[Adopted 10-19-1987]
These regulations and specifications shall be known and may be cited as "Lake City Borough Specifications for Road, Street and Storm Sewer Construction."
The purpose of these specifications is to supplement the Lake City Borough Subdivision Regulations by providing standards for road, street and storm sewer construction. It is the intent of these specifications to help provide guidelines for road and street design and construction in Lake City Borough. All roads and streets hereinafter opened and constructed for public travel within Lake City Borough shall be laid out and constructed in accordance with these specifications.
Roads and streets shall be classified, laid out, designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Lake City Borough Subdivision Regulations.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 57, Subdivision and Land Development.
The requirements of the Lake City Borough Subdivision Regulations, applicable sections of PennDOT Publication No. 70 dated April, 1983 and entitled "Guidelines For Design Of Local Roads and Streets," plus applicable sections of PennDOT Design Manual 2, "Highway Design" and PennDOT Publication 408 shall be utilized in designing roads and streets in Lake City Borough, and are hereby made part of these specifications. In the event that a conflict should occur, the Lake City Borough Subdivision Regulations shall take precedence. All construction methods and materials shall be in accordance with PennDOT Form 408 specifications, latest edition.
As required by the Lake City Borough Subdivision Regulations, the design details of roads and streets shall be in accordance with these specifications. Construction plans and specifications must be submitted by proposed subdividers or developers to the borough for review by its Engineer.
Subgrade. The subgrade shall be prepared in accordance with PennDOT Form 408, Section 210. A sufficient number of test pits or borings shall be made to become familiar with the type of subgrade material which will be encountered. If requested by the borough, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests at the rate of one test per every 200 lineal foot of roadway must be performed. Unsuitable material, as specified in Chapter 57, Subdivision and Land Development, shall be removed and replaced.
Subbase. The subbase shall be designed in accordance with Chapter 57, Subdivision and Land Development. The ordinance requires a minimum six-inch subbase. The thickness must be increased if required by anticipated loadings and design requirements.
Base and surface. The pavement base and surface courses shall be designed in accordance with the Pavement Design Guidelines found in PennDOT Publication 70. A revised copy of those guidelines is included as Table I below. It must be pointed out that these are minimum requirements. In most cases, streets located in residential, low-volume areas shall be designed to "Local Access" standards. However, there may be circumstances in which a higher street classification is required. Such circumstances may include projections for high traffic volume, a high percentage of truck traffic or weak subgrades which may require a higher grade of pavement. The borough may require a higher classification of street if it decides it is so warranted.
A pavement different from those found in Table I may be approved, provided that it is designed in accordance with PennDOT Design Manual 21 Highway Design Chapter II, Pavement Design, and the pavement is approved by the Borough Engineer and Council. The design must be done by a Pennsylvania registered professional engineer and submitted to the borough for review and approval. The following minimum design criteria shall be used unless the use of other values are either ordered or allowed by the borough:
% Trucks
Table I
Pavement Design Guidelines
(Minimum Depths)
Functional Classification
Pavement Alternates
P.C.C. (inches)
Subbase (inches)
R.C.C. (inches)
Subbase (inches)
ID-2 (inches)
3 1/2
3 1/2
3 1/2
CABC, CABC-DG (inches)
Subbase (inches)
ID-2 (inches)
3 1/2
3 /2
3 1/2
Agg-Cem or
A-L-P (inches)
Subbase (inches)
ID-2 (inches)
1 1/2
3 1/2
3 1/2
BCBC (inches)
4 1/2
Subbase (inches)
ID-2 (inches)
1 1/2
3 /2
3 1/2
Agg B BC (inches)
Subbase (inches)
Bituminous Surface
Treatment (Section 480)
Subbase (inches)
 — Plain Cement Concrete
 — Reinforced Cement Concrete
 — Crushed Aggregate Base Course
 — Crushed Aggregate Base Course - Dense Graded
 — Aggregate - Lime - Pozzolan
 — Bituminous Concrete Base Course
 — Plain Cement Concrete Base Course
All components of the pavement structure are to be in accordance with PDT Publication 408. The coarse aggregate used in bituminous wearing course shall meet the Skid Resistance Level (SRL) letter designation based an the Daily Traffic as required by the current Pennsylvania Department of Transportation directive.
Refer to DM-2, Chapter 11 for additional information on pavement design.
Base drains. Pavement base drains shall be laid along the entire length of all streets. They shall be designed to provide for drainage of water from the pavement base and subbase. They shall be designed to run along both sides of the street.
Blind drains. Blind drains shall be installed at intervals and locations as determined by the Borough Engineer. The blind drains shall be installed to drain into the base drains and intersect the base drains at approximately forty-five-degree angles.
General. There may be areas of the borough consisting of naturally well-drained gravel where the subdrainage requirements may be relaxed. Such cases will be reviewed by the Borough Engineer upon written request. Any other proposed deviations to these requirements must be reviewed and approved by the borough.
Storm drainage.
General. All roadway plans must include facilities for handling stormwater and shall be in compliance with the requirements of Chapter 57, Subdivision and Land Development. All stormwater facilities are subject to the review and approval of the borough.
Design. All facilities, unless otherwise specified, shall be designed to handle runoff from a five-year storm without ponding or backup. Facilities of a major nature such as road culverts or facilities as may be specified by the borough shall be designed to handle, at a minimum, runoff from a twenty-five-year-frequency event. In situations where flooding may cause hazardous situations, result in loss of life or property or otherwise be unacceptable, the borough may require design for fifty- or one-hundred-year events. Design procedures must follow methods generally accepted as being sound engineering practice. Obscure or unusual design procedures will not be acceptable unless their use can be justified to the satisfaction of the Borough Engineer. All designs for new facilities must be performed by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Pennsylvania and experienced in the design of stormwater facilities. Exceptions to this requirement would only apply to the extension of existing facilities the design of which would not require independent engineering judgment.
General. Unless otherwise specified herein, all construction methods shall comply with the requirements of the latest edition of PennDOT Publication 408.
Roadway. The roadway shall be cleared in accordance with the construction requirements of PennDOT Publication 408, Section 201. In addition, if plans call for the construction of sidewalks, sufficient width shall also be cleared for their construction.
Follow the construction requirements, as supplemented herein, of PennDOT Publication 408, Section 210. The subgrade shall be shaped and graded to a minimum width of the pavement plus two feet.
In areas of fill, material shall be placed in lifts not exceeding eight inches loose depth. Material used and construction requirements shall comply with the Requirements for Embankment as per Publication 408, Section 206.
The prepared subgrade shall be protected from damage due to trucks or any other source and, if damage does occur, must be satisfactorily reshaped and compacted prior to placement of the subbase. Subdrains and any other buried utility must be installed prior to placement of the subbase.
Subbase. The subbase shall be constructed in accordance with PennDOT Publication 408, Section 350. It shall have a minimum thickness of six inches compacted depth. If, for any reason, the cross slope of the subbase differs from that of the subgrade, the subbase must be six inches compacted depth at the thinnest point, and thicker as necessary.
Base and surface.
The base and surface courses must be constructed in accordance with the applicable sections of PennDOT Publication 408. Materials used shall also comply with the applicable sections of Publication 408.
The base course shall have been in place for a minimum of one year before placement of the surface course. The borough shall be notified prior to installation of the surface course to arrange for an inspection. If required by the borough, a tack coat immediately followed by a scratch or leveling course shall be installed. If the surface is not installed immediately following the scratch or leveling course, an additional tack coat will be required before so doing. The surface course shall be constructed of materials and in a manner in accordance with the applicable sections of PennDOT Publication 408. The wearing course shall have a minimum compacted depth of 11/2 inch. Binder courses, if used, shall be constructed in lifts from two inches minimum to four inches maximum compacted thickness.
Subdrainage. Subdrainage facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable sections of PennDOT Publication 408 and PennDOT Publication 721, "Roadway Construction Standards," RC-30. In general, the subdrain shall be built as follows: After the subgrade has been shaped, the subdrain will be installed. The trench for the subdrain will be a minimum of 15 inches wide and be dug to a minimum depth of 30 inches below the bottom of the subbase where possible. A layer of No. 57 in stone in accordance with the gradation requirements as specified by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Publication 408, Section 703.2, will be placed to a depth of the three inches in the bottom of the trench and six-inch corrugated metal pipe laid in the center of the trench. The entire trench to the top of the subgrade will be filled with No. 57 stone. Care must be taken to assure that the stone in the sub or side drain remains clean and in good contact with the stone or gravel in the subbase. Subdrains shall generally empty into storm sewer catch basins or manholes and shall enter at or above the spring line of the main storm sewer line at that location. The specified depth of subdrain may have to be modified at and near such catch basins and manholes, but will be brought to specified depths as quickly as practicable. Blind drains shall be a minimum of 12 inches wide and a depth of from 12 inches minimum to 21 inches maximum at the point where they intersect the subdrain. Blind drains shall be filled with No. 57 stone aggregate.
Storm drainage construction plans submitted to the borough must include all items relative to the construction of storm drainage facilities.
Materials. All materials shall be furnished by an established and reputable supplier or manufacturer. All materials shall be guaranteed to perform the service required and shall conform with the following specifications or shall be a product similar and equal thereto as approved by the Engineer. Pipe shall conform to the proper ASTM Specifications and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Publication 408, and shall be subject to approval by the Engineer. The following types of pipe are approved for use in Lake City Borough:
Reinforced concrete. Pipe (RCP), Class IV, ASTM C-76 or C-507.
Coated corrugated galvanized steel pipe, Class I, Type C (10 mil asphalt coating inside and outside).
Corrugated aluminized steel pipe, AASHTO M36. Concrete used for encasements, manhole bases and backfill shall be ready-mixed cement concrete designed for 3,300 psi compressive strength after 28 days and shall meet all the requirements for Class A concrete as specified in Section 704 of PennDOT Publication 408. Mortar used for manholes, catch basins and pipe joints shall be machine-mixed in an acceptable manner at the site by the contractor and shall consist of one part Portland cement and 21/2 parts fine aggregate by volume. Water or other components shall not be introduced into this mix after removal from the mixer. Select backfill material used for trench backfill shall consist of a well-graded crushed or bank-run gravel in accordance with the following specification and should be free of any deleterious matter.
Select Backfill Gradation Requirements
Sieve Size
Percent Passing By Weight
No. 4
15% to 60%
No. 100
10% to 35%
No. 200
5% to 20%
The contractor shall do all excavation of whatever substance encountered to the depth required to install the sewer to the lines and grades. The banks of the trench shall be vertical. Width of the trench allowed shall be 12 inches on each side of the pipe bell. Excavated material not suitable or not required for fill or backfill shall be removed from the site and disposed of.
Excavation for manholes and catch basins shall allow for only 24 inches of clearance an all sides.
Excavation shall not be carried below the required level. Excess excavation shall be backfilled with sand, gravel or concrete, as directed by the Engineer, and thoroughly tamped.
Unstable soil shall be removed and replaced with approved backfill of gravel, crushed stone or crushed slag, which shall be thoroughly tamped. The Engineer shall determine the depth of removal of the unstable soil.
Water which has accumulated in the excavation shall be removed by pumping or other means approved by the Engineer. In rock, excavation shall be carried to eight inches below the bottom of the pipe and select material shall be used to establish the proper grade. This material shall be as stated in the materials section. The bottom of the trench shall be rounded so that an arc of the circumference equal to 0.6 of the outside diameter of the pipe rests on undisturbed soil. Bell holes shall be excavated accurately to size by hand.
Laying of pipe. All sewers shall be laid true to line and grade. The sections of the pipe shall be laid and fitted together so that when completed, the sewer will have a smooth and uniform invert. The pipe shall be kept thoroughly clean so that jointing compounds will adhere. Each pipe shall be inspected for defects before being lowered into the trench, and if defects are found even after laying of the pipe is completed, it shall be removed and replaced with a new pipe. No water shall be allowed in the trench while pipes are being laid, and the exposed end shall be capped if left in trench for more than one hour without installing the next section. No more than 100 feet of trench shall be opened in advance of pipe laying unless permitted by the Engineer. The interior of the sewer shall be kept cleared of all dirt as the work progresses. Pipe shall be laid in the trench beginning at the outlet end and proceed upgrade. The bell or groove end shall be laid upgrade. The pipe alignment and grade shall be controlled with suitable string lines, electronic laser beam or other acceptable method. If a laser is used, the grade shall be checked every 50 feet.
No sewers shall be backfilled above the top of the pipe until the sewer elevations, gradient, alignment and the pipe joints have been checked, inspected and approved. No heavy rock or boulders more than six inches in diameter will be allowed within three feet of the pipe, and no stones over 11/2 inches in diameter will be allowed in the first 18 inches of the backfill. No frozen material shall be used in backfilling.
All pipe located within the roadway or under sidewalks shall be backfilled with select material. The material shall be placed in eight-inch lifts and compacted with mechanical equipment to a minimum compaction of 95% maximum density as determined by the standard proctor density test (ASTM D698-78).
The space between the pipe and the side of the trench shall be backfilled in four-inch layers and thoroughly mechanically tamped until a height of one foot above the pipe is reached, and then layers of six inches will be allowed before the tamping is performed. Backfill around manholes and catch basins shall be done after all forms, debris and trash are removed and cleared away. Suitable material as for trench backfilling shall be placed symmetrically on all sides in eight-inch layers. When excavated material is not satisfactory for backfill, special backfill material shall be secured to use in backfilling operations. All surplus material, unsatisfactory material, earth, rubbish or other debris shall be hauled away from the site and disposed of.
Manholes shall be precast reinforced concrete construction with aluminum or plastic coated manhole steps and O-ring rubber gaskets. Precast manholes shall meet or exceed ASTM Specification C-478. Eccentric cone top sections shall be used unless a variance or waiver is furnished, in writing, by the Engineer.
A poured-in-place eight-inch concrete base of Class A concrete, as noted in the materials section, shall be constructed as a leveling pad before the precast manhole can be placed.
The contractor may, upon written request and written approval of the Engineer, construct brick or block manholes. All bricks and blacks shall conform to accepted standards and shall be new and clean. The brick shall conform to ASTM Specifications C-32, and the block shall conform to ASTM Specification C-139. Manhole frames and covers shall be equal to Allegany Foundry Co., frame pattern 650 and cover pattern 651. The frame casting and cover casting shall have the metal bearing areas that come in contact machine ground to fix-in pairs, shall be marked as pairs and shall be delivered in pairs.
Inlets. Inlets shall be precast or of brick and/or block construction. All bricks and blocks shall conform to accepted standards and shall be new and clean. Inlets, frames, and grates shall be PennDOT Type C, Type S or Type M or approved equals.
The Borough Engineer shall be allowed access to the construction area at all times for the purpose of inspection. The Engineer must be notified at the following times during construction:
Before placing the road subbase.
Before placing the road base course.
Before placing the surface course.
Before laying and before backfilling storm sewers.
At completion of all improvements.
A minimum of 72 hours' prior notification is required to allow for inspection.
Testing. All testing specified herein shall be done at no cost to the borough. These testing requirements are intended to supplement the testing requirements specified in the applicable sections of PennDOT Publication 408, latest edition. These requirements do not relieve the developer or contractor from complying with the applicable sections of Publication 408.
The compacted subgrade shall have in place density testing performed at an average spacing of 100 feet along the roadway. Additional tests will be performed at locations suspected of containing inadequate compaction.
Tests shall be performed by personnel familiar with and thoroughly competent in the performance of the density test.
Tests shall be performed in the presence of a representative of the borough.
Asphalt paving: mix certification shall be supplied for all asphalt materials.
Cement concrete: complete mix design shall be submitted prior to placing any concrete. In addition, the contractor shall perform an entrained-air-content test and slump test in the presence of a borough representative before placing any concrete. These tests shall be performed on each batch of concrete delivered. A minimum of two concrete cylinders shall be obtained at intervals as requested by the borough. At a minimum, this would be at the start of work, midday through the work, and at the end of the workday, for a total of six cylinders. This does not prohibit the borough from requiring additional cylinders should it deem it necessary. The cylinders must be stored on the site in similar conditions as the placed concrete. The cylinders shall then be tested at an approved testing laboratory.