing locations of all details, duly certified by a licensed professional engineer or architect, which site plan shall have been submitted to and approved by the Planning Board.
Tennis courts shall be constructed only in the rear yard of a dwelling and shall be located entirely within the setback limits of the district, but shall not, in any event, be located closer than 20 feet to the nearest property line.
Every tennis court shall be enclosed by a fence of a design approved by the Planning Board and Building Inspector.
Notwithstanding the provisions of § 105-187, such fence may be not less than four feet but not more than 10 feet in height, subject to the site approval of the Planning Board.
Nothing herein shall be deemed to permit any type of cover or enclosure over a tennis court.
All tennis courts shall be completely screened from adjoining properties by a living screen of coniferous trees. Said trees shall be of a height, when planted, not less than two feet below the top of the adjacent fence and shall be planted five feet in centers and not more than 10 feet away from the fence surrounding the tennis court, on all sides of the court not facing the dwelling on the same lot. Said coniferous screening shall consist of Canadian hemlock, or an alternate approved by the Planning Board, and shall be maintained so long as the tennis court remains in existence.
The height of the playing surface of the tennis court shall not be above the existing mean level of the ground immediately surrounding the tennis court area prior to construction of the tennis court.
No tennis court shall be constructed or maintained so as to permit any drainage water to flow onto adjoining properties.
The use of lights to allow play after dark is prohibited.
The use of a tennis court before 8:00 a.m. or after sunset is prohibited.